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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. sorry farts I Miss Lead you AGAIN??!! Soz, not good with your game - it's like trying to think with something other than your brain
  2. O I C - well I advise you to take my advice and don't use an American spellcheck coz it confuses people too
  3. Thanks Erny, only one of those pups will be mine though I have the Super Striker ball - if two dogs pull hard on it the rope handles will come off and you have to tie them on again. But for one dog and it's human, the rope handles would be fine ;)
  4. Dr Harry Super Striker Ball at VetNPet Direct website
  5. It's a Dr Harry Super Striker you want maybe ..... will see if I can find a pic....
  6. It is the time of year for sure, I have been talking to the doggie people at the park and many of them are saying their dogs are scratching a lot more right now. Is Mason on anything for it? Steroids or antihistamines? He is on antihistamines permanently and steroids for 2 days when he has a flare, he came off them on sunday but I emailed the derm this morning and she is going to work out a schedule for him, it may be on one every 2 days or 2 days on and 2 days off etc, we will see. I HATE using cortisone but when he is crying because he is so itchy and its the only thing that helps and so I just give it to him, he is on a very low dose 5mg 2x a day when he is on it so i guess its not too bad and it wont be forever. Meh, when it comes down to quality of life, I don't worry about the side effects so much As long as it brings some relief!
  7. It is the time of year for sure, I have been talking to the doggie people at the park and many of them are saying their dogs are scratching a lot more right now. Is Mason on anything for it? Steroids or antihistamines?
  8. :D ;) Will keep my fingers crossed for a new job for you! Just the Wellington Surplus Store Oh yeah I forgot about that! I'll keep it as a last resort - would rather not deal with the crowds and parking, blerk. Yes, the parking and crowds put me off too but that shop is part of the city and will never move! Do mean cctv cameras? I've never really lived in the big cities where these are now omnipresent, so haven't had that feeling of big brother watching me all the time However I've yet to go to a shop in the UK where they routinely search bags as you leave ps not really having a dig, I'm loving it here so far That's because they sent all the crims (shoplifters incl) to Australia!
  9. Just the Wellington Surplus Store Have you ever been in there??? They have all sorts of things!! :D Just for the record, I think we absolutely need more trading hours. Late nights and Sundays - we have to catch up with the rest of the world sometime ;) I worked in retail for 12 months emery - I didn't like the hours/days - but I just moved on into something else
  10. Especially when not defined with photos :D
  11. Poor darling. I will say a prayer for her tonight. Hope she is well again soon.
  12. God, you're right!! :D Wonder if it's name is Arma or Dillo?
  13. Very unusual!!! Wouldn't be a Chinese Crestie x Dachie though would it?
  14. In Perth?? Or around Perth? Camping?? Do you mean camping grounds that will accept dogs? Ayway here is a list with a couple of places close to Perth Accommodation WA which might be useful maybe?
  15. I did click on the image and opened the photo - but that's all it was - just a photo Something is broken here
  16. OK, I might be having a blonde moment here but where is the video link? There is only a photo isn't there?
  17. Fantastic information Rappie, thank you!
  18. Well I don't know when he'll be down on the ground. Will have to check with the breeders about the vaccination regime they go with but I will probably buck the rules a little and get him socialised (selectively) from after his second vaccination. I have talked to other breeders who do the same thing and they say it's a balance between getting that early socialisation which they feel is so important and protecting the puppy from parvo etc.
  19. Duncan used to hump his bed after tea every night without fail. I couldn't work out what was going on to start with when I walked in at bed time and found his bed all messed up ..... until I caught him in the act. I guess it became a habit after a while but no harm done.
  20. Julian at Vic Park. He is great. And it seems a lot of vets do Xray while diagnosing cruciate ligament tears - whether the xray is to rule out something else I don't know but it seems very common and necessary. In fact I think you would find any orthopaedic surgeon would do an Xray before such surgery be it human or canine.
  21. You may well laugh RS, I have been walking Dougal at 6am lately and it is hom=nestly the nicest part of the year to walk in the monrings - not too cold and not too warm. I do NOT enjoy getting out of my bed no matter the time of day so I figure I have to drag my sorry *rse out sometime, may as well be 6am! I'll be forced to do it anyway in a few weeks time ... So Riverside - say 9.30? Joelle - can you still come??!!
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