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Everything posted by Jaanka
Oh My. Was the attacker dogs owner there? what did they say? Did your beloved pooch require a vet visit. I hope that he doesn't get too much of a fright form this nasty incident
hmmmm lulling you into a false sense of security before her next big attack session of puppy doom??? lol but seriously thats great to hear that your nephews were able to play with her without being bowled over.
I wasn't planning on getting him desexed at 10 weeks - perhaps I shoul dhave made that clear, I was merely wondering if it was ok to get him done at say 4 months instead of 6. Poodlefan, he is a Blue Heeler x, and I am hoping to get into agility with him. Like I said i wanted to know how young is to young, I am not planning on desexing him yet; I know that he needs to mature as much as possible before desexing and I am aware that desexing will not get stop the humping issue entirely either.
Frodo is all ove 10 weeks old as I stated in my previous post - he is starting to hump Holly on a daily basis. Whilst I believe it is a dominance play atm - i think it is just a sign of things to come. I was talking to the hubby and we were wondering when is the earliest we can neuter the little man; cause we know this will help in the long term. I realise that once we start puppy preschool and obediance training it will help me with him as well.
I think that book will be on top of the shopping list this week. I knowwhat you mean Carli, I don't know how my 2 older dogs put up with Frodo, he jumps up all over them, bites them tries to boss them around and they just put up with him to an extent. Though this past week i have seen them growling at him when he gets a little too pushy.
He may have a stone bruise, as in stepped on a sharp stone and bruised the pads on his paw. To be on the safe side, perhaps a trip to the vet to make sure that nothing sinister is lurking.
I had forgotten how headstrong Blue Heeler pups can be. Holly was 6 months old when we got her from the RSPCA and already had basic obedience. Frodo on the other hand, wow. :rolleyes: He does not like being reprimanded when he is trying to bite, and does like to push the boundaries of what he can and can't do - which is of course typical puppy stuff but man when he wants something nothing is goign to stop him. He is so vocal too - much more than the 2 girls - its kind of cute but something we obviously don't want to encourage - other than to teach speak at a later time. Fortunately when given a task, and learning new things he puts his mind to it and is willing to please and will do just about anything for a shmacko treat. Right now his favorite chew toys are my shoes - not my husbands, but mine and the dustpan and brush set in the kitchen. He is about 10 weeks old now...i can only imagine what trouble he will get into as he gets older. I cant wait till he gets vaccinated and we can start puppy preschool
I am so proud of my little boy! We are only having about 1-2 accidents in the house and they are always my fault as I don't take him outside to go potty in time. He is learning the term "Go potty" really well. Its so encouraging to see him wake up and trot outside and go potty on his own though - i always follow him out and give him lots of praise and a treat to make sure that I am reinforcing this behaviour. I have started leash training over the past few days just before dinner, basically I put the lead on his collar and walk around the house as he walks comfortably he gets lots of praise and a treat. We have also started working on the command come - and taking slow baby steps but he is happily running towards me when I say Frodo come. Working on Sit as well, he is asked to sit before each meal and each treat, he has to earn his food; all our dogs do. He is eager to please and I can't wait to teach him more as he grows.
BP and Frodo having a serious play session
Here are a couple of videos of Holly and BP down at the Swan River in Perth. This is wehre they go for their daily walks.