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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Used for EVERYTHING! Fantastic stuff. Natural antibiotic. Google it, you'll want some for sure! I take a teaspoon of it everyday in a glass of water, I put a splash in the dogs water, I clean the dogs ears with it. I just bathed one dogs suture line (cruciate surgery) with it.........so many uses. When you are camping, you can put a little in your milk and it stops it from going sour ('cause it kills the bugs that make it go sour)...... Brilliant stuff, highly recommend it but to make the most of it, you need to get the accompanying book with the bottle when you buy it (from the Health Food Shop)
  2. Good old Apple Cider Vingear. Helps if you have some in a little spray bottle handy :D
  3. I don't waste my money on either, I use a packet of chux clothes, cut into halves or quarters and wet them to clean the dogs faces and expecially their ears. Look at what is in the wipes - human ones often have chemicals which may irritate a dog for whatever reason.
  4. Actually Rimadyl is one of the most dangerous drugs a dog can be given - especially longer term - as Rysup said, google it for more info - there are all too many dog deaths from this drug. It can be extremely effective but that is worth weighing up against the awful side effects.
  5. My younger boy had also been vaccinated and still had a dose of it - apparently the vaccine only covers the two most common strains and there are about 38 strains of KC.
  6. This question has come up just recently on another dog list I am on and here are the suggestions from there (by the way, it's the nitrogen in the urine that burns the grass, a bit like too much fertiliser, so the following suggestions would be altering a dog's nitrogen level in it's urine - if / how they work :rolleyes: ) Apple Cider vinegar daily in food or drinking water Dog Rocks (these didn't work for me) A tablespoon of cooked rice each day added to meals Yougurt daily There was another one or two, just wracking my brain as to what they were......thinking, thinking.....
  7. Sounds like an allergy or the start of kennel cough. Vet check might be good. :rolleyes:
  8. I had one myself too once, mine was quite painful The docs wanted to remove it, but i was told to chew lots of chewing gum first. It eventually burst. Don't know what to advice in a dog's case tho ? Me three!!!! I had mine removed and all is fine ever since, except that the other salivary gland works overtime to compensate - so sometimes you go to take a bite of something and a tiny amount of saliva squirts out of my mouth!! So fine only I notice it, thankfully!!! Eta: Stick to wet food (ie raw ;) ) if you have your dog's salivary gland removed, it will help with unnecessary saliva production afterwards.
  9. Dogs produce hydrochloric acid in their stomachs which enable them to digest bones - it usually kills all bugs etc which explains why dogs in the wild can bury food for days , weeks, months and then return to eat it without any effect. I suspect there may sometimes be a specific type of salmonella bug that dogs can occasionally be susceptible to - wherever they get that from can be many places - but raw chicken I doubt. You are right to keep him on cooked chicken and rice for the next few days - it is easier to digest - therefore easier for an upset tummy to process - but try him on the raw chicken again after a few days of healthy stools - I'm sure he'll be fine. This sort of thing only has to happen a couple of times and you soon chill out Hope to see you soon for a doogy playdate!
  10. Yes, I think you are. Your dog didn't have to suffer the way he did. And sorry, but your vet shouldn't be charging you anyway for his mistakes, that isn't a kind gesture that he's not charging you, that's a combination of guilt and the right thing to do. Still, I would find another vet and then you can at least compare. I would rather have an experienced vet who's a grumble bum than someone who simply said all the right things.
  11. Cazzaritch, can I make a suggestion for you to consider? Look around for another vet to have on hand as a second vet (or maybe as a first vet and use your current one as a second vet?) I am struggling to have confidence in your current vet with the number of complications, return visits and medications.......just a suggestion anyway.
  12. Hmmmm, perforated ear drum doesn't sound good, has she had the infection a while maybe? My first goldie had an almost constant ear infection for over 12 months with an ear drum that had been eaten away by the infection (he was a rescue and came to me like that) - we only ever had drops. I used to bath my boys ears with Colloidal Silver (natural antibiotic) which was very effective. Hope Darcy's ears are all clear soon!
  13. Also, if you have a syringe, try giving him little bits of water with the honey in it via a syringe, t may get him interested enough to think about taking some more.
  14. That sounds like a plan! One other thing though - make sure he is warm enough if he is outside which by the sounds of things he is. Does he have a coat or something? Or do you live in the tropics? Eta: Yes, I would prefer he be inside too like CavNrott - if he is exhausted and sleeping, he'd be no bother to anyone and it would be better for him.
  15. Sounds like an infection. Do you have another vet you can call? Is there a 24 hour vet?
  16. Put a good dollop of honey in his water and put some on your finger to get him interested. If he doesn't take to that, then I'd be calling the vet again (but most dogs love the honey in water and you have to take it away from them so they don't drink too much ) :rolleyes: Eta Manuka Honey is very healing so if you have some of that it would be even better
  17. There's nothing wrong with feeding once a day, lots of people do it, however I prefer to feed mine twice a day. It helps decrease the chances of bloat and some would say it is better for their metabolism. That was certainly the case when I had a goldie who needed to lose a few kilos ;)
  18. It's trial and error really, it's what I used for myself every morning
  19. Try some apple cider vinegar with a little honey in it (about a teaspoon of each) - mixed into water or preferably food - daily.
  20. No, you wouldn't necessarily have to have her at the vet while she was panting away - I would have her checked out regardless. It's useful to keep a diary when things like this happen irregularly as it will help your vet get a better picture of what is going on. Do look at all other options though, such as when had she last eaten and what had she eaten? Did she get into any human meds at all? Do you have any rat bait or cockroach bait in your kitchen or anywhere? Had you walked her anywhere specifically before the episode (ie had she picked something up earlier before she became unsettled and panting? Something that may have taken an hour or two to have an effect......) Hope you find out what's going on anyway.
  21. Panting is a sign of stress and/or pain. Vet check I reckon. No heart problems?
  22. Animal by products are everything that's left (and I mean everything) when an animal is slaughtered for human grade meat..........totally disgusting
  23. You know a cheap and healthy meal to supplement dry feeding is lamb offcuts. I would replace at least one meal with a juicy lamb offcut and your puppy will glow. Otherwise try a chicken carcass as a substitute meal - both these options are very good for teeth too. Lamb and chicken are lower allergy producing as compared to beef. Roo tails might also be good. I'm not sure how you train a puppy with food etc but I know what I do with my boys and that is regularly take a bone or their meal away from them, reward them, then give it back. There are loads of people here with training experience and I'm sure someone will come along soon to offer more advice.
  24. Try PMing 2Tollers here - she is a vet nurse and put up a fantastic link re dermodetic mange a while ago...... Eta - I just did a search here and there's loads of info........here's a link to get you started if interested.... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...79&hl=mange
  25. No sorry, I can't help there but have you read this thead: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=114570 You may find it useful and RR is very easy to get from a good chemist or health food stores.
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