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Golden Rules

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Everything posted by Golden Rules

  1. My Dougal will be 9 in Sept as well! He was born on the 4th, when was Spartan born ST? My Paddy is now 19 weeks (not quite 5 months) and is so clever. We just got back from a meet at our local dog park. I was late getting there but as soon as we arrived, someone lamented that a ball was way out in the middle of the oval and none of the dogs would retrieve it. I just told Paddy to 'find it' and he instantly went after it and brought the ball back. He is so clever, I really need to do more work with him. I'm quite looking forward to our local canine club recommencing in January!
  2. I have seen a cat choke on a cooked chicken bone, not something I would ever want to see again in a cat or a dog. Some people are just lucky and others are plain stupid.
  3. Mine get raw and kibble and lots of scraps as well. No tinned though, I always think that is such a waste of money as it has such a high water content.
  4. This is what my vet does and I agree, it is only fair. OT: The last time I had to take one of my scaredy cats to the vet, I also took one of the dogs along for something else as well. I was amazed at how the scaredy cat settled to be examined - but she was continually looking at my dog who was laid out on the floor. I think he sent her some calm vibes. I'll take them together next time the cat needs to go
  5. We were at Leighton Beach yesterday and there was a little dog lost up on the road. He was mostly black, and looked like a chubby Chi cross. There were a couple of people trying to get hold of him (he looked quite calm but intent on finding his owner) so we didn't hang around. I wonder if it's the same dog? What colour was the one you found CC? I don't think it matter if you take the dog directly to the vet or the pound. Both have scanners. I have found a couple of lost dogs and just took them to my local vet as I didn't have time to wait for a ranger to collect them. The vets are always happy to hold onto them until the ranger can get there.
  6. Oh dear, another blow for you So sorry about Juana Here's to 2011 being a brilliant year for you and your family
  7. Not any more! Been to the river, worn the fetch junkie out and am now home, had a shower, aircon on, getting ready to meet friends for brunch .....
  8. Crufts is THE big annual dog show in the UK ;)
  9. I never thought I would say this, but I can understand where the OP is coming from. Me too. There is a bastard of a staffy living next door to me, attacked my big dog at the park for no reason (my dog wasn't even standing neat the staffy nor looking at it). Thank god for good fences. And then a few weeks back we had the unfortunate experience of meeting a couple with two staffys, one of them grabbed my puppy around it's neck - again my dog didn't want a bar of this other dog, it simply attacked. So, I don't hold this particular breed of dog in high stead at present. I was one not to judge any dog not so long ago but I need to meet some really nice non dog aggressive staffys to sway my mind right now. eta - I meant to say, I hope the OP has no problems with her new neighbours nor their dogs WOA THERE!!!!!! I think by deleting the rest of my post you have really changed the context of it. I was NOT denigrating any breed, nor was I saying that I have a problem with staffies in general. I WAS saying that I can understand the OP being nervious about a situation given a previous experience. Please don't twist what people say to suit your own arguments. Umm, I was only agreeing with the part I quoted, that being And then I noted my experiences with staffys of late. The rest of your post had nothing to do with me or my experiences so I didn't quote it. I think you have misinterpreted what I wrote
  10. Loved that routine Mirawee!! The music is so pretty too so I'm busy downloading it as I type :D
  11. Happy belated birthday Ptolomy! Tiggy, thems some holes you got there!!! Are you filling them so they can be dug again?!
  12. I never thought I would say this, but I can understand where the OP is coming from. Me too. There is a bastard of a staffy living next door to me, attacked my big dog at the park for no reason (my dog wasn't even standing neat the staffy nor looking at it). Thank god for good fences. And then a few weeks back we had the unfortunate experience of meeting a couple with two staffys, one of them grabbed my puppy around it's neck - again my dog didn't want a bar of this other dog, it simply attacked. So, I don't hold this particular breed of dog in high stead at present. I was one not to judge any dog not so long ago but I need to meet some really nice non dog aggressive staffys to sway my mind right now. eta - I meant to say, I hope the OP has no problems with her new neighbours nor their dogs
  13. Are you sure they are council signs and not some zealot wanting to keep the beach clear of dogs? Some people go to all sorts of lengths when they feel particularly strongly about something.
  14. Beautiful!!! That's the same as mine. same here but silver and weighs next to nothing You must have the newer model. Mine is quite heavy. I might trade up one day
  15. Balcatta Vet Hospital is NOR and Murdoch Vet Hospital is SOR. Go to whichever one you are closest to and make sure you take your credit card. eta Snap Raffikki
  16. Very sad Tobias was lucky to have you in his life.
  17. Lovely photo and very befittng that Tobias be there.
  18. Happy Birthday Kuges!! Great innings old fella!
  19. No no no!! No need to be ashamed! Pigs ears are just not every dogs favourite treat! It's great that Honey won't take food from anyone else (oh the stories I could tell you about Dougal ) but maybe try her with some cheese or polony Or better still, a tin of catfood! Just for the record, I left my dogs with pigs trotters one day and off I went to work ..... came home and the pigs trotters weren't touched!
  20. dee, I wonder if you put Honey's dinner on the tailgate if she would jump up?
  21. This is what I do for the Bubster as well! I tried that with Dougal but he yelped. He does have hip dysplasia though so I wondered if it was just uncomfortable for him. Also now he has had both cruciates done, he has no power in the back end or his legs so struggles even to get on the sofa.
  22. I would prefer a box to get the dog into the car but my dog doesn't even like stairs and he wasn't having a bar of a box! A milk crate has holes in it and I doubt a dog will feel confident to use that. The puppy sees the ramp and gets all excoted, he uses it as a piece of agility equipment, running up and down it
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