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Gaz & Kaz

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  1. Stitch, I can imagain what you are going through. I have been jumping through hoops for a year now. My boy was diagnoised in May with IBD via a scan. He has been on a diet of cooked chicken and rice with vitamins and extras. It is very time consuming and I have always been a avid raw feeder. I too find the vets just want to sell commercial kibble. I have done extensive reaserach and have asked many a vet but have come to the conclusion that if the kibble is going to work, well that is that!!! After purcahing all the ingredients and cooking it it is cheaper to buy the RC Hypoallergenic. I'm currenlty trying to change him over from the cooked chicken and rice receipt to RC Hypo. I do have a problem that it has fish oil in it as he came back with a allergy to Potatoes, Carrots, Fix Mix, Turkey, Brewers Yeast and Wheat. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that it agrees with his system. As I said he was on this cooked chicken and rice diet but he was still having very bad runny and smelly poo's. I got one tested and it came back with heaps of bacteria and now he is on Flagyl and weaning of his Macrolone. It is a long road to recovery or control and I take my hat off to those people that see their beloved pets through this long process. I just hope that you can find a kibble that agrees with your dog's stomach. I can always forward my receipt to you if you wish.
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