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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. That to me is such an unrealistic expectation - to think that all dogs could be perfectly trained and never a 'dog park incident' thread ever happen again. The world isn't perfect and neither will every dog or dog owner be (because they don't all read DOL ) Fiona, I have a dog who is not interested in other dogs. I don't take him to the dog park to play with other dogs - we go so he is exposed to lots of other dogs. That to me is the socialisation and in a less structured environment than say an obedience class. There have been dogs that have run up to him and put themselves in his face. I have seen his body language and he's not comfortable but he learns to deal with it 'politely' and I am always close by watching. I have also had dogs that have thoroughly enjoyed playing with other dogs and that is a joy to watch the dogs having so much fun.
  2. Puts a new spin on being in the dog house huh?
  3. OK, so Mosman Park or thereabouts? Sorry, no idea about obedience clubs over that way but I am sure there will be one close by!! Someone else here may be able to help. Haven't heard about Rose for such a long time - she seems to have dropped off the media's radar the last few years ;)
  4. Christine, my local obedience club has four levels of obedience - with level one being really basic (eg teaching your dog to sit) and level 2 is just the next level up (eg making your dog wait/stay while you walk away). Level four makes the dogs sit and stay for a LONG time, I am always impressed!! What area is your boss in?
  5. ;) Don't want to answer for her, but for me the reason is enrichment and enjoyment. The same reason I give them different and challenging toys, or teach them tricks, or take them to new places on the weekend. to all of the above, and also teaching your dog to deal with certain behaviours which aren't always 'acceptable'. I love that this gets held up so often as an example and yet so often we hear you can't compare dogs and humans, it apples and oranges
  6. Oh Valley CBR Big hugs but you are doing the very best thing you can for Lilly. You will be with Lincoln in a few days and he will help you with your grief. Special gentle hugs to Lilly, may she always rest in peace.
  7. You'd fit a couple of adult labs in the XXXL size and still have room to swing a cat
  8. And if you don't try, you will never know Rach. Personally, I would rather try and fail than never try at all.
  9. It's a little 3mp Konica Minolta digi camera about 5 years old - it's small enough to pop in your pocket. Being 5 years old it only has a small screen on it but it has movie mode with sound, and it has a great optical zoom which you don't find in a lot of digi cameras. It has a black and white mode and a sepia mode ...... It takes fantastic macro shots ..... will see if I can find a pic ..... Sorry to go OT!!!
  10. How about you just apply for the job Rach and then worry about it if you get the job hey?
  11. Well that was why I bought one - so I didn't have to lug the huge wire crate from room to room - but I ended up with a soft crate larger than the huge wire crate!
  12. It's a bit like driving on the road - you don't know what other drivers will do but you just have to take the risk if you want to lead a normal life. Well if you decide to go back to the park, you need to get rid of that tenseness so your dog knows you are relaxed. Honestly, you just have to watch your dog constantly when at the park, while also being aware of your surroundings so that if you notice another dog approaching - be it a strange dog, or a known aggressive dog - so that you can call your dog back. Vigilance practiced is not a chore, it soon becomes habit and it will make attending the dog park so much more enjoyable. The socialisation is so important so I hope you choose to go back but just with the intention of being more vigilant.
  13. Yes I will but the phone really is dead. I don't understand why - it's only new. Must be the battery. Anyone got a point and shoot camera going cheap???? Or a mobile phone with a camera...... Might go check out some bargain sites. Thats a great shot shellsboers!! What a gorgeous big boofa! I might be able to help you with a camera .... dpeneds what you want and what you are prepared to pay! You might prefer to get a new phone with a camera ......
  14. I use Living Nature Rescue Gel (which has Manuka Honey in it) on hot spots for the old Goldie, I have never seen anything heal so quickly (within 24 hours!) You have nothing to lose so go for it
  15. SOLD! To the girl with 2 crazy Labs Okey dokey, all yours
  16. My soft crate is the same as the one you are wanting to order. This one is a 3 or 4 XL ? from TopBuy. I bought it last week. It's way too big anyway - would fit 2 labs easy. You might want a smaller one. But it's going for $40 if anyone wants it.
  17. Someone can have mine if they want and not pay postage It's too big for my place, I will look at getting a smaller one. Perfect timing, cos I bought a brand new baby/pet gate and have decided I don't want to use it afterall! Brand new in box! Let me know if you're interested If ST doesn't take your gate, let me know, I might be interested
  18. The things we teach our goldens And yes Dee, you MUST stay true to the Goldens - a Flat Coat is way more crazy than a Goldie, just ask ILFC (who used to be ILoveFlatCoats) who has Grover - he is 4 (?) and a nutcase. They are known as the Peter Pan of dog breeds because they never actually grow up. You really don't want a Flat Coat, you want another Goldie, you really really do!
  19. You'll fit a dozen Whippets in one of those crates I don't know what the extra strap is for either Spotty - maybe to shrow it over your shoulder?
  20. OMG, you really know how to tell something like it is don't you?! Sorry, clicker or no clicker, just treat the good behaviour. (I am in clicker mode in prep for new dog ) Dog is corrected anytime he goes after the cat, or tries to eat the cat, or the cat food, or anytime he feels he is in competition with the cat and no barking at the cat. The dog has to always be calm around the cat until you know he can be trusted. My cats chase each other at 90 mile an hour and fly over the dog lying in the doorway. A lot of dogs would want to join the chase but my boy just lies there and doesn't so much as lift his head (unless they do it too many times in a row then he gets p*ssed but will bark at them, never chase them )
  21. One thing I will always say Chewy is the cat has to be at the top of the pecking order and the new owners have to always let the dog know this. If it were me, I would have the dog on lead inside until you knew it was going to be OK (or not) with the cat. Click and treat when the dog relaxed around the cat etc .. Hope this is a new forever home for the boy!
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