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Everything posted by Sonovagun

  1. Thanks guys, I will stick to the puppy food for now. Are there any premium puppy brands which assist with the coat and skin? Kalie has dry skin.
  2. Hi guys, I have a 25kg BC x Collie she will be 12 months at the end of July and I am wondering should I change her over from puppy food to adult food now? Her puppy food will run out this soon so is a good time to switch. I also have a 5kg Mini foxie who is now 9 months old, when is it recommended to give her adult food? Thanks xSx
  3. My Collie x Border collie had demodectic mange, i changed her diet to BARF patties and Eagle pack, she wasn't mad for the eagle pack so i swapped her to nutrience her coat improved and the mange is now gone.
  4. ..... that's the whole point - there's NO cooking. All raw. I'm a hopeless cook too. Hence very little time in the kitchen spent for MY benefit. hopeless with a blender then! Not that i have one
  5. Sorry, Sonovagun. The BARF I was speaking of and I believe that Kelpie-i spoke of, is the "do it yourself" variety - home made. oh lol well im a terrible cook so i pretty much have no choice but to buy pre-made patties otherwise the poor dears would starve
  6. I like my girls to have variety, I do the same thing with my horses and my cat, dry feed in the morning wet feed at night. I don't feed the recommended amounts insteed I adjust the quantities as required to keep them looking great!
  7. I feed both my girls BARF they are 10mths and 8mths and do really well on it. It comes in a pack of twelve which easily slides into my freezer. BARF very easy to prepare I just put what I need in a container then pop it in the fridge the night before, by dinner time just grab it out of the fridge and serve! They also get dry food in the mornings, my mums Golden Retriever pup (5mths) gets Eagle Pack and mince and he looks great, a 7kg bag lasts about a month.
  8. Hi guys, My mums a mobile dog groomer so lucky me I wash my girls fortnightly in the hydrobath (well usually mum takes over ) I use Aloveen shampoo it smells beautiful and makes their coat lush! They are all indoor puppies so don't get to muddy. xSx
  9. hi Flycow i get my Nutrience from petstock i took the last one the other day i hope they will be getting more in!
  10. I used to have problems getting my girls to eat their dry food I tried sardines which they ate but doesn't help when your in a hurry, they now get Nutrience and are happy to eat. I feed them just bikkies in the morning inside while I shower if its still there when i get out no breakfast (mum has a garbage disposal dog who will steal it when i leave lol) sometimes I drizzle a little gravy (comes free with the Nutrience) on top for Little one takes two secs to squeeze from a bottle! At night they get their BARF with bikkies and eat it all.
  11. Hi guys, I don't think Nutro dry has been affected by the recall, a friend feeds Nutro and is very happy with it, I feed Nutrience (can't get nutro) and am very happy mum feeds Eagle pack and is also very happy S
  12. Hi guys, I own a BC x Collie she is 9mths old and has really good natural herding insticts (she really knows how to get the pup out of my room!) I would absolutly love to teach her to herd, just need to know when where and how much kinda thing. Also she has Demadectic mites which isn't contageous but should wait till it goes away? If it ever does Sonovagun
  13. Hi guys I feed my girls Nutrience and they do really well on it, i started them on eagle pack but they were reluctant to eat it and much prefer the Nutrience. They have lovely shiny coats and easy poos to clean up!! On the other hand my mum feeds her show pup on Eagle pack and he loves it, though he is not in any way a fussy eater and loves my girls Nutrience too! I just brought a 7.5kg bag for $55 at Petstock I usually only get the 3kg bag which costs $26 it adds up to approx $1.35 a day for my 25kg Border collie x Collie and 0.50c a day for my 4.5kg Mini Foxie. Hope this helps. Sonovagun.
  14. Hi Guys, Just been reading this post and thought hmm i wonder how much does my dry food recommend to feed my girls as i never thought to much about it, well have the bags here and wow what a shock!! I have two dogs firstly a 25kg Collie x Border collie she is 8 mths old she gets fed 1 1/2 cups of Nutrience junior puppy medium breed dry a day and 3/4 of a BARF pattie, the bag recommends I feed her 2 2/3 - 4 1/2 cups a day Jeepers she'd be massive even without the BARF. Now a 3kg bag lasts around 18 days at 170 grams a day and costs about $25 so this equates to approx $1.35 a day plus $1 for the BARF = $2.35 a day to feed her. Now to my little 4.6kg 6mth old Minifoxie, she gets fed 1/2 a cup of Nutrience junior puppy small breed dry per day and 1/4 of a BARF patties (so nice they can share!) the recommened daily feeding portion is 1 - 1 3/4 cups a day, what a tubby little pup she'd be With the same size bag using 60 grams a day this $25 bag will last 50 days at a daily cost of approx $0.50, add $0.35 for the BARF and total feeding costs a day for this little one is a whopping $0.85. not bad imo Sonovagun
  15. Hello Guys, I just found out my baby girl has localised Demodex just on her mouth. She is de-sexed and just on 8 months old her diet consists of a super premium dry food aswell as BARF. I got her as a rescue dog at 3.5 months i did give her extra supplements to help her coat as it was quiet dull. My vet was quiet disheartened when she saw the scraping, there were over 6 little mites on one slide , as she is a collie she cant be treated with ivermectim so she gave me a wash called Demadex hopefully this will work, has anyone ever used this? Thanks Gunna
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