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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Hope everything is OK and he feels better soon, poor baby, hard to watch them like that when they are normally so robust
  2. After having the same issue with one of my Goldies last year, I have a couple of suggestions for you but just about to go into a meeting so will come back later today and fill you in ;)
  3. Sometimes people's egos get in the way I'm kinda concerned aboout the dog as well after seeing the advice of a different vets - but I think at the end of the day Pointeelab may well have taken the dog to a vet but perhaps pride would prevent her from posting that here. They do say a little bit of knowledge is dangerous.
  4. I'm sure they will be able to get it ordered in Tiggy, the Osborne Park Better Pets & Gardens got it ordered in for me and were really helpful eta - I got some Cat food from Pookinuk recently and noticed it came from a place one suburb away from me - and arrived within a day - so the food must have been available locally!
  5. Have you tried Natural Paws in Southern River? HERE Otherwise ask at Better Pets and Gardens in Canning Vale to get some ordered in for you
  6. Better Pets and Gardens in Canning Vale can order it in for you if they don't already have it in stock
  7. Bub, did you bring him home? I hope so!!! for the stress, you know how I am though, any more laid back and I'd be on the ground!
  8. Poor you Bub Just for future reference, whenever I give lots of bone at any one time, I always make sure the next meal is kibble as the bulk always pushes things along. Bubby will feel much better very soon, (and so will you ) and no, there is no permanent damage, your boy will be bouncing around a lot sooner than you realise!
  9. Such a lovely tribute to a dear wee girl. RIP Chloe.
  10. I'm another who has never weighed food. Life is far too busy to fart-arse about with weights and such ;)
  11. I agree with persephone, you maybe need a sedative to help calm your pup for the next few days, although if your pup is toileting every time you take her outside, maybe take her more often? Call your vet, sound confident and assertive while you ask for something, rather than ask for the vets opinion. Heck, when my old Goldie had a bleeding tail, even the vet then gave me something for the dog to settle him for a few days to see if the tail would heal (he kept wagging it and pulling the dressing off).
  12. Not off topic at all, and no, I wouldn't put her in a room away from everything. You aren't a distraction, you are a stimulation and really, she needs that while she's crated. You just have to put up with the crying etc Do you leave the TV or radio (talkback) on for her?
  13. Best lite food I have had great success with is Bonnie Light. It's the only time I feed dry - when the boy needs to lose weight. I wish there was something as good for humans!
  14. I have used the coprice a couple of times - it was recommended to me by the breeder of my Norich puppy when she arrived and I had previously used it on a dog that was having allergy issues. I recommend it as being one of the better inexpensive foods. As every dog is different, you won't know until you try it
  15. I think you are right, she is feeling better and is up to testing you Rescue Remedy won't do much in this instance, it's more for anxiety, but just for future reference, you can give four drops every 15 minutes for an hour or so until you notice a difference, and then you lessen the dosage. ;)
  16. I have had my dog on all the natural therapies for over two and a half years, and while I recommend them to everyone else, personally the major difference I have seen in my boy is from when he has been on a daily dose of Metacam - even occasional doses did nothing - but daily doses have him happy and sprightly again. My vet has advised he be on a daily dose for the rest of his life. I'm happy with that as it's all about quality of life not quantity.
  17. My boy is in the same boat, he's 30kg, he has a daily dose and will do for the rest of his life (and he's not quite 7 years old!) I am amazed at the difference in him since he has been on it daily as opposed to every second or third day. His quality of life is greatly improved. I must speak to my vet about the human equivalent, I'm sure they will come to the party.
  18. Tramal is quite a strong painkiller and it gives me hallucinations - I don't like it myself at all, hate to think what it might do to a pet Hope everything is OK with Grumpy. Appetite is always a teller from my experience.
  19. Beautiful old man. It's his time Tash, we know you'll do the right thing by him, and it will never be easy for you.
  20. Here's one for sale in Brisbane http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=172116
  21. I have a friend who's Dobe suffers from incontinence, she's at her wits end with it so I will be interested also to hear how you go WP.
  22. My big boofa Goldie has just had his third repair (left leg done 18 months ago, right leg done 12 months ago and right leg just repaired again). My vet did the artificial ligament procedure which wasn't what I really wanted to do after reading it was more successful on smaller dogs however, I trusted him. First leg done is brilliant, no problems at all. Second leg was good until a few months ago, he obviously landed heavily or something, limped for a few months and we thought it was just arthritis however after going in for an arthroscopy, boofa boy came out having a second repair on that leg. Have to say though, not even 3 weeks post surgery, and he is almost walking without a limp and is absolutely raring to go!! Amazing recovery after the previous two ops. At the end of the day, it's absolutely worth it IMO, quality of life for the dog.
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