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Everything posted by perrin

  1. That ad was funny. I showed it to my 9 year old and he sort of got it. He said the dog was jealous because the woman wasn't spending time with him anymore so he got angry and wrecked her clothes and then the woman came home and thought the man had dressed the dog in her dress so the man left and then the woman took the dog out in her car again. And then the dog was happy. :laugh:
  2. I wish more people would remember this. Everyone's dog and everyone's lifestyle is different. I wish people wouldn't be so judgmental about dog food - some people's dogs get sick on raw food, some people's dogs are allergic to this kibble or that kibble. My dogs did fine on Evil Hills Science Diet and they do just as fine on Royal Canin. I am sure they would have been fine on Black Hawk, I just preferred to get them a kibble that was guaranteed to always be easy to source. I think there are even a few people here who feed their dogs 'supermarket' kibble/wet foods and their dogs do fine/better on it than they do on premium kibble. It's like the whole "you must feed bones"/"you should never feed bones" debate. No one is right or wrong and no one can win. I think it's fine to put forward what you do and what your preference is, but then leave it at that. To be honest, there are many who probably think that one is a bad owner just because one feeds one's dog kibble rather than a raw diet so all of us kibblers are naughty regardless of brand :laugh: Good comment! :) I've just taken my two off of Canidae, their farts were rank. I've put them on some other stuff (that I can't remember the name of). I brought my mum a bag too to see if it will help improve the skin condition of her GSD, apparently it is fantastic for skin problems. My dogs do great on anything really. Eukenuba, advance, hills. It's all good IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Would be interested to know what the name is for the one that is good for skin :) I know that many people don't like Proplan but Georgia eats Proplan Sensitive skin and stomach and does well on it. She can get a little itchy on other brands of dog food but i find this one suits her and she looks good. Nice shiny coat, lots of energy and even better no itching and scratching when she is on it even though she is only fed about a cup of dry a day.
  3. Thanks TSD. I only just remembered i posted in here too. :laugh: And you know i was having a dumb moment because when i posted i thought for some reason you lived near me then later on i remembered that you don't. I was thinking of someone else. But that's why i was wondering where you had managed to buy Artemis from. :laugh: I think i might just buy some online once i recover from my recent vet bill. It seems to be the easiest option.
  4. TSD Can i ask where you get your Artemis from? Georgia mainly eats a mix of Proplan Sensitive, chicken carcass/necks, fruit, vegies, yoghurt and eggs plus treats and i've been wanting to try the Artemis for treats but being rural find it difficult to get hold of. I've tried a sample and she does like it and it would be nice to also add a little bit of extra now and again for a change.
  5. Yeah. If you don't have a 4 wheel drive it's a waste of time and effort. Though even 4 wheels drives shouldn't be driving through the waters. Learnt that last week. Water in the engine and cracked a pipe underneath causing coolant to leak everywhere. Narrandera road closures are NARRANDERA ROADS: Last Updated at 13:45pm (Thursday) CLOSED Irrigation Way (Leeton Rd) Grong Grong River Road Pinehope Road Bicentennial Road Angle Road Pamandi Road Federal Park Road Barellan Road Kamarah Road Myer Road MR84 Binya to Barellan Bogalong Road Back Morundah Road Raes Lane Devlins Bridge Road Hughenden Road Erigolia Road - Carrathool Shire Sturt Highway to Wagga Wagga Paynters Siding Road All gravel roads in Narrandera - light and local vehicles only WATER OVER ROAD - CAUTION ADVISED Leeton / Colinroobie Road Old Wagga Road at five mile Main road from Coolamon to Ganmain
  6. My family are along that stretch Steve- Wagga to Griffith and i think you are able to get all the way through to Griffith in a 4 wheel drive. I'm not sure you will get past Narrandera though without some major detours. Darlington Point is still open so you can pass through there if you are able to get through Narrandera. People are passing supplies along by truck. Some of the other roads are also open. I'm trying to contact my brother and sister in law who are in Griffith but am unable to get through to see how they are but last i heard the roads are mostly open at the moment.
  7. I hope Kojaks family can get some closure from this trial. And the person/s responsible are held accountable for his death. I can't believe it has been 3 years.
  8. Disappointed that Rochester is not starting earlier. I spoke to a friend today and she is 20klms from there and said it was 37 degrees with tomorrow expected to be hotter. I think my 4 will stay home. Yes i saw this on Facebook. I don't show but i am about 20 minutes drive from Rochester and it is always quite hot up this way and there has been talk of a storm coming through so i did think it was a little silly to go ahead. Tonights temp is supposed to be 20 degrees so i guess if you are on early it's not so bad. I would recommend lots of sunscreen and definitely a hat and long sleeves. The sun up this way has a bite to it. 5 minutes out in the sun and you will start baking.
  9. Georgia loves tissues. She doesn't collect them though she steals thems and rips them to shreds. Poor tissues don't stand a chance. New or used, she doesn't care. :laugh:
  10. Sure so send them all to Bendigo. I'm sure 'the Bendigo man' will take care of them if they spray on his doors, crap in his garden, kill native wildlife for fun, have cat fights in the middle of the night with other mad humans and roll on the tarmac infront of passing cars. What? You don't think we have enough crazies living here already? :laugh: Clearly you don't keep up with our local news. :laugh:
  11. Ok i had a quick read so apologies if i missed anything. We have severe asthma and allergies in our house as well so i can understand your concern. What we do is limit the areas that our dog can go in. Eg no access to bedrooms at all. Our dog sleeps crated in the laundry which is not enclosed but near the toilet so she can still feel part of the family. Because we no longer have carpets she is allowed in the kitchen, loungeroom and hallway. Definitely not on the lounge. Our dog has a mat that she can come in and lay on inside if she wants or she can go to her crate. She sleeps inside at night. One of the reasons is that there are a lot of dogs around here that bark at night and i don't want her to become a barker as i know how annoying it is trying to get some sleep when you just can't! Also we have a thin coated Dalmatian so sleeping outside over winter isn't going to happen even with a coat on. In summer she sometimes chooses to go outside during the night and stay out. You can have a dog inside but you just have to work out what works and what doesn't. I'm a bit of a germaphobe too so i know what you mean. I leave a mat outside the door so that our dog wipes her paws before coming inside and it is something you can train your dog to do. And you know dogs are pretty smart so house training normally doesn't take that long at all. In regards to having no digging areas in your backyard. Perhaps invest in a clam shell or two or three and put sand and dirt and toys in there and teach your little guy that it's okay to dig in there and make a mess. A puppy as young as yours really needs to be with you. He's still young and learning and what he learns now will impact on how he grows up. I would suggest looking into crate training and then gradually move him outside if that is your wish when he is older. But i think at this stage (and from what i have read about Staffords) they are family dogs and he needs to feel secure.
  12. We are in Bendigo. There are a few of us. Most post in Off Topic though.
  13. So sorry to those who have lost their dog to a snake. We lost our dog a few years ago to a snake and it is such a terrible thing to go through. I had nightmares for ages afterwards about snakes. You can only do so much to make it safe for pets. I thought that our dog run was secure but can only assume the snake entered through the gate in search of water when i had it open before i put our dog inside. I think i locked our dog in with the snake and the end result was our poor dog. He was gone before i even found him and i still feel guilty that i didn't let him out as soon as i got home from school because it's possible that he could have been saved. At the end of the day though you just have to let the blame go because otherwise you are always second guessing yourself. We no longer use the dog pen. In fact other than the bars all the fencing and bricks have been removed and used elsewhere.
  14. I would say black spotted. I find the more heavily spotted Dals much more attractive. Not sure about others.
  15. Yeah but women don't like identify themselves through their breasts (or at least I don't lol). not sure if I'm reading this right but it kinda souonds like you're saying that Men's testes are a major part of their identity? Not for all men, but they talk about them a lot. Like if someone seems hesitant to do something hard, they tell him to grow a pair (of balls). If someone does something brave and confrontational, they say, wow they have balls of steel, or he's got balls etc. You get the idea. I have not heard anyone talk about breasts the same way - they aren't seen to affect personality. That's because us women don't keep our brain down there. ;) ETA Just joking. I know not every man is like that. However my husband would nueter anything that moved including himself.
  16. I saw the interview on the news last night. That poor couple. Just tragic for them. I thought the womans injuries were bad enough but they said her partner was awaiting surgery and one of the dogs was not expected to live.
  17. Georgie as a puppy. Taken after we brought her home so i would say 9 weeks. Georgie somewhere between 1 and 2 years old. Georgie now.
  18. If you decide on a not so rare breed and since no one else has suggested one, how about a Dalmatian. They are happy family dogs. Some can be excitable and full on but ours is placid and happy to just mooch around the house. Easy to care for as they have a wash and wear coat. Very loyal companions. Our girl very rarely barks. Only if she is playing with other dogs otherwise she is silent. Georgia is good with cats and mice and stray turkeys/chickens from the neighbours yard. Not much of a guard dogs though. She would let them in and show them where the valuables are kept.
  19. Georgia has done this before. But her two great loves are apples and pears. We've even caught her climbing up the tree trunks to get the fruit from the tree. Fortunatly i was able to get her straight to the vet and got some medication for her and she didn't have to stay overnight. She had a lot of pain in her tummy along with the runny poo with smears of blood in it. And a small amount of vomiting. We try and stay vigilant and cut the lower branches so she can't access to much fruit and also pick up any fruit that falls down. As the fruit trees are spread throughout the yard it makes it difficult to contain them properly so we just keep an eye on how much fruit she is eating and make sure she can't get to to much of it. We did a massive cut back this year and even took out a couple of the trees. There was just way to much fruit as we also have apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines and almonds.
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