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Everything posted by dancinbcs

  1. Has anyone used the Cordless Dremel Stylus for dog nails? It looks like it might be easier to handle. Stylus
  2. This sounds a bit like a 4 year old bitch I had in 1995 and we never did work out why or what happened to her but she got better and lived another 10 years. In hindsight she had problems before we picked up on them. She had her first litter in Feb '95 and she bled badly during whelping and had to go onto Vitamin K. I thought she was a rather indifferent mother but it seems she actually wasn't well. I had always used Interceptor on her but my vet at the time preferred pregnant bitches to be on heartguard so I changed her over. She recovered from the litter and seemed fine. After her next season I was heartworming the dogs and had one heartguard left over so gave it to her as she had been on them before. A little while later my normally gutsy dog stopped eating anything hard, then she almost stopped eating altogether. Her coat was glowing but she was really drowsy all the time. No sign of pain but she was a very stoic bitch. Off to the vet to check for pyo but with no obvious signs they treated for a possible early closed pyo. After a week with no improvement we did a full blood count. The dog was so tired she fell asleep while the blood was being taken. The results for liver were all over the place, she had high white cell count and mild pancreatitis. So on to the specialist for a liver biopsy done with a large needle. This didn't work because the liver wasn't were it should have been. Next stop was the Uni to have it done again under ultrasound. They shaved half the dog looking for the liver and finally found it tucked up under the ribs but couldn't reach it with the needle, they were however convinced that she had pyo as they had seen lumps they thought were in the uterus. Back to my vet who could not find what they had seen with her ultrasound but she figured the Uni one would be clearer. At this point we decided to operate and see what was going on. She was opened from one end to the other with 4 vets in attendance. No pyo, the lumps were scar tissue on the lymph nodes. Her liver had shriveled up, was only tiny and described as "friable" or crumbly when they took the biopsies. The pancreas had leaked a little onto the liver. They took biopsies everywhere, closed her up and sent her home with antibiotics and not much hope. I had to separate her from her dam for the first time because the dam suddenly wanted to kill her. The biopsies showed nothing. About a week after the surgery she suddenly started to improve. I rang the main vet who had done the surgery and he joked that maybe her insides needed an airing and admitted he had no idea what had happened. After that she just continued to improve, her dam stopped trying to attack her and they were pals again. She had been desperately ill for 6 weeks and completely recovered and we still have no idea why. Possible causes were a reaction to the heartguard, a blow to the abdomen that caused the pancreas to leak or a mystery virus but we will never have the answer.
  3. Links to testing are here Border Collie Club of NSW Sydney Uni will be doing CL as well as TNS but are not set up for it yet so at the moment you have to get TNS done at Sydney Uni and CEA and CL done at GSS/GTG, who also do MDR1. Optigen in the US do all the tests but due to licencing laws they will not do CEA or MDR1 when they have allocated GSS/GTG to do those two tests for all Australian dogs. Optigen have a direct licence from Alan Wilton to do CL and TNS so can do dogs from anywhere for those two tests. Sydney Uni are doing both CL and TNS now. Cost is $110 to do both tests. I think they are the only lab in Australia licensed to do CL by the patent holders. Oh good. I knew they were close to being ready to do both tests but hadn't heard that they had started the CL ones yet.
  4. No way I would breed with an affected but I would breed with a carrier and DNA test all pups before being sold and desex any that were also carriers unless I could 100% trust the people the pups was going to, to also do the right thing. There is nothing wrong with breeding carriers even for many generations so long as they are only ever bred to a DNA normal. To breed a carrier to an untested dog is simply irresponsible and the risk isn't that you will produce just more carriers, you will possibly produce affected puppies and there is a small chance that some could be blind or sight impaired. Dasha is having these puppies clinically tested to see if they are actually blind or sight impaired. This will not determine if any are DNA carriers or affected. DNA tests exist so carriers can be safely bred but with no risk of any responsible breeder ever producing an affected puppy again.
  5. This owner and his dog are a menace to society. Training with a very experienced behaviourist could help keep the dog under control but from the sounds of things the owner is not responsible enough to really work with the dog and make sure this dog never ever escapes or has a change to kill again. If the dog ever gets loose it will kill again, be it somone else's pet or a kid on a skateboard. Lots of dogs will try to nip at a passing skateboard but not try to attack the kid on it. This is not a dog that will just give a nip or a bite but one that attacks to kill. Dogs with a temperament like that are born that way and the safest option for most of them is pts before they cause more tragedy. This one should have been pts for killing the Boxer.
  6. So you risk getting blind puppies to get good workers? Not acceptable to me at all. I know blind puppies are rare but the risk is still there.
  7. Links to testing are here Border Collie Club of NSW Sydney Uni will be doing CL as well as TNS but are not set up for it yet so at the moment you have to get TNS done at Sydney Uni and CEA and CL done at GSS/GTG, who also do MDR1. Optigen in the US do all the tests but due to licencing laws they will not do CEA or MDR1 when they have allocated GSS/GTG to do those two tests for all Australian dogs. Optigen have a direct licence from Alan Wilton to do CL and TNS so can do dogs from anywhere for those two tests.
  8. I am still puzzled why you need to get a clinical eye exam for CEA if the dam was DNA normal and if she was a carrier, why you would risk the mating? By all means get them tested for any other odd eye problems that may show up, if you wish but they don't need a CEA clinical exam if the dam was DNA normal.
  9. Yes, they are real antlers and the deer on the farms shed them once a year, so need for a deer to be shot to get them. The problem is that there are plenty at some times of the year and none at other times.
  10. They look great! Do they have mesh on both sides of the crate or just one side? There is only mesh on the front and top. The top can also has a zip like the front. I find that this is enough ventilation - even here in Qld on a hot day. The design looks great but I would want mesh on all 4 sides and the top for a coated breed.
  11. I had just ordered the whole box n dice for one of mine from ASAP. $135 for a complete breed profile (DNA Profile, CEA, CL, TNS, MDR1, Long coat, Colour). You will need to supply at least two (maybe three) sets of swabs (2 swabs/packet) as ASAP need to send out for the some of the tests. The return email stated a return of 14-21 days. Ok for me as there is no rush and it is then all done. If you were needing the tests done more urgently, then you would maybe better off sending swaps to the individual labs offering the TNS (Uni NSW) and GTG for CEA, CL. :confused: :confused: According to the ASAP website they are not doing CEA or CL in patent licence restricted regions, they are not offering TNS at all and are only doing E, B and D colours for Borders. They also have merle listed as autosomal recessive in their info. A very bad error for a genetics lab.
  12. Pet vets haven't got a clue about breeding. I have come across some that had no idea how to do an AI or even that it is done with dogs. Not Eastern suburbs but a lot closer than Nth Richmond. Try Sandra Hodgins at Summer Hill Village Vet. She did a lot of dog repro training with Marilyn Gill at Austral before setting up at Summer Hill. At least they will know what you are talking about. Summer Hill Village Vet
  13. Strange that they still have it listed on the websites, but nothing these labs do surprises me.
  14. Why on earth would you play fight with an 8 week old puppy? Talk about a guaranteed way to make the puppy bite you. As the others have said, you should be teaching her commands and tricks at this age and also teaching her to be calm, not hyping her up. Teaching calm to an active working breed is very important.
  15. If the mother is DNA normal/clear the puppies cannot be clinically affected but can be DNA carriers.
  16. What breed? If they are BCs the parents should have been DNA tested to make sure the puppies could not be affected.
  17. First step is to fence her off from the stones. You could end up with a very, very big vet bill or a dead dog if she keeps swallowing stones. Then give her lots of safe things to chew like large bones with some meat on them, nylabones, deer antlers, the big 4x4" greyhound biscuits or even a chunk of fire wood. Anything she can chew without getting chunks off that could cause an obstruction. I buster cube or treat ball for slowly dispensing dry food could also help.
  18. I recall a dog getting a parking ticket a few years ago for being parked illegally, tied to a pole in the street for a few minutes. They attached the ticket to the dogs collar.
  19. GTG offer all the colour genes as does Vetgen in the US. If you only need one colour, not the whole panel, somewhere like ASAP Lab might be cheaper. I depends on what colours you wan to test for. Personally I just like to wait and see what colours, if any, turn up.
  20. I came from a horsey background and like many successful breeders I know, I started out by waiting months for a really good show quality puppy to be available with the intention of doing obedience and showing if he was good enough. He gained his show Championship, some obedience titles and became a Best In Show winner. Breeding had not been in the plans at all but after three years in the breed being mentored by some of the best breeders of the previous 2-3 decades, I started looking for a good foundation bitch with their help. I found a suitable bitch puppy and showed her until she was 2 years old before breeding my first litter, so had 5 solid years of showing, trialling, studying the breed and picking the brains of all the old hands, before my first litter was born. 30 years later, I have the last of my line now and have provided foundation stock to and have mentored some newer breeders. Like all my breeder friends, my dogs are part of my family and live out their lives here. None of us breed as a business because done properly, breeding is a very expensive way of life. Choosing the right breeding partners can run into thousands if you need to fly a bitch interstate or use frozen semen to access the right dog for that bitch. Years of advance planning and pedigree research often go into each mating. My girls only ever had 1 -3 litters each and some of my litters were bred in partnership with others to expand my gene pool as I was limited on numbers in suburbia. I was also limited time wise in having to save up holidays for at least two years to have the time to raise a litter the way I wanted to. I have also served on dog club committees and sub-committees for many years. Another thing to consider is that with an over-populated breed, you may not be able to sell the puppies at 8 weeks and then you have to run them on until the right homes come along. This can be very expensive and time consuming as they all need socialisation and training at this age. Is the bitch you have now suitable to breed with? Is she on main register and have you had any required health testing done and had her assessed by several prominent breeders, if you are not showing? Do you have a few thousand dollars available to gamble on a litter? If all goes well you get your money back plus a little for 8 weeks work raising them. If things go wrong you can outlay the money and end up with no live puppies to sell. Becoming a breeder is a big step and the bitch you have now may not be a suitable one to start with. In a rarer breed the decision to breed is a bit easier but with the "breed of the moment" you would need to do an awful lot of study and soul searching before adding to the numbers being born. Responsible breeders are responsible for the puppies they produce, for their whole lives and will take back any of their puppies who need rehoming at any age, ensuring none ever end up in a pound or shelter. Having said all that your most valuable asset as a breeder is a good, very experienced mentor who has achieved great success in the breed.
  21. But dogs have a lot more hair to work through. :D I lost my original MP at one stage and went and bought a replacement, only to then find the original one. So now I have the newer one for me but I am not that fussed on it for my hair despite the fact I have long thick hair, preferring a wide toothed plastic comb. Anyway the spare is put away and I use it occasionally but it is there if I need it for the dogs one day.
  22. I have known quite a few dogs with kinked tails and it is not something I would worry about in a pet. I have no idea why they would need to be docked. I have even used a top winning stud dog who had a small kink in his tail and it wasn't passed on.
  23. I don't think I would put too much faith in the test.
  24. Dogs like that should not be alive. Dogs that kill other dogs do not belong in society.
  25. I find a mating settles them a lot and they stop worrying about every girl, only taking notice if they are in season and ready to mate. I lot depends on the dog and the temperament to start with. If the dog is collected using a teaser bitch I find it affects them the same as a mating. I have never known a dog to have a negative affect on temperament from a mating.
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