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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. I don't know if black poo indicates a high protein diet, but black poo certainly is known as a sign of intestinal bleeding, high in the digestive tract. I'm not suggesting it is for your dogs but I'd hate someone else to read this and not realise black poo is often a very good reason for a trip to the vet. Sorry, I should have been more specific (albeit tongue in cheek originally) - but in a HEALTHY dog where you KNOW you are feeding a high protein diet - you will likely pick up black poo.
  2. Agree. Henschke's are a lot bigger (sometimes they make you wonder how a small dog can do something so large! ) and they are black as well. I believe black poo is indicative of a high protein diet - so you can literally see you are getting your monies worth!
  3. I use a Mars Coat King Rake (size 18) for my Goldie - it works a treat :p
  4. This is an excellent juicer for when you can afford it. http://www.extractglobal.com.au/compact.html I can put chicken necks and frames in it (I cut the frames up to fit) when making my own barf patties.
  5. I have a Cavalier who has HD and is on Jointguard,Traumeel and has acupuncture. Would the Duralactin be helpful to her for joint problems? She loves to go for a walk twice a day but doesn't seem to have a lot of stamina. I'll PM you.
  6. Charles, it's very reassuring for me to read your post as that is exactly what my vet has said to me - having a 35 kilo Goldie who has had two crucite ligament ops within 8 months. My boy had the artificial ligament done each time - I am interested to hear if the Titanium plate is the preferred option for a larger dog, and if so, why? My boy has done well recovering from both ops but he has hip dysplasia as well which slows him down. The conservative treatment for a smaller dog makes so much sense, but I am of the understanding that arthritis can set in after any injury no matter the size of the dog - is that correct?
  7. Thanks for that info on CCA Morgan, I'm off to order some for me and the family, both human and canine! Also, something else I have remembered that is great is Manuka Honey FTPO - the Duralactin takes about 3 weeks to kick in - and Dougal has been on it just over 3 weeks now - he is definitely moving easier, and his coat is so much better! I'm not sure if it's the acupucture he has been having, or that combined with the Duralactin but he's like a puppy at the park, and sits a lot more easily these days. I'll definitely be getting some ordered in from the States. If anyone else is interested, just PM me and I'll do a bulk order. FTPO, I will also try out the Mega Oil once I run out of the fish oil capsules, that sounds great, glad to hear Master Benson is thriving on it!
  8. All the reading I have done has suggested a lowered immune system is usually the cause behind allergies and ear infections - that is, that dogs would cope better being exposed to foods that are high allergen should their immune system be in peak condition. The many vets I have spoken to over the years have told me the same. However I am always keen to learn more so if you can point me in the direction where I can learn more about your theory stormie, I would be most interested
  9. Forgot to mention also, to avoid preservatives and food colourings where possible - eg in some supermarket brand kibble and certain treats. Some dogs will react quite badly to these. I was asked what treats I give my dog the other night at the dog park, because I had some 8 dogs all sitting at my feet. Only one of which was mine! I explained I used Ziwipeak dog food (not treat food) - $28 for a kilo and a few people said that was far too expensive for them to buy. I tried in earnest to explain the pieces were tiny, extremely flavourful without using anything artificial and that it was actually very good value where treats were concerned. Alas, some people will just look at price first and nutritional value last - never mind the actual monetary value long term!
  10. So often here we read of dogs with skin problems, allergies, ear infections and general health issues - most of which are brought about by a lowered immune system. I have had 3 golden retrievers over the past few years and each of them has had issues with skin or ears and all the reading I have done about these conditions has pointed to a lowered immune system which makes them susceptible to the skin and ear issues. All my Goldies were rescues from the pound or RSPCA. My first Goldie was a badly neglected boy, seriously underweight with mange and dreadful ear infections (which turned out to be chronic). I suspect this dog may have been used for breeding. The second Goldie has been reasonably healthy, other than requiring two cruciate ligament ops within 8 months, and we have since found out he has hip dysplasia. He was orignially from a reputable breeder and his health is generally very good, however he has had a couple of hotspots lately which we have put down to a lowered immune system after having two major operations in a short period of time. My third Goldie (RIP) was about 6 months old and underweight when I got him from the pound - he turned out to have allergy issues which we managed to get on top of. So, as I have had to deal with a lot ear infections and skin allegies, I have done a lot of reading and research on how to avoid these problems in the future. I am by no means an expert but I am a huge advocate of natural therapies. I am NOT adverse to conventional treatments at all, they certainly have their place but I am keen to emphasise that these treatments generally treat the symptoms, not the cause. Anyway, while Goldies are known to often have allery issues, there are a lot of other posters here with other breeds of dogs with ear and skin/allergy issues - and as a general rule, these are resultant of a lowered immune system, whatever that reason may be. So, I am thinking we should make a list of all the best foods, supplements and treatments we can try on our dogs to boost their immune systems, thereby having happier healthier dogs and lower vet bills. So to start with, antibiotics and steroids are known to lower the immune system and should generally be used as a short term solution. The following is what I now use for food: Raw meat and meaty bones (mostly chicken carcasses and lamb/beef bones) Eggs Yoghurt Sardines Vegies (usually roast pumpkin, sweet potato, and left over veges from dinner) Kibble is usually Ziwipeak but sometimes Bonnie Lite or Coprice, depending on where the dog is healthwise at the time but used as a last resort ie when I'm lazy because no one is perfect! Supplements: 3 fish oil capsules daily (mercury tested, and these are not expensive) Glucosamine 1500 with Chondroitin Mega Oil - a combination of Omega 3 and 6 oils - and used every few months but not on a regular basis. Duralactin Canine (dried milk protein tablets) Daily exercise, kind words, love and attention with the odd bit of grooming in there I also do not vaccinate yearly, but only do so if I need to kennel dogs as a last resort. Anyway, I am keen to hear what others use and can recommend to boost and enhance a dog's natural immune system in order to promote general health and well being. I believe this is such a basic but most important aspect of a dog's general health and well being that a lot of people are just not aware of and yet it is not difficult nor expensive to achieve. Please share your ideas, hints, tips and knowledge to help us have healthier and happpier pooches
  11. Absolutely yes! Have her thyroid checked and giver her mashed veges (pumpkin and any other left over veges) in leu of one meal a day, and a small cup of 'lite' kibble for her other meal - or a cup of kangaroo meat (low to no fat and very good for getting weight off). Well, one chicken neck a day is likely to have a dog scrounging and stealing food wherever it can - besides the fact it's just not enough for any dog regardless of diet plus the fact that a beagle loves all food anyway. I know what it's like to have a dog that is highly food oriented. Correct food, and the correct amount of food each day will see the dog healthy in due course along with some gentle exercise eg plenty of walking (NOT running). You shouldn't be looking at a quick fix here - it wouldn't have been a short amount of time that the dog put on weight. Take your time, do it properly and your dog will thank you with good health.
  12. I can vouch for Settrlvr, my dogs were beautifully groomed when I picked them up from a stay.
  13. Yes, this is what I do also - a 1kg bag costs about $28 and lasts absolutely ages - a much cheaper option than the Ziwipeak treats and because they are so smelly, the dogs go mad over them ;) Consequently, I am very popular down at the park :rolleyes:
  14. You poor thing having to watch that, I have seen it myself with one of my boys recently so I know how scary it is. I'm so glad you were able to get her to a vet and get some relief for her. Hope all goes well today with your vet visit.
  15. Do you think she might have eaten something and have it stuck in her mouth or throat? Have you checked her over? Would she have been injured in rough play with the older puppy? Doesn't sound like separation anxiety to me though.
  16. I agree with Cavandra about the raw food diet. Here is the recipe for an excellent ear cleaner - I used this on an old Goldie who had chronic ear infections from a previous life of neglect, it was better than anything the vets prescribed. I have copied the info from another site. "The mixture which has worked is as follows, and is an adaption of one posted earlier on this site, and modified with the assistance of the chemist at Porirua Supachem who said he used to make a mixture himself, and supply it to Vets. So he knew about dog's ears. The mixture is inexpensive, and the ingedients are readily available at a chemist. It cost about $11.00 for the two items. Isopropyl alcohol (this comes in a small bottle) Water Betadine liquid Mix 30% Isopropyl Alcohol and 70% water. Add a few drops of Betadine. Use a dropper to insert into the ear. Massage and wipe out gently with a cotton pad. Insert another lot and leave. I did this morning and night for a week, then just the mornings for a couple of weeks, then reduced to just one application and massage in the morning for a week." Good luck
  17. I have been trying to locate Beta Valet in Canning Vale. I have found their old details in Welshpool, but the phone number has been disconnected. Can anybody help please....... I think they have changed their name - or the company was bought out by someone else....... I just recall the lady I was talking to on the phone as being very unprofessional but she did give me directions to the place some 6 months ago. I will try and do a drive down there this weekend and see what I can find. Well, I did a drive around yesterday - took a friend so we could thoroughly check out each side of the road as we drove slowly past - I think we went all over Canning Vale Commercial - but no luck If I do find out where they are again, I'll be sure to post details. ETA - will check out the Beta Valet packaging next time at the supermarket - see if there is an addy on there maybe?
  18. It would appear that maybe your dogs allergic reaction occurence is due to the increase in chicken as it is a high allergen meat and that can easily inflame an itchy dog.the fact that you noticed a difference on the roo barf tells you that she should probably not have chicken.Of course your dog may have an immune system problem and the skin reflects problems in the immune system.Have you thought of trying an immune support therapy like K9 immunity it helps dogs with cancer which occurs due to a breakdown in the immune system so maybe it would help I am trying it on my dog at the moment she has immune system problems from when she was a pup with scarcoptic mange and I have seen a difference in her .You can get it from www.dogcancer.com.au I would definitely stop the chicken though. I like your post bozdog and agree with you except for the chicken bit. I think that is perhaps specific to particular dogs. Chicken is generally known as a low allergen food. Chicken, rice, avacadoes, bananas.........just check out the main ingredients on baby food jars! I had a goldie with allergy issues - stopped the beef and upped the chicken - allergy disappeared. But as I say....different dogs etc And I have read that staffys do seem to have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies. Boosting the immune system is the best start for the dog.
  19. Yes, if you think he is happy enough as it is, leave him be. I am a firm believer in quality of life rather than quantity - and it sounds like he might be living the life of Riley!
  20. Sorry I am confused. You are going to add sweet potato and pumpkin to increase his weight? I think it works in the opposite way usually because dogs can't digest veggies or fruits nowhere near we well as they can digest meat. Me confused too. I always feed pumpkin when dog goes on a diet to lose weight as it has no calorific value :rolleyes:
  21. Maybe post in the General section - more people visit there.
  22. Yes, get the vet to have a look at her. Even if you just come away with some anti inflammatories to help her along meantime.....
  23. Thanks I heard there was a good pet meat place on South Street. Bit of a mission for me down from Joondalup but hopefully worth it. Hey Peigirl, I am in Joondalup too ........I order 100 kilos of good quality chicken mince direct from Inghams for $65 ............so only 65 cents for a 1 kilo roll if you would like some Whoa! How big is your freezer?
  24. Do you feed once a day or twice a day? If once, I would suggest feeding twice a day. If you already feed twice a day, I would suggest a third meal a day until he gains his normal weight. I once had a very underweight Goldie (no pancreatitis mind you) and he just got 2 good size meals each day with snacks in bewteen. He ended up a little overweight at the end!
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