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Everything posted by perrin

  1. Donations of pet supplies from Pacers would certainly be a big help and i'm sure would let many pet owners rest more easily. I don't know anyone directly with pets who need help all the ones i know will be okay but i will contact Pacers to see if i can help in some way. Some of the donated goods had already been packed to go but i did see some slabs of dog food. I think in some ways being closer to the floods is better because we can donate goods that we know they need whereas for QLD we can do nothing really but give money donations. Here i know they need blankets. Some people have only their clothes and are having to use clothing to cover them at night time and the mozzies are terrible. And they need clean water for drinking. I do worry about the farmers. I think for some of them this will be the final nail in the coffin for them to quit farming which would be terrible as we need our farmers.
  2. If anyone in central Victoria would like to donate blankets, pillows, sheets, towels, mozzie spray, non perishable food, bottled water, pet food, every day items like tooth brushes and tooth paste, cleaning products for when the flood water subsides there are several drop off points around Bendigo or you can drop off your goods to the Bendigo Media Centre on top of the hill at Lily Street. Just up from the hospital. We were at the Centre earlier this morning to drop off some blankets and other items and the generosity was amazing. People who were effected by fires giving back to those flooded. People dropping off furniture for after the waters subside. Pallets of bottled water for those without clean drinking water.
  3. If anyone in the Bendigo area would like to donate non perishable food, blankets, towels, sheets, pillows, bottled water, pet food, mozzie spray to the Victorian flood victims there are collections points set up around Bendigo.
  4. Yes, whilst i love my animals dearly i would not endanger the lives of my children by trying to save my pets at the cost of my children. I would try my very best to evacuate my pets but if it came down to it i would have to make that decision. That is why it is so important to be prepared. It doesn't mean that it all won't go to hell but at least if you have planned for such a moment you should at least have your head on straight when it comes down to it. It made me sick to hear about the two young girls that perished in the vic fires trying to save their horses.
  5. It is like the Namusca of the dog world.
  6. Probably. Georgia seems to have cut back on them which is a really good thing because i keep finding vomit piles of locust around the yard. Just gross. Hopefully they will have moved on soon since they have polished off my padocks and started on my lawn. The mongrels are in my vegie gardens as well.
  7. Miss Maddy we are at Goornong/Barnadown. They are a real pain here. My o/h said he had never heard so much girly screaming. I made my brother run through them so i could take a picture. Gee he is gullible. ;) Of course i started running the other way. :p
  8. They are gross. I squeal like a girl (well i am one) everytime one lands in my hair. I freaked out when i was driving along and there was one in the car flapping around. When you walk through the paddock they take flight and they are so freaky. I scared a bunch of them and they commited suicide in my old bath tub that i use for a horse water trough. The horses are too scared to drink out of their troughs because the stupid things are floating around in there. I have to keep scooping them out.
  9. She cleans the car everytime i go somewhere in it. As soon as i come home she is right at the grill. She likes them crispy. I didn't realise she was eating so many of them though. I couldn't work out why she wasn't hungry and she has barely come inside for the last few days as she chases them round the yard. I hope they don't make her sick.
  10. I've barely seen Georgias face in days.
  11. One- Have a swarm of locust come to stay.
  12. Steve, if you don't have a lot of people for this one i can help as i have some free time with the school year starting to wind down.
  13. You would not believe the amount of people who think my husband would eat our pets. The first time someone suggested it i was quite horrified at how rude they were but now It's a common joke in our family. Our dog before Georgie, a beautiful kelpie we adopted from MDR was called Photar but was often referred to as Pho Cho (dog soup). Honestly i have no problem with people if they want to eat dog as long as it is humanely killed. Of course family pets are off limits.
  14. Greens preferenced to Labor. Nationals of course went with Lib and SEX party preferenced with Lib. I'm not sure which way the independants are going but of course that hinges on whether any actually got in. Both Bendigo East and West retained Labor for another term. Although to be honest i don't really have an objection to the Labor leader for our seat it's just that i dislike their policies and the way they have screwed so many country people over. Pipeline and desal plant being two of the projects that went ahead under protest. I must say i am really disappointed at how the election has panned out.
  15. I postal voted and i can honestly say it was the most agonising descision i have had to make since the last bloody election. I had to sit there and go through all the policies on the internet and all i can say is what a load of cr*p. In the end i picked the least worst and worked from there as i wasn't really happy on anyone. Labor were last though. I cannot stand them and their candidate for our area.
  16. I just can't see the appeal of him that makes women swoon. But i married an asian so what would i know.
  17. The problem as i see it is that for a lot of us when we want something we want it then and there. We also want it to come toilet trained, house trained, obedience trained. We want something that knows exactly what it is supposed to do at any given time. We want something that can groom itself, cut it's own toenails, worm and flea itself, feed itself. We want something on our terms. God forbid the dog might have a brain and grow bored and get destructive because it doesn't fit in with our schedule. When it all gets too hard or it makes you angry one too many times then we get rid of it. For some the novelty of having a pet wears off quickly. For others it might take some time. Poor pet shoved outside with no interaction other than feeding- if we remember. No one to play with. Starts digging holes and ruining stuff. We are a wasteful society. It's cheaper to get rid of the old and get the new. That way you don't have to pay costs associated with fixing it. And you can upgrade at the same time.
  18. I just went through this with my almost 5 year old son. I suggest getting the blood test done. It doesn't take long. My son didn't even flinch when the nurse took blood. They will let you know what the allergies are caused by and the severity. However if you then want it narrowed down to individual causes you will need to go for skin scratch testing. My son is on Flixotide asthma preventer morning and night, Nasonex nasal spray once a day, Aerius antihistamine plus Polaramine if it flares up during the day. His bedroom is an animal free domain. No animals are allowed to enter. No animals are allowed on the lounge. We have floorboards and tiles. no carpet. Make sure you look at asthma friendly bedding. There is a website that will show you approved products that are suitable. Remember that sleeping on a bottom bunk means that it will have more dust etc so if he does perhaps moving him will help. Make sure curtains are clean of all dust. We also have a air filter that we run in the bedroom that helps him.
  19. Our cat Perrin has diabetes. But was in the early stages so no damage done. He has 2 12 hourly injections a day. It does feel daunting but once you settle into a routine it is easy. As Rappie says never shake the insulin. Just roll it gently back and forth between your fingers. I know dogs are different but the reason they suggest that it goes in the back of the neck is because there is more loose skin there. You just slide the needle under the skin and inject. Goodluck to your friends dog.
  20. Hope Danny is feeling better and is home soon. Georgia also had diarrhea last week. Monday morning at 3.30am she was whining to go outside and when i went to let her out she had gone in her bed and it was everywhere. Oh geez it was stinky. I kept an eye on her on Monday but she was fine. No other symptoms and was back to herself. I just gave her rice and chicken broth to eat. As she was okay i just put it down to her eating something she shouldn't have. Tuesday morning i came home from dropping the kids at school and went to pick up the dog poo and found 3 piles of bloody diarrhea that she had done that morning. Off to the vets and she had a temp and wasn't feeling well. Thankfully it wasn't anything really bad. And after some medicine was feeling better. She had to take tablets for 5 days but she has been fine since then. A few other people i have spoken too who live close have said their dogs have had similar problems lately so don't know if it's just coincidence or not.
  21. Kinda reminds me of the people who think they have the right to send their kids to school with peanut butter and other nutty foods when there is a clear policy of no nuts. My kids like peanut butter but no way would i endanger someone elses child by letting them take it to school.
  22. That's not a dog! That looks like a cute little guinea pig.
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