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Everything posted by dancinbcs

  1. Some of the penetrating horse liniments are useful as well for an injury like that but check with the vet which ones are safe for a dog and remember to wear gloves if you apply them. It is so long since I have used them that I cannot remember which ones are suitable but think one may have been DMSO. As well as my girl with arthritic legs I have one with arthritis in the spine as an older dog. She got to the point where there was nothing the chiro could do to help and acupuncture kept her going for about 3 more years than we expected to have her. She would walk slowly into the clinic and bounce out after the treatment like a new dog. We also kept her off pain killers until her last year and she made it to over 14 years.
  2. The heated winter bed I had for my arthritic girl, was a trampoline bed with a puppy heating panel underneath on bricks so the could sleep with the sore bits over the heat but not overheat her whole body.She mainly had the arthritis in her legs. The other thing that really helps is acupuncture, if you can find someone to do it.
  3. I would try them together morning and night each day. Sometimes you miss the best day if you only try every second day. Let them play if they want to for about 10 minutes and if nothing happens, separate until the next morning or evening. If they both seem keen but the bitch keeps moving, put a collar on her and hold her front end, around her chest so she cannot step forward at the crucial moment. If the dog is experienced then do not touch him at all but leave him to get on with it.
  4. Please contact the breeder asap. You have had this puppy for just 4 weeks but they nurtured him for 8 weeks. They need to know and be consulted. If I was the breeder I would much prefer the puppy be returned as it has only been gone a few weeks and most breeders I am friends with would feel the same way. Dogs have multiple offspring because nature never intended for them all to survive. As JulesP said, unless they are breeding with an affected dog then this is sheer bad luck for them and for you. I know you think you are attached to this puppy but it is nothing like the attachment you get to a dog you have raised until adulthood or have owned for several years. If this was a 2 year old dog then I think you do whatever you can but with a new puppy there is a lot more to consider. If the surgery works, all well and good but if it doesn't are you prepared to pts or live with a permanently ill dog?
  5. Before you spend any more money also contact the breeder and let them know what is going on. Personally with a 12 week old puppy, if I was the breeder, I would ask for the puppy to returned and pts or offer a refund of the purchase price to go towards the cost of surgery. The breeder is not to blame because liver shunts can be difficult to detect and pretty much impossible to avoid but for the puppy to be affected this young, it must have been sold with this congenital defect. Others may think differently but I tend to believe that you shouldn't be spending more on fixing a defective puppy under 6 months, than it cost in the first place. Better to give them their wings and start again with a healthy puppy. Good luck with whatever decision you make as only you can make that decision.
  6. At all major shows Showaquipment and Petcetera and sometimes Great Rugs and Plush Puppy as well.
  7. An x-ray won't show how fat they are but an ultrasound will.
  8. With frames always remember to remove the wishbone. There was a Bullmastiff puppy on here a while back who died from the wishbone piercing his intestines.
  9. With the possibility of just two I would probably forgo the x-ray and ultrasound in the last day or so to find out what size they are and what position they are in. When my girl had three enormous puppies I was well prepared for the first one to be a whopper and breech because we had ultrasounded the day before. What I wasn't expecting was that he would be upside down which made getting him out "interesting" but not as bad as it would have been if I wasn't expecting possible trouble.
  10. I am liking these stories. This was day 26 from first mating though and they were very obvious, even to me. I have decided to see how she goes and probably x-ray in the last week to check size. When she had her 9 they were all good size puppies even for a litter half that size with an average weight of 360grams and the largest well over 400 so I am worried that if there are only 2 they could end up huge. I have found around day 35 for the ultrasound to give a more accurate count. Before that, some seem to hide. Our vets are usually never out by more than one with the ultrasound done later around 5-6 weeks so never need to do x-rays to count them. Otherwise ultrasound in the final days and see the positions as well.
  11. Puppies with slipping hocks can have the hock easily pushed forward when standing and it is a serious structural fault that can be picked up at 8 weeks. I know they slip forward but am not sure if they can also slip sideways but assume it would be possible with an unstable joint. It is not generally associated with HD but is just a structural problem that varies from mild to severe. To my knowledge there is no successful treatment for it.
  12. From what I have seen of Bostons they don't seem to come in placid. :laugh: They always want to take on every dog that walks past their trolleys and crates at shows, no matter how big the passing dog. They all seem to be feisty, hyper and noisy in my experience. Keep in close contact with the breeder about how to raise him and do not let him get away with anything as a baby that you don't wan't him to do as an adult.
  13. She wants to breed them they are only 6 months old or something atm so she cannot trial them yet , but she wants to breed later on...... I told her its a horrible Idea but I get classed as a dog loony for telling her so....some people cannot be told. I am just happy that she is going to be stimulating their minds properly instead of leaving them in the yard Registered or not they still need to be DNA tested for CL, CEA and TNS as well as hip and elbow scored before being bred. That will cost her around $1000 before she starts. If she wants to compete in ANKC trials she has no option but to desex them.
  14. I checked the QLD regulations and he is a restricted breed that must be desexed and you also need an annual permit to keep him as well as complying with any local council regulations. Since 2008 it has been illegal to breed sell or give away a restricted breed unless it is from a deceased estate or similar special circumstances.
  15. It sounds like you are a long way from Brisbane so this local trainer is probably your best bet for an independant assessment in your home. Castrating him earlier might have helped prevent a lot of these problems and still will if you are going to be able to work with him. In most states it is illegal to have an entire APBT anyway and also illegal to rehome them. Not sure on Qld law though. Barking frantically at other dogs is one step from a full scale attack and if he upsets another dog enough for it to have a go at him he is liable to kill it as the breed will not back down from a challenge. Nipping at children is also one very small step from a full scale attack so please be very careful. Dogs that don't like strange children can be managed in some households but not when you have children who may accidently open a gate or door or bring a friend in. It is good that you don't just want to get rid of a problem dog but with your current situation, if he is going to need far too much time to turn him around it is probably best and safest for everyone if you have him pts. I would much rather people do this than dump the dog at the pound or on someone else.
  16. Yes, I would. I have had a dog autopsied, including sending the whole brain to pathology and just told the vet I didn't want to know what they did, I just wanted an answer. I did get the ashes of this one back though but if that hadn't been possible I would still rather have had the answer I got than have him back. I too feel that once they die the spirit has left what was just the outer packaging. I have all the ashes of my departed dogs as I would never want to bury a body. Getting this done to a dog I was extremely close to was not easy but finding the answers gave me a peace I could live with and hopefully help with other dogs in the future. My dog had attacked me with no warning and finding he did in fact have serious brain damage from undiagnosed bacterial meningitis at some time, helped me get over the whole ordeal. It also justified my decision to have him pts as he would have been in a lot of pain from a build up a cerebral fluid that could not drain away.
  17. My earlier comment was because it never occurred to me that the vet would have sick dogs in outdoor runs. All of the vets I have ever used have only had small indoor cages so I was perplexed how anyone could take a puppy from one.
  18. He gets daily exercise, he is entire (that wasn't my choice) I have no idea why he hates other kids, he bark at anything that walk past if the kids over the back come to the fence, the lawnmower - he bites the wheels, if the kids are swinging on the swings he barks at that too. He was hit by a car at about 4 months old so I don't know if that has had some impact. He shows agression towards other dogs. If he is rehomed it it to a friend that lives on property with working dogs so thats not an issue. Our dog is an APBT Being hit by the car could have caused brain damage. I have seen it happen before. He may also just have a bad temperament that didn't really show until he started to mature and with a dog with that much strength, I wouldn't be taking any chances around children or rehoming him. I honestly suspect there could possibly be some genetic brain disease in the breed as well that makes some become aggressive as they mature. Your first post came across as someone with zero dog experience and none raising a puppy, as much of that behaviour is common in small yappy breeds if they aren't trained. As you do have experience with the breed and have declared this one is nuts, is aggressive with other dogs and people, he is a serious liability. By all means have him assessed be an expert but please make sure he doesn't become yet another attack statistic for APBTs especially with a child. I know the agony of having to pts a dog with brain damage so know that decision isn't easy but dogs cannot tell us if their head aches or what they are feeling so he could well be in pain and over reacting to noise and movement stimulus.
  19. Glad to hear that Buckie is home but very disappointed to hear that some media commented on the fact the dog was very expensive, no doubt due to the supposed "rare blue" colour.
  20. Sorry but he sounds like every other dumped adolescent dog that ends up being euthanased in pounds and shelters every week because no one bothered to train them and just expected them to know how to behave. Chaining him up will turn an untrained dog into one that feels the need to defend himself, as you have found out. Puppies need to be carefully raised and taught how they should behave, just like children do, except with a puppy you only have months not years to get it right. At this point the only chance this poor dog has is for you to consult a good professional behaviourist to assess the dog and teach you how to undo all the bad habits he has been taught. Have you had him since he was a baby? Did he come from a breeder and if so what backup have they given you? What breed is he? How much training have you done with him and how much do you do each day? What good behaviour do you praise and how?
  21. Most breeds are fertile by 6-8 months and definitely by 10 months but the odd one will attempt a mating before that. I know of two different 4 month old Belgians that mated with their mothers. No idea if they were fertile or not because both bitches had mismating injections.
  22. Vitamin C helps to keep the ligaments tight so the joints are less prone to injury.
  23. Why does someone need to express milk for a dog in UK or Aus? They could go to the local vet if the dog needed help. Its not like they live in a tent in the middle of nowhere My guess is that it would probably beat powdered milk formula hands down No it wouldn't. Dogs milk is much richer in fat and other nutrients than human or even cows milk. Goats are about the only other species with milk suitable for puppies.
  24. And the silver won't come through if you desex them. You need to wait for the colour change to desex a Silky unless you want it to remain black/tan.
  25. Vicks Vapourub is a pretty good deterrent to most dogs. Also make sure he is never left unsupervised with free run of the house and remember to provide lots of stuff he can chew. Most importantly always reprimand when he goes to chew something and shouldn't and always praise when he chews something he should. I keep a toy basket and the puppy gets praised every time he selects something from there. What is left of the basket, survived several Border Collies but the Jap Spitz ate basket as well as the toys. The Vapourub did stop him eating the house though.
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