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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Are you serious??? I have two GSD's (one longhair) and one GR and the GR on his own shed's TWICE as much hair as the other two combined!!! And both breeds require effort The only comment I'd like to add (as someone who shares her home with both of these great breeds) is the attitude you will get from the 'general' public with regard to GSD's When I take my GR out I rarely come accross anyone who's fearful of him, however if I take either of my GSD's out people will often assume he/she's not friendly. I took my female to the Dermatologist at the specialist center last week (she's got a lovely friendly nature) and the other lady in the waiting room immediately picked up her 'small' dog and promised it she wouldn't let my dog bite it Yes, you need to consider the response you get when out and about. Goldies are likely to increase your 'social contact' with the general public whereas you will have to deal with some people's perceptions of GSDs which may not always be positive. A long haired GSD is on my list of dogs to own one day
  2. That's so sad. Poor poor dog, traumatised by a flight for a number of hours and then a slow death by the sounds of it. There are a million staffy X dogs here in WA, why do people feel the need to fly them over from another state? It's not like they have met them and feel an instant bond with them. I just think it's unnecessary.
  3. An adult rescue cat would definitely be the best choice I think with two prey driven dogs. I have a young cat and a kitten who chase each other around the house at ninety mile an hour. My dog takes no notice and they get on well, but the little foster dog can't help himself and chases after them. The cats do not like him because of this and now always run away from the dog when they see him and so perpetuate the run/chase cycle.
  4. There is a group of Muslim women at our local dog park everyday throughout summer, and they scream and carry on - as well as using really foul language when any of our dogs go near them. My sister said I should just point to my big Goldie and say 'Australian Camel'
  5. And that is the exact reason I would say why the Swan Animal Haven have a strict protocol to follow when adopting out their dogs. It's perfectly reasonable for them to ask for a letter from your landlord to say dogs are allowed. I do understand though that the way this message is delivered can be very offputting. You are dealing with people who are passionate about dogs, not necessarily people who have good people skills My first dog came from the Shenton Park Dogs Home. They asked me to foster him at first as he was not well enough to be sold at that stage. He turned out to be a LOT older than they told me and died within 18 months of me adopting him (and after I had spent thousands on his healthcare). I went back to apply for another dog a few months later and they refused me, and refused to give a reason. Go figure!! I cant believe they refused you!!! Maybe its like Bedazzeled mentioned, they dont like to adopt out to people who work full time. But I was working full time the first time I adopted from them
  6. And that is the exact reason I would say why the Swan Animal Haven have a strict protocol to follow when adopting out their dogs. It's perfectly reasonable for them to ask for a letter from your landlord to say dogs are allowed. I do understand though that the way this message is delivered can be very offputting. You are dealing with people who are passionate about dogs, not necessarily people who have good people skills My first dog came from the Shenton Park Dogs Home. They asked me to foster him at first as he was not well enough to be sold at that stage. He turned out to be a LOT older than they told me and died within 18 months of me adopting him (and after I had spent thousands on his healthcare). I went back to apply for another dog a few months later and they refused me, and refused to give a reason. Go figure!!
  7. Or we'll have to camp out on your friend's verandah Jed! *helps herself to BB's chocolates*
  8. Actually, there are a few places that will accept titre tests but if worse came to worst, I'm sure one of your doggy friends could help out
  9. Natural Paws is run by a lovely lady and she only takes small dogs from memory.
  10. My two (at the time) stayed at showdog's kennels, in the same kennel, a few years back. I don't think the prices have changed since then either
  11. Yep, rice and any leftovers. Also porridge goes down a treat especially if it's slightly warm :D
  12. Ive always liked this saying, its seems a fitting reflection. “Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly.” That's a wonderful quote Chewy! I might have to save that somewhere...... Jed, a beautiful tribute to Meg, may she forever run free and always be with you in spirit. Hope today brings more healing to you.
  13. Rach - where did you take that photo in your siggie? It is just so beautiful!!
  14. He doesn't like my floors either!!! LOL! He's scared Your floors are exactly the same as mine and I need to have rugs and mats everywhere for him I took him to work with me one weekend, managed to get him up the flight of stairs after much encouragement from me - but when it came time to go, he absolutely wasn't going DOWN the stairs! I have to admit, they are steep but he can be such a sooky lala sometimes
  15. That's a great photo Rach and Wazzat Good on you both for doing such a great job! Off to watch you tube now Edit - Excellent video!! Great to see so many people aking an interest, and well done to the 4 legged creatures for tackling the escalator so well! Heck, my boofa boy doesn't even like stairs :D
  16. Mine is the 22 RosieFT!! Mine is the 4th! So everyone better bring me belated tokens of love and affection!!!
  17. LOL! The expression "Eyes as big as saucers" comes to mind
  18. Cute! I posted that ages ago Still puts a smile on my face though
  19. Maybe she's too hot when wearing it? What kind of dog and does she sleep inside or out?
  20. Hey, there's others here who are doing the same thing - just pop into the Aussie thread!
  21. :rolleyes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLLIE! Did Ollie get anything special for his birthday?
  22. Gorgeous wee babies :rolleyes: Well done!!
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