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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Three tried and trusted remedies for basic eye infections/irriations: Saline (salt mixed with boiled water, cooled) Stong cold black tea - wipe eyes with a cotton ball dunked in the tea. Colloidal silver - excellent for many many uses, ears, eyes, general health. Available from health food stores and chemists.
  2. I'm with you Cavandra. I'm on another forum - nznaturaldogs - Jean Dodds visited NZ last year and opened a lot of peoples eyes and minds (including vets) with regards to thyroid issues and vaccinations.
  3. but do you have Goldies at all GoldiesRgreat? If so, we would love to see you in the Goldie threads anytime! :D Hope you poodle girl is doing well
  4. Please check the URL. My server says "site not found" so I suspect there's an error somewhere. I think it's probably http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/ (Although it's an American website it has good info and once you know what you are after you can find it in Australia) Sorry - yes it is www.holisticanimalmedicines.com (no au on the end!) No, it's not an american site - it is a Perth based company - their office is in Osborne Park - they also have an office in Melbourne. I have been into the office here and the people are extremely friendly and helpful.
  5. Me, I'd leave the cat in front of the heater and make sure the dog knows he's lower down on the list - just because the dog is bigger (presumably?) than the cat? My first big Goldie Hamish was so scared of the cat he wouldn't even walk past her in the hallway - he would stand there and whinge until I walked with him Good luck, I hope it all ends up happy. ;)
  6. Fully agree and also with it likely being an immunity issue. Thyroid test and holistic treatment both a must. This website is Perth based and the people are extremely friendly and knowledgable. www.holisticanimalmedicines.com.au
  7. Call the Balcatta Veterinary Hospital (open 24 hours) and ask them what they think. Sorry, best advice would come from a vet I think!
  8. Best wishes for a happy outcome
  9. $3 or $4 for a 600ml bottle from the organic section in the supermarket - I've heard many people say it works as it neutralises the urine.
  10. Thank you muchly! I will pass that info onto her - and I might even look at getting some Barf patties myself!
  11. Thank's lillysmum. I did try to get a sample pack of Royal Canin, the place I went to were useless! No, she doesn't HAVE to feed supermarket kibble, I was just wondering if there was a good brand she could get from the supermarket. She is off to City Farmer's later today to get some new food - she called me and asked what to get - I don't know enough about puppies to advise the best. I will call her now and mention EaglePack. I don't think she has the time to do a fully balanced BARF diet, which is why a quality kibble would be good. Fussy eaters, no better than damn kids!
  12. My friend has a couple of puppies - Jack Russell X Maltese (OK, she didn't know any better but I am now trying to enlighten her via DOL) The problem child is 5 months old and has become a very picky fussy eater. The other one is 3 months old and could well head the same way....... Anyway, my friend was feeding just chicken necks etc until the vet had a hissy fit and said she has to feed kibble. I have given her some Nature's Gift canned food to get her started - pup won't eat it. She has made mince with pasta and veges - pup won't eat it. I have suggested supplementing meals with yoghurt, sardines, eggs etc occasionally but daily feeding is a problem. I have told her not to buy supermarket kibble (she is very keen for a BARF diet) - but I know there are some available that could be suitable. I just don't have any experience with puppies so am hoping some friendly Dolers can help out here with suggestions - firstly with what would be the best puppy food from the supermarket to buy and secondly, how to tempt a fussy eater? She knows to only put the food down for 10 minutes then take it away if not eaten. It doesn't HAVE to be kibble from a supermarket but I would appreciate any advice re what is the best brand to buy from a supermarket, but also what is a good quality food for to tempt a fussy eater. I have already given info on Royal Canin and some other higher quality foods - but she doesn't want to spend a lot of money on a food the pup won't eat. Any suggestions? Thanking you in advance
  13. I gave my dogs some pumpkin and sweet potato mash that had thai spices and sweet chili sauce in it (recipe gone wrong so gave it to the garbage guts x2) - tasted it myself and while it was a tad spicy, thought I'd give them a big bowl of milk each afterwards to tame any trace of chili - they gulped the lot and no runny poos at all!
  14. I just quickly skimmed over this thread but I didn't see anyone recommend Coprice. This is actually a very good mid range dry food, made with Australian grown rice and is all natural with all essential vitamins and nutrients etc. $33 for a 20kg bag - and I have never fed my dogs according to what is recommended on the pack - the younger dog gets a small cup a day and the older one gets 2/3 of a small cup - plus chicken carcasses and bones with fruit, veges, eggs, sardines, yoghurt etc. By the by, I get a carton of chicken carcasses (20 in a carton) for $6 from a local wholesale petfood outlet - that is such cheap dog food!!
  15. I regularly feed my dogs pumpkin - but for some reason I roast it - maybe because I like it roasted too?! But when I do roast it for the dogs, I will take the seeds out, but never take the skin off. My boys think roast pumpkin skin and all is Christmas! Lots of vitamins in the skin no doubt - and we eat dried pumpkin seeds so I really think you would be fine to pulverise the whole lot!
  16. Poor wee Pixie! I adore Corgis, my first 'attachment' to a dog was a Corgi named Oscar, he didn't belong to me but he was mine for a few years until he went to the Bridge. I hope your wee girl will be OK, hugs to Merlin.
  17. Thanks Cavandra, it would be good if that was all that was happening. So when you say "up to 18 months", do you mean anytime up to that age they can lose their coat? And is what comes through generally thicker? This boy doesn't seem to have an undercoat, or just a very thin one - otherwise seems pretty happy within himself so I'm hoping it is a drop and nothing more serious.
  18. My boys eat a lot of grass - with no obvious effect. I don't want to mow the long grass patches out the back because they seem to enjoy it so much - shame they aren't like sheep and eat it a bit more, then I wouldn't have to mow at all!
  19. Thanks for all the replies everyone, lots of variables and lots to consider!
  20. Hi Angelina Try the strong cold tea first - it is very effective with conjunctivits in both humans and animals - and it's cheaper than colloidal silver. You can get colloidal silver from any health food store and from most chemists. A small bottle will cost about $10 - it has a thousand uses so make sure you ask for a booklet or google it for more info. I have used it for both eye and ear infections on my first goldie, it is great stuff.
  21. Sounds like conjunctivitis or some sort of infection at least - conjunctivitis is just the most common. Saline is good, strong cold tea is better, colloidal silver is better still. Failing all that, I'd be off to the vet.
  22. Hey ILFC Changing coat is another thing I wondered about - I don't know if goldies do it or not. KitKat - do all dogs do a 'big drop'? I'm brushing him almost every day at present just to try and avoid so much extra hair around the house (usually brush every 2nd day) and there are handfuls of hair coming out - far more than Dougal who's coat is 10 times thicker and he usually sheds heaps more! Thanks for the other ideas too, it's all been taken on board and he got another egg with tea tonight!
  23. Hi Showdog Sorry, I wasn't saying what you bathed him in made a difference, it was simply since he has been back home I have noticed his coat thinning. Both boys were lovely and soft when I picked them up! I saw ILoveFlatCoats last week and she said you had groomed Grover for her - I will PM you as I would be interested in having my boys done on a regular basis. I am inclined to agree with Schmoo about getting Duncan's thyroid checked as the next step. I have been weaning him off his prozac, he is down to 1 tablet every 3 days, and considering he started on them 8 weeks ago, I think I would have noticed sooner if they were having any effect.
  24. Funny you should say that as I have been thinking thyroid too! No I haven't had it checked out but I think I might have to - only thing is vets here in Australia are not fully up to date with thyroid problems - Dr Jean Dodds in America is the leading specialist there. Duncan has always been an inside dog since I have had him, except during the day when I am at work. He did spend a couple of weeks in kennels a couple of weeks ago. They bathed him there and his coat was lovely and soft when I picked him up but it has only got worse from then on.
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