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Everything posted by raz

  1. Homoeopaths do not 'cure' any disease - if a homoeopath tells you they can - run a mile. If he's dealing with a homoeopath who specialises in homoeo-immunisation, he's probably quite correct.
  2. CM I've got a tiny pug, and with the breeder's advice we decided it was best she was about as big as she was going to get before we had her desexed. Maybe have a chat to your breeder and see what he/she suggests.
  3. Absolutely but once the hadron converter goes off we'll be in a chronosynclasticinfundibulum - W00t W00t. no more time difference.
  4. I have no idea. I just like seeing puppy pics. Am I happy? Sure - the world hasnt ended today (yet) as promised.
  5. I doubt she's concerned about the breeder, or any breeder for that matter, Janba. She doesnt like registered breeders and refuses to ever deal with them. Maybe that's why people are asking questions? Oh well - looking forward to piccies of the scruffer.
  6. It's mandatory to post pics of new puppies.
  7. I'm so sorry Feef. Big hugs for you and Dany
  8. They are an intelligent breed and definitely not slow on the uptake. They've got you both where they want you! Obedience classes for all of you.
  9. I think you're right, Cal. My dog is older plus he was a milk truck about to hit a brick wall because I have a bitch in season. The $235 included antibiotics and pain killers. I didnt actually think it was expensive but I certainly wont be going to Nekhbet's clinic if they charge that much for an adult dog.
  10. I've just dropped my boy off for the snip snip. $235 for dogs upto 15k.
  11. OKies so I got my terms wrong. Sorry. Excuse the lay person. Should have read - heavy duty drug.
  12. I didnt know dogs could get it but yes - it does recur if not treated by heavy duty antibiotics.
  13. My inlaws neighbour stupidly backyard bred a litter of staffies - ending up costing them about 6 grand and all the pups died anyway. Fools.
  14. raz


    Big hugs, Pokes. Go chase bunnies at the bridge, Cheyanne. I'll miss stories about your antics.
  15. Thanks Huski and Mika. You learn something new every day.
  16. Ahh rightyo. Thanks silverblue.
  17. Out of curiosity, how does a dog get desexed like a bitch?
  18. Why is he being xrayed at his checkup? Didnt the emergency vets already take an xray? If so they can just listen to his lungs to hear if there is still fluid on them.
  19. That's a brag if ever I saw one! Too late - Lolly Bag has gone to heaven
  20. Wow. I had no idea that even a small amount could affect some dogs. Surely the amount in baby food would be negligable (although I dont feed baby food to my dogs)
  21. Hi Cooperblue. Pancake was in hospital for a few days in an oxygen cage. Came home and was on the antibiotics. Went back to the vet for a routine weekly checkup after being in Emergency and temp raced up to 40. Got home and had to race her back an hour or two later with a relapse. Antibiotics have helped but she still has an echo in her lungs. Goodluck. Bloody horrible when they go down so fast, isnt it.
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