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Everything posted by perrin

  1. Some cheap lino from Bunnings or somewhere. Maybe off cuts?
  2. But are you asking if they have 20 breeding dogs or just how many dogs in general. 20 dogs may not be a lot of dogs if they are made up of mixed breeds, working breeds, retired dogs. 20 dogs is just a number. People with working dogs (i have found) tend to have quite a few dogs at one time. And they don't always consist of working dogs. There tends to be one or two family dogs as well as the old retired farm dogs and the young dogs who are learning the ropes.
  3. I would have thought that it is only sensible to ask the price first!? Politely of course. How are you going to know if you can afford the puppy if you don't ask. It would make for an unpleasant surprise if you fell in love with the breed and puppy only to find out it was way way over your budget. It was one of the reasons we narrowed our list down to a Dalmatian. We needed to be realistic about how much we could afford to spend on the purchase price taking into consideration if the pup needed transporting as well as further vaccinations and future desexing costs. Not to mention setting up for a new puppy.
  4. Georgia can't catch food either. It either hits her in the face or she snaps and misses. She has no co-ordination.
  5. A couple of years ago we lost our dog to a snakebite. It's such a traumatic thing to go through with the kids.
  6. We won't be attending but bumping for a worthy cause. Wishng organisers all the best and fingers crossed for a great turnout.
  7. Solo dog here to. Whenever i think about getting another dog i then think about how difficult it is to do things with even one dog. Georgia is a people person anyway and happy to just lay around all day. Or follow me around in the garden or go out with me. Sometimes i think she is broken. She's not what i was expecting from a dal. She is happy to have the company of us and the cats.
  8. Trust me. You only have to spend a minute in their company to come to that conclusion. But don't worry. Stupid gullible Perrin has to find these things out the hard way. By the way Raz my son wants to know who wins out of the bear and the shark?
  9. There was a huge brown snake on the road out the front of my neighbours paddock yesterday on my way home. I thought it was a stick til it stuck it's head up and looked at me. Scared the heck out of me. I thought it was going to go under my car. I had visions of it getting into the engine and dropping in while i am driving. When i looked in the rearview i could see it making it's way into the grass on the edge. Thank goodness.
  10. Once when i was out with my mum we came across this little dog out on a main road. By the time i u turned and came back it had narrowly been missed by a truck and another car had pulled up. However when i opened my door the little guy came running over and launched himself inside and sat himself on my poor mums lap. He was so stinky and had probably been swimming in a dam or sometihng. We took him to the vet and he was microchipped so his owner was going to pick him up on the way home from work.
  11. Has everyone updated their bushfire/emergency plans yet? I'm going to run through ours with the kids this evening but just wanted to put up contact details if anyone is in need of help this season. I can offer a temporary place for horses or 1 child/cat/dog friendly dog. Cats are a possibility. We are located in the Bendigo region Victoria and can be contacted via pm through the forum.
  12. I do not support animal cruelty yet there is no way i will ever support any group/s that speak of 'ethical' but lie, steal and perform illegal acts under the guise of 'rescue' to get their own way. I have no respect and will never support them in any way.
  13. Beautiful daughter and a beautiful dog. They are both gorgeous and congrats to them. It's a massive achievement.
  14. I used to wear similar ones to these at work. http://www.industryupdate.com.au/kevlar-arm-protectors_sperian They were really good and protect your whole arm from any lacerations you may get. And the good thing is that in summer your arm doesn't get sweaty as they breathe. Well worth the money.
  15. We had Poodle down on our list for a potential dog then went Dalmatian. I would still love to get a Poodle one day but it will be a long way into the future as we are only a one dog household and i plan to have Georgia for a long time. Still they are on my one day list.
  16. Yes. Agree. It will be interesting to see if Australia follows.
  17. I don't know. But welcome to Bendigo. There are a few of us around so maybe someone will be able to offer you some advice.
  18. Have you received mine yet Steve? I sent it in an envelope last week. Tuesday i think it was. I'm pretty sure i put Perrin on the back.
  19. Thanks Rainy. Most of my materials are kiddy types. I think the jungle animals are cute though. I did briefly comsider cupcakes then decided against it.
  20. Okay i cut 4 squares. Hopefully they are the right size. I cut two stripe and 2 jungle print. They look cuter in real life. I promise.
  21. Any particular design print for the squares? I have heaps of material so could cut a 1/4 for you. I have some cute jungle print just not sure what you would get on a block of 6 1/2 inch. Will have a measure. The only dog related material i have is being saved up for a skirt for my niece so if you want doggy designs i will have to go shopping! ;)
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