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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. That is just the most beautiful photo! Thank you for sharing I wouldn't have seen it otherwise!
  2. Yes but why is something so simple made so difficult??!! I do get impatient with people though when they sit there and dilly dally around going back and forth on what colour their garage door should be or do we need a power point in the Powder room
  3. Funnily enough, prestarts are my absolute favourite part of the job!!! I guess it's just a lot less stressful from my side
  4. I LOVE that ad!! So clever and I love Corinne anyway, as well as big boofer dogs ;)
  5. Casual dress tonight VCBR. Jeans and a top will be fine. (well that's me anyway!) I've just had a very long prestart meeting and am finally getting to eat some lunch - rye bread with cream cheese, smoked salmon and avacado It wouldn't matter what it was really, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse and chase the rider! ;)
  6. Absolutley hearthbreaking for you ruski I'm sure So gorgeous and so young, RIP Duke I haven't heard of sea slugs either and we are often at the beach. WIll go do some research also, thank you for the warning.
  7. I have an almost 8 year old Goldie and by the end of the year, I am hoping to have another puppy (Goldie). He will take a while to get used to a youngster but I'm sure he will enjoy it once he realises life will be even better with a wee mate
  8. I can give you the original recipe from NZ if you like? I think it's much nicer than the clinker one myself. But you still need to buy a cookbook!
  9. Mason's Mom, why don't you drive to my place and then come with me down to Cannington for dinner tomorrow night? Less driving for you that way :D And of course with my company, the time will just fly! Where exactly is the entrance to the Cannington Greyhounds anyway? I have only driven past a million times, never actually been there.
  10. I could always join you to stir things up a bit! I'm not that far from Cannington nor Riverton
  11. Yes, accommodation is very hard to find. I have friends in Karratha which is south of Port headland (and slightly cooler) and their cats and dogs live inside with the airconditioning on all day. It can be a lonely existance as well, depends on what you like to do outside of work hours.
  12. I'm going Tuesday . I'm not even sure why I'm going... musicals don't appeal to me. I saw Cats in London and it's FANTASTIC! It's just so entertaining, you'll love it!
  13. Me either GR!!! Those slices sound devine I'll bring one tomorrow night hey? That still on?
  14. This thread is supposed to be about doggie stuff dammit! WHo posted pictures of those slices? I have all the ingredients here and am just popping over to the shop to get some Crunchie Bars for the Violet Crumble Slice (I googled a recipe) I'll never be skinny ;)
  15. You will have to check with Hesapandabear but I think there were a few doggy treat recipes. But otherwise it's all human food
  16. They are all recipes that Dolers have submitted so should be easy enough don't think there's more than a handful of super duper chefs here
  17. Is there a Golden Retriever Club in Vic that you could call?
  18. That looks perfect but I don't think you are going to be able to use any coat in summer.
  19. Then you may as well just look at getting a Weatherbeeter coat ;) (cheap )
  20. Great! There's a few of us here doing scent tracking so this will be interesting! Yes, agree
  21. I recommend an absorbent type cotton to absorb only the excess oil. That way, the oil is still against his coat and he can absord more from the cotton as required (does that make sense ) If you use something that isn't absorbent, you will end up with a greasy kind of coat when it does come off him and I guarantee you will end up with oil on the floor if not the furniture. Have you got lots of old throw covers to put on the furniture? I use cotton quilts because they are comfy for humans but easily washed regularly. I guess you also need to keep in mind the humidity in Brissie, otherwise I'd suggest wrapping him in Gladwrap!
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