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Smithies Rule

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Everything posted by Smithies Rule

  1. Hi Walking backwards takes no time at all. Have your dog in a stand in front of you & take a small step into them, click as they step back & reward in between their front legs. As the dog starts to do bigger steps you do not move off your spot & you throw the food between the dogs front legs so that it has to step back to get the food & you click as it does this. Good luck Smithies Rule ps, there is also crawling, weave between your legs, figure 8 between your legs, get dog to bow - these can all be done using a target stick.
  2. Thanks Shoemonster We had gone way past that & were having other issues - I have now got lots of help off an agility list & am now proofing the trick. But thanks for your help
  3. Hi all Can someone help me on how to get started in teaching my pup how to say his prayers. I am trying to teach him a trick a week. Any help would be appreciated
  4. Hi When I quietened my BC down with very few barks in the ring - I lost all the speed. Gave him back his bark & at 9 1/2 he is still as fast as he ever was. My BC goes feral - just feral if my handling is off. He really tells me off, where, where are you trying to navigate me to - show me!!!! My older dog retired last year at 12 1/2. He stopped barking & that told me he was only doing it because I asked him to do it. So barking versus no barking in the ring..... IMHO if the dog is a natural barker with excitement, that is what you have. My third dog does not bark in the ring and I have to say, what a joy she is to run... she just puts up with my bad handling. I think my pup is going to be a barker. Oh no, but I think true. But you know, none of my dogs bark in the obedience ring.
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