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Everything posted by dancinbcs

  1. While scars are of no importance, sound movement is vital, so a broken leg that hasn't healed well enough for the dog to move correctly would put them out of the ring. Show dogs should be judged on breed type, correct construction and therefore movement and temperament. In most breeds cosmetic imperfections should be way down the list of importance.
  2. I have never had or known of a Border to hump anything other than dogs that try to hump bitches that smell interesting, so it is rather odd for the breed. Personally I would just distract him with a mild reprimand but not make too big a fuss or he may not perform if you need to use him as a stud in the future.
  3. A missing eye could be from something like glaucoma so would not be permitted but scars and the odd chunk out are fine. I knew a top winning dog who was missing half an ear where his over zealous dam chewed it off while cleaning him after he was born. A few judges objected to it but most didn't care. It was the off show side ear do wasn't immediately noticable. I also know of two Grand Champions who finished their points with a toe missing from surgery for bone infections. Missing teeth are also fine in many breeds if you can clearly see the gap where they used to be.
  4. All dogs, even within the same breed can react differently to different shampoos, so the best one is the one that works on each individual dog.
  5. If you have never had a dog before then an older trained dog is a better option than a puppy unless you are prepared to ask almost daily questions of the breeder about how to raise a puppy. It can be done but most people get it wrong and the dog is the one show suffers. The breed listing here on DOL have a section in each breed for older dogs and these are usually failed or retired show dogs, so most are well trained and socialised. Just make sure you get one that is housetrained. The options for which breed are much greater if you get an adult because you will already know exactly what the dog is like in temperament and attitude. A few things to keep in mind is that most breeds have been bred with a purpose and retain the instincts that has been bred into them. Herding breeds chase things that move, sighthounds also chase, scenthounds will follow a scent for miles if they get out. Sledding dogs tend to run and keep running if they get out, terriers dig and were mostly bred to kill smaller animals. Gundog breeds are easily distracted by birds and small animals and guard breeds need to have an owner who can control what they guard. There are some purely companion breeds among the smaller ones as well. So you need to decide how much energy you want the dog to have, how much you want to groom it, how big is the space you have for it and how much you can afford in food and vets bills, etc. The bigger the dog the bigger the cost to keep it.
  6. Apart from the fact that it will cost them a minimum of $200 per puppy to raise them, what are they going to do when they can't sell them? Unregistered Cattle Dogs, like Staffies are a dime a dozen, there are plenty in pounds and they are not popular as pets. They don't just magically sell at 8 weeks because you want them to. They might sell one or two but what if they have 8 or 10? Are they prepared to keep and feed the rest until they find homes, which could take months? They cannot use a registered stud dog unless they are breeding genuine working dogs and in that case the stud fee would be around $800 at least.
  7. Report him to the ranger. The dog should not be loose.
  8. As the OP stated they looked at the ANKC website but could not find the details you would assume that is an ANKC breed. The Japanese Spitz Club of NSW has formed in the last few months, run it's first show and has members from all over the country as most states do not have enough owners to start a breed club. For a rare breed there is really no point in a National Breed Council because they are very difficult to organise and the only benefit is to get to call a show a "National". It may sound good but you need a very large entry to really pull off a show that is what most people think of as a National. Better to just have a breed club in the state where there are likely to be the most members and those who are prepared to donate time and money to the cause. Edited to add the following link to the Dogs NSW regulations for affiliates. Affiliates
  9. Those dogs could still die from shock or crush injuries so are not out of the woods yet. Definitely report the attack to ensure that the dog is pts and never has a chance to do that again. I don't care how people friendly he is, he has no place in society. The owner should also be in for a heavy fine for being so irresponsible.
  10. A little way out but Sandra at Summer Hill Village Vet is very good.
  11. Whelping is 63 days from ovulation at most. Temperatures can go up and down for a couple of days and the full degree drop that signals that that whelping will be within 12-24 hours can also be missed, so the temperature is only a rough guide. My vet is a repro specialist and usually ultrasounds in the last couple of days if concerned. If the temp drops a full degree and there are no puppies in 24 hours, I would prog test, otherwise wait out the 63 days if all is going well. Having said that, if in any doubt it is always safer to do a caesar early rather than later.
  12. For the BC Nationals the club paid to hire the trailer for the day and paid for power and water on the grounds.
  13. Given the circumstances I would try to give him some more time and quality of life with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr Ann Neville in Bentleigh, Vic, ph: (03) 9555 1899 is a vet who also does TCM and has a very successful track record with cancer dogs including one of mine and several belonging to friends. She will consult by phone and do testing on hair samples as well as working with your vet to treat the dog long distance, so you wouldn't have to take him to the mainland.
  14. We have had then at National shows for the exhibitors to use themselves. They would probably do well at all breeds shows as well but it would need to be there from very early in the morning with times booked for people to do their own dogs. You also need permission from the show committee to set up.
  15. If you buy a free standing dog run to go on the concrete slab (if the shed is removed) you can always sell it again if you don't need it at the new place.
  16. I have never heard of any insurance company paying for anything related to breeding at all.
  17. Every breeder I am friends with has an agreement with puppy buyers to take the dog back if needed. If you choose the right homes then very few will be returned. From 12 litters I had 2 returned, one I bought back at full price from a dissolving marriage to stop them arguing over who's dog it was and the other came back to me for rehoming when the owner's life fell apart. I know a breeder who drove 8 hours away to retrieve a dog they bred from the pound and others who have paid airfares to have them returned from other states. Most will do whatever it takes to get their dogs back from a bad situation. It should be part of being a responsible breeder.
  18. I'm glad you have organised a vet visit and bought the book. It is a rather enlightening book given your situation. I realise Layla has been trained to recognise many words but will she do them if you command them in the presence of your OH with no input from her and no treats? That will tell you if Layla is truly trained or not and I think you are correct that she has in fact been training you. The bite is not to be taken lightly but hopefully with help now you will be able to turn the situation around and prevent it ever happening again.
  19. If he has to be inside, get a sturdy puppy pen and attach it to the full size crate to give him room to move around. Put his bed at the back of the crate a toilet area of artificial turf on paper at the far end of the puppy pen, in case he has to toilet when you are out. Expecting him to hold on in a small crate area for that long at that age is unrealistic and once he toilets in the crate itself you will have a real problem undoing the problem you have caused. You can also leave a heavy water bowl in the pen as well as some chew safe chew toys. Also consider the future as you may not be able to give him the unsupervised run of the flat for a year or even a couple of years, depending how inclined he is to chew things up. Are you going to crate him inside all day for that long? An outdoor secured run would be a better solution from the start if possible.
  20. Get some Nutrigel or Nutripet into the mum several times a day. I usually give 3 drinks a day of Biolac, Divetelact or Goats Milk with Nutripet in it so it is like a caramel milkshake plus at least 3 meals a day to the mum. Make sure she is getting fresh meat and eggs as well as whatever else you feed. Dry food alone does not produce much milk in many bitches. They need fluid and "wet food" with plenty of protein and fat to produce good milk. I have never had a BC puppy accept a puppy bottle to supplement but they usually will suck from a human newborn bottle with a "nuk" teat. If none of this works in a couple of days then tube feed them.
  21. Pounds often have no idea about less common breeds and most of the general public would not be able to recognise a true pedigree purebred in most breeds. When I worked for the AWL where we only took 3 purebred surrenders in the 6 months I was there, the pound brought out a dog that had an ear tattoo they could'nt trace. They decided to check with us before he was pts as an unclaimed stray. The boss had a look and said they couldn't decide if it was an Elkhound or a Deerhound , which are nothing alike. She asked me to have a look and the dog in question was a purebred hunting pack registered Foxhound that I tracked to a hunt club in Vic. They didn't want him back but it turned out he was being kept locally as a pet by people who found him and had rung in a lost dog notification for a Beagle cross. They were only reunited with him by accident when they came looking for a replacement dog and found him in our kennels.
  22. Shelties are wonderful dogs. I suggested a sheltie! My siblings concern is that it will require alot of grooming. Sheesh!! The things people worry about. One dog - take it to a groomer every few weeks. :laugh: Shouldn't they be brushed around 2 times a week? Once a week for about 20 minutes should do unless they are dropping their winter coat when a brush out every few days for a few weeks would be better. Hardly a high maintenance dog. Sheltie coats are not at all difficult to care for but should be dried with a dryer.
  23. I think a Sheltie would fit the bill. If she doesn't want a puppy, maybe an ex show dog would be a good option.
  24. I recently bought the 30" black crate from here for my Japanese Spitz. Check with the breeder if a Cav will fit in the smaller 24" one but I doubt it. My crate only weighs 6.5kgs so is easy to move around. They also have the galvanised one with the steel tray on special as a sell out at a cheaper price. Oz Grooming World I would never consider a soft crate in the Qld heat. If you have ever been inside a screened tent in hot weather you would know why. Just way too hot.
  25. When I got my table many years ago, the materials to make one, especially the proper legs, were so expensive that it actually worked out cheaper to buy the complete table.
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