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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. Hi Jed Sounds like you are a couple of steps further along on your healing journey, both physical and emotional, which is good to hear. I bet you can't wait to have your own home again and get some normality back into your life. Sending healing vibes to you and your poor wee kitty.
  2. Another beautiful Bella at Sorry for your loss Bow Wowy
  3. to you Stonebridge for your loss RIP beautiful Bella
  4. I think it's at the end when you go to pay .... from memory ..... but they are pretty good, if something goes wrong, they will sort it out for you
  5. You must have aircon though hey? SOme twit turned our aircon up to 27 degrees - the heat ws blasting out and everyone was either grumpy or sleepy. Give me fresh cold anyday!
  6. You did the right thing by Kobi Lynda. She is pain free and running free now Big hugs to you RIP Kobi
  7. +2 x3 x 4 :D X5 x6 Well done Chewy, you are full of great ideas!
  8. They can perhaps sense something more is wrong whereas we do not have that sense. Don't leave her alone with your greys, and get her to your vet as soon as you can tomorrow.
  9. Well your dog clearly sounds unwell. I hope you have taken her to a vet?
  10. Unfortunately I just don't have the skills to do anything special to my fat quarters so they will be just plain but pretty floral squares and they will allow everyone else's art/craftwork to shine ;)
  11. They are just the dearest wee things! I like the black and whites best I think.
  12. That's a gorgeous shot CBR! More more more!! :cool:
  13. Sounds good. :D Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? (And save me an order from book depository!) I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking. What else do you need? Thats about it! I already have a dog that loves to put his nose to the ground and snuffle along. :D So now I need to learn! Wazzat this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=185342 has pics of tracking harnesses. If you want me to post it to you, just PM me your address! :D
  14. Sounds good. :D Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? (And save me an order from book depository!) I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking. What else do you need?
  15. I have a little foster dog here at the moment and I have bought him some Nature's Gift dry food. It's actually semi dried and is in little pellet form. He eats it with great gusto whereas he refused all the other dry dog foods I offered him. Even my fussy cats were trying to get the stuff
  16. CBR, talk to Mason's Mom - she has one she can sell you
  17. So the RSPCA (or whatever it's called over there) can't sell him on to someone else? That's so sad :D
  18. Thank you Mirawee, I might need to leave a bit earlier than I thought! And it's supposed to be a cold night ..... will have to drag my sorry self out of bed
  19. Thanks! Where are you getting this information? I feel like I'm missing out on something fetchindawgs
  20. Has she??!! I must have missed that. What was the final choice? she wisely didn't say Ooooooooooh, I seeeeeee
  21. Has she??!! I must have missed that. What was the final choice?
  22. Yes. But I was hoping for my $50, it might come with an extra day in the week so I have time to train it afterwards The only part I understand is yes . What are you saying? I'm with you Tiggy, I have no idea what the rest of the sentence meant The retrieving trials are actually on Katrine Road near Northam, starting 8am this Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is for more advanced dogs, Sunday is for novices.
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