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Everything posted by perrin

  1. Georgia isn't always keen on going out in the rain either but she has two choices. She either goes out, does her business and comes back inside where she can stay warm when i'm out or she goes out with her coat on and stays out whilst i am gone. As we have a verandah right round the house she is protected from the rain and wind so she's not just left out in the cold. But it's her choice and she learnt very quickly that she would get a reward, nice treat and too come back in out of the cold if she toileted. On occasion i have had to put her leash on and take her out and wait but she usually is pretty quick. It's not that i think she will have an accident in the house more of a worry about urinary infection if she holds on. And she will hold on for as long as possible.
  2. If anyone is interested Bendigo Community Health are asking for donations of coats, jumpers and even blankets if you can spare some. Link to BCH http://www.bchs.com.au/ Link to coat drive poster http://www.bchs.com.au/Winter%20Coat%20Drive%20June%202012%20Poster%20A3.pdf They can be dropped off at any of the BCH centres around Bendigo or at nominated points. They would be most appreciated.
  3. Juice sorry to hear about Apollo. I hope he is feeling better soon. I've no advice other than listen to yourself. If you think there is something wrong definitely take him back.
  4. I just bought this for my dogs. Feels extremely sturdy and comfortable. We have one as well. I love that it is easy to wash. And very snuggly. We got ours at Petstock.
  5. Georgia gets this occasionally from wagging her tail constantly in a confined area. We went to the vets to get stitches out once and came home with a bandaged tail because she was so happy to visit the clinic she didn't stop wagging, the dill. You can put a small amount of purple spray on it if you have some.
  6. Oh man i would never be able to leave Georgia outside all night. A couple of months ago she woke me up one night because she wanted to go outside, i think it was about midnight. My husband was still up doing paperwork so i went back to bed figuring he would just let her back in. But no she came around to my bedroom window and started tapping on it with her paw until i got out to let her in. Bl**dy cow. :laugh: I was almost asleep again too. :laugh:
  7. We recently got a Purina Petlife bed for George. It looks like this http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=purina+petlife+bedding+system&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=w4x&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=np&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=ocLEtacpkkFRHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.ozdogbeds.com.au/purina-lounger-chew-resistant-dog-bed.html&docid=_vIOQX-rmIsWkM&imgurl=http://cdn.ozdogbeds.com.au/media/catalog/product/cache/38/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/o/lounger_silver_handle_view.jpg&w=1100&h=660&ei=QYXET9fUNKLgmAWop63UCg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=331&sig=102392988331577533210&page=1&tbnh=86&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:0,i:117&tx=116&ty=73&biw=1366&bih=570 It is supposed to be chew and odour resistant. The outer covering is easy to take off and wash. Here's Georgia trying it out. It's nice and snuggly but you still need to put some blankets over it though as i think the canvas material is quite cold. I guess it depends on the type of dog you have though. ETA Ours isn't the one in the link, ours is the newer model. This might be a better link. http://www.petlife.com.au/dog-bedding-solutions/
  8. Across the road from us in the Wellsford Forest (near Bendigo) they have sled dog races. I have been meaning to take the kids over but so far we have always been busy when they are on. I think they would love to see the dogs racing. :)
  9. The only thing Georgia would guard would be the fire. Everything else is fair game. :laugh: Most people don't even realise we have a dog until they are face to face with her. I'm always being told how quiet she is. Probably because between the dog next door and the children she can't get a word in.
  10. Perrin muses over the possibility of having her childrens voices lowered so she can watch tv in peace. Personally i have nothing against debarking. I sometime wish my neighbours would get their mareema done so i could sleep at night.
  11. I had to ban my husband from feeding Georgia from the table as she started asking the kids for food. She is pretty good but knows my husband will give her stuff like ice cream etc if she waits patiently till he is done. *insert rolly man icon here* Here is a pic from a few days ago when she was waiting for her ice cream. Because my husband works long hours she doesn't see him as much so she loves him to death. When he's away she mopes around the house, checking all the rooms and outside to see where he is. I probably have the only dog who loves to listen on the phone. I have to put the speaker phone on for her so she can 'talk' to him. :laugh:
  12. I have a tendency to use what my kids call 'the dog voice' on the children at school. And i am definitely guilty of using hand signals on them. I also have a bad habit of slipping into vietnamese when the kids at school don't listen. I find using hand signals and vietnamese gets the point across. :laugh: Strangly many of the children prefer to work with me. My husband says it's because i give them strict boundaries. :laugh: Maybe they just prefer the crazy lady.
  13. Sorry to hear about Lola. Wishing you all the best with her recovery and sending positive vibes.
  14. Aww the poor old girl. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :)
  15. I live on the outskirts of Bendigo at Goornong/Barnadown. It's a nice place to live. I don't show but do know there are shows in Bendigo, Heathcote, Rochester etc around us. All easily accessible. Where we live we are 40 minutes from Echuca also so pretty central. You have a good run down the freeway to Melbourne. 110kms in parts. Vet wise lots of breeders and people who show seem to use McIvor Road Vet clinic. Sue is very nice. You also have several other vets in the area though for breeding purposes sue seems to be the one everyone goes to. Bendigo doesn't snow like Ballarat does. We do get extreme temperature swings though. Happy house hunting.
  16. But it's possible that a snake bite could cause the flesh to die off even when the animal does not die from the bite? I currently am dealing with a cat here who was bitten whilst in the cat house and she recovered quickly being given antivenom treatment but several days later her fur began to fall out and the skin to become unhealthy. (Sorry i don't want to distress people) This is what her coat and skin looked like on Saturday. I won't post any recent pics as it could be distressing to some. I will say that other than the colour of her skin the fur loss has (fingers crossed) slowed down.
  17. I'm totally freaked out just reading about it. Can you get someone to come and stay over tonight at least?
  18. Steve, i had a bit of an ask around but everyone i have been in contact with seem generally okay for dog and cat food. Some people were able to get help through the local churches and charities and have said they are okay and they are not desperate, they are managing for pet food as they were donated other items that took the pressure off. They suggested that the people of Yenda might be in need of pet food but as i don't know anyone who lives in Yenda directly i haven't been able to find out who would need any. Perhaps someone else on the forum will know someone who is in need. Many people thanked you for the offer but they are "okay and others will need it more". Edit to add that a family member contacted me and said try the Yenda Rotary Flood Appeal contact Brian on 0428 331779.
  19. I don't mind the playing barks. I always smile when i hear and see the dogs next door having a good rough and tumble but the constant barking at night does start to wear thin. We live next door to a mareema and a jack russell that are constantly barking all night. Sleeping with the window open has become a thing of the past. And i know Georgia finds the mareema quite intimidating.
  20. I think that snakes will go where snakes will go. Anywhere and everywhere.
  21. Is there a criteria that people have to meet Steve before they qualify for pet food? I can ask around for you. The problem is that many people are too proud to ask for handouts for themselves but may accept food for their pets. In the Griffith area many people have lost wages and will be struggling with the school holidays coming up.
  22. Any photos? Would love to see them. Especially Ernys quilt. Congrats all the winners.
  23. Thanks Efowler. My sister is going to take the budgies and said she will try and find a cheapish aviary to take the cockatiels as well. If the cockatiels don't work out i can hopefully bring them up to at least Narrandera if not Wagga in the holidays as i have family up your way. Our school holidays start on the 30th of March.
  24. Or would anyone be interested in taking on two cockatiels? They belong to my FIL who is very sick and he would like to give them away as he is finding it very difficult to look after them now. There are also two budgies. I believe they are a male and female but i have asked one of my sisters if she would like them to go with hers so i am just waiting to hear back if she has room. My husband is bringing the birds home this afternoon to Bendigo and we won't be able to keep them very long so it is fairly urgent. If anyone knows someone in bird rescue or knows of a good home for them please send me a message.
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