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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. It is a lot of hard work Yeah I only use mine when I want a work out
  2. Got home quite late! It went for quite a long time today. Trial went very well! 2 novice passes down with 2 first places to boot Here is my baby, she is extremely buggered! As am I - why am I still up?!?!?! Congratulations! Love the photo too Well done to you too! I bet you are in demand for handling?
  3. I think that one was related to the surfing cat person, can't remember his name but I remember it starting with a G... I think? Lol it is too!! Oh yeah! I spied them too What is the song that is playing with that clip?
  4. We went there yesterday and my 19 year old friend couldn't believe they were making you butter the buns yourself! This coming from a kid who has sat on the computer since he arrived and has as good as been waited on hand and foot all weekend Anyway, we didn't bother with the HCB (even though they were Baker's Delight ) instead we opted for the BBQ sausage in a roll that they always have at Bunnings on a weekend. I had one, my young friend managed THREE! He is eating me out of house and home
  5. I have a Wertheim but no power head.... is that a head with rollers? The last cleaner I had with a head like that, the hair just got all twisted up around the rollers Anyway for carpets, you can buy a special broom which does a marvellous job of picking up all the hair before you vacuum. There was a thread about it .... and everyone went out and got themselves one ...... all of a sudden they were in short supply I can't recall what they are called though.
  6. Last time tomorrow for a long time though hey?!
  7. and in case Cara decides to chew it again..... She sounds like she might have some anxiety issues Kristen? She is a hyper dog!
  8. Mason has had SO many hugs this morning! Those defective HCBs would be collectors items wouldn't they? :D
  9. I don't know about Pet Chef, but I buy my chicken frames (large ones) from Cheapa Chicken in Osborne Park - they come in a vacuum pack - usually 5 or 6 for around $2.50, so 50 cents each or less. Excellent value I reckon, lots of meat on them still
  10. Just come along to ttracking on 10th April, they were all such a nice frinedly bunch and keen for new people to join so I'm quite sure you will be most welcome!! No-one has set up another DOL meet - probably because we keep seeing each other at various activities
  11. What is wrong with you people?????? OK, I'm not so keen on the peel either..... and in fact I HATE the chocolate ones - they are just WRONG.
  12. Our boss has a son who owns a Baker's Delight - and we got a truckload of Hot Cross Buns for morning tea today - Baker's Delight are the only one's I will eat!!
  13. We have had a few DOL meets up there in Winter (no snakes then!) so I'm sure we can organise another soon
  14. You can sure see a bit of Collie in his face Handsome lad he is.
  15. Welcome Spyke and Jules! I think you might find your siggie photo is way too big but I'll enjoy it in the meantime I had to look twice to see which was the dog and which was the toy to start with!
  16. All sweet potato is given raw and so is the pumpkin Great!
  17. Pumpkin, ham, lots of goat, chicken, yoghurt and yep buckets of cheese and sweet potato Do you cook your sweet potato? I peeled a whole one last night and didn't use it all so chopped it up and gave it to the dog. I was surprised he actually ate it all, and raw!
  18. Sometimes it's hard to get a young dog to focus for a long period of time (and certainly even my dog would be pushing it for longer than 20 minutes at a time!) Try giving her a 5 minute break (at least) and then going back into it.
  19. OMG! I used to eat Brufax (savoury yeast flakes) on hot buttered toast as a kid - and LOVED it! It was like a mild vegemite flavour. It's also good in soups and stews etc (never mind the dogs! )
  20. I don't think it's just for Goldies, I am sure all dogs would be welcome! I think it would be a perfect way to celebrate Mason's birthday!! :D I have heard Julies in Malaga is good but I like the Natural Paws website, looks awesome, its in Southern River. Yes, Natural Paws is my pick too as I have met Davina but I think she prefers the smaller dogs. Is that why everyone who does obedience etc videos themselves to see what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong?
  21. Not sure what sort of crate you want exactly - is it for flying? I have a very large metal crate - just a Kramar black crate..... I don't think it's suitable for flying but you are welcome to borrow it if it is any use to you. It's HUGE!
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