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Everything posted by raz

  1. Not worth the stress of ruining a decent head of hair. The best thing to do with PETA propaganda is to keep it in the bathroom in the event you ever run out of toilet paper. It has to be useful for something.
  2. PETA bullshit is always good for an early morning laugh.
  3. I think it does. First time poster on a dog forum resurrecting a human worming thread from 2 years ago, and takes the opportunity to add a link. What's in the link? Trojans? Advertising?
  4. Sardines? The very mention of the word here sends the dogs into a frenzy.
  5. Poor little guy. I'd be shooting a pm off to puggles but not sure if she's away at the mo or not varicool. Not having a great deal of experience with it all I can suggest is keeping him pretty quiet on hot days but I'll await further advice from puggles today or your vet tomorrow.
  6. Thanks heaps Campbela and Hesa. HuntinHound sent me a list yesterday as well. I'd like to give this a go.
  7. Once again I'll leave this for puggles to confirm or correct but I think meds are only an option for frequent and/or serious seizures, Varicool. At this point in time my bloke wont be going on medication. He's only had a few and vet said they're petit mal so they certainly arent causing him a huge problem. It's probably more a problem for his humans watching him when he's having one. Poor little bugger but as Puggles mentioned with her guy, they just get up and carry on as if nothing happened.
  8. Puggles might confirm this for me but after only 2 seizures I wouldnt be putting a dog on epilepsy medication, varicool. Ofcourse discuss it with your vet. My dog would have to be having pretty regular episodes before I'd consider the meds, but Puggles is definitely the person to discuss that with. She was a great help for me last time my boy had one.
  9. You forgot the rest of that sentence, Diamond, and I think that last bit is very important. Cheers.
  10. Sorry Zorro - Herpetologists. Snake breeders. Herper for short.
  11. What's the problem? Puggles has indepth knowledge of seizures in dogs. I cant see any assumption in her post - it's an example. No worse than the example I gave of snake venom having the potential to lead to seizures.
  12. Snake venom can bring it on - which is the likeliest case for my little bloke, according to the vets (and not the vets who immunise him) and some herpers I know.
  13. Same thing happens to one of my dogs. It's really frightening, isnt it, Cobey. Maybe PM Cordelia or Puggles.
  14. Just read this thread after seeing the link in Dol Awards thread.
  15. Well that sure convinces me I dont want to be a terrorist in France. What an amazing vid.
  16. Ummm....why are you pretending to eat her food?
  17. Silverblue my Sil's cocker had mouth cancer and had a huge amount of jaw removed. That was 3 years ago and he's still the same old larrikin. Fingers crossed for you.
  18. ;) ohgod Frank's a bright spark isnt he? An old friend of mine ran the huskies in antarctica. One night he woke to blood curdling screams and ran outside to find one of the puppies had decided to lick the blade on the snow plough. Same thing - 'Oh Look...Frost'
  19. :D Have they seen Dumb and Dumber, Steve? 'Oh look...frost'
  20. I dont think she does either. She's totally irresponsible. Good for you P-L for trying to train them. Your sister needs a damn wake up call though.
  21. This is a great idea. It works equally well in winter for humans to find out if metal is frozen as well.
  22. Awesome. So now we're all clear I'll say this: You're opinion is shit! But that's OK because you said in your first post in this pontificating bloody thread that if someone thought your opinion was shit that is OK. I also think you're a sanctimonious little turd who admitted you didnt read a thing about dogs until you were given Jefe. When was that dear boy?
  23. It seems you've taught me well old chap. Good work
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