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Everything posted by SoL
Pin it up on teh litters noticeboard - save me a lot of time on the phone!
I'm glad teh dog is back home. Does anybody know if council followed proper procedure as set out in ss33+ of the CAA? If not then there is surely a huge case to answer? The only reason I ask is that by those reports it sounds like they just rocked up and took the dog with no NOI or chance to object.
Staffords have a similar short coat. In winter, our outside dogs wear a good coat, their kennels are inside in their enclosed runs with the door 90 degs to the door of the run (to try and eliminate draft (sp?) factor), plus we line them with newspaper and then old blankets. I even went so far as to knit them blankies last year - didn't last long and I will probably just visit the Salvos this year ;)
I could fill a whole thread with photo mistakes! Speaking of backgrounds, try not to have a dog conjoined to your OH's head when taking a cute family shot
Grooming A Stafforshire Bull Terrier For Showing
SoL replied to Loves Dogs's topic in General Dog Discussion
Janine I believe she was talking about quality blues in the show ring. -
Aww thanks chicky I emailed re the Pentax and apparently only the telephoto lens would fit but as its meant for an SLR with no electrical contact for teh AF, it would have to be used on a manual setting (I think someone said something similar in an earlier post). I don't mind, gives me a good excuse to start from scratch!
That is fantastic news Hannah I'm so happy for you! Well done, you've done a grand job to get them this far, it's not easy is it?! Thankfully I've found once they get teh knack of semi solids, there's no stopping them Good for you!
Yeah, I'm completely stuffed now I was hoping to get out of it around $3-700 mark, which is why I was looking on places like ebay for hopefully a bargain. It's for my birthday present - OH has just 'treated' himself to something quite expensive for his new hobby so I thought bugger it, why not! Unfortunately my taste is definitely at teh champagne end of things and I just know that this particular budget is homemade brewski The Pentax is interesting though - OH bought a Pentax SLR with a very big lens and filters etc years and years ago - will look up the model suggested and see what it's like. If I can get away with using the old paraphernalia on a new camera, that may be the way to go??? I do like the Canons though, must admit!
sell me yours then Oh I don't bloody know - I'm pregnant! I'll never be able to make a decision Seriously though, I do want, it's just taking that leap of faith that I'll be able to understand it all enough to make spending the money justifiable (mummy guilt trips hitting with vengence!). I keep saying to myself that a piccy is a lot quicker to take that painting in oils, which is my other passion, plus me and babe won't get high on fumes (I've had to quit since being preggers).
Hi guys thanks for your help. I've been thinking about this for a while now and have decided it's probably best to get something that's a step up from a point and shoot, but not quite a dslr as I really don't know anything about proper exposure, speed, aperture, depth of field etc, just what I have been reading and I want to be able to enjoy learning about these things. The things that are important are: zoom, no time lag, ability to expand on the point and shoot factor that is take the speed, aperture and exposure into manual control as my own abilities improve. If anybody knows of a camera that will do this (I'm also looking at teh models recommended earlier in this thread) I'd be grateful of any pointers
Grooming A Stafforshire Bull Terrier For Showing
SoL replied to Loves Dogs's topic in General Dog Discussion
unfortunately I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. -
I'm a bit of both I think. I have everything on hand and I am there from teh word go but will only interfere if I don't think the mum is coping or if she is getting stressed, if a pup is stuck or is coming out breech - basically anything apart from a perfect whelp . With the whelp my girl has just had, she whelped every single pup standing up, so basically I was catching pups in a towel and break the mucous around the muzzle but she took over everything else. I had one in breech and one born where the sack had burst inside, she expelled the pup but the sack was still caught inside so pup was dangling by umbilical cord. Not interfering in that situation would have led to a hernia or worse a ripped stomach. Some breeds whelp better than others, but it also gets down to the individual bitch. Does she come from a line of good whelpers? Do you have a mentor or another breeder or DOLer nearby who can be on call for you?
All I can suggest is keep them warm and hydrated (if you're handy then subcutaneous glucose injections have worked in teh past, though speak to your vet about this one before acting on it), especially if they've got teh runs (I've used Scourban with good results for this). If they're on ABs may be an idea to introduce natural yogurt cultures into their formula. All the very best of luck and all the very best of caffeine to you! I know how it feels to have a first litter go pear shaped so I'm crossing everything for those little ones and for you. Keep us posted.
THAT is a very dangerous thing to say and the man who said it must be an idiot. Not only is it complete codswallop, it gives EVERY tom, dick and harry an excuse to go off and mate their dogs due to sexual frustration! And with the pounds already overflowing ... Look, do your research. The breed standard is your bible as well as your breeder's. Read it, memorise it, most importantly apply it to your dog. As your breeder is new they might not interpret the standard in the appropriate way. Plus their ideals and ideas of breed perfection may change - I know mine have changed a bit. See your dog's faults and merits and think how putting him out to stud may better the breed - as has been previously said (and needs to be said again it is so important) - it often means saying NO to people more than saying YES. Show him and see how he fares against his peers - if he does well in teh showring this would be all the advertising you will need. As others have said, carry out all appropriate health checks. Lastly, as someone once said to me very early on in the piece - just because you've put him at stud doesn't mean people will want to use him! Harsh but very true. Good luck with your boy, he does look a handsome man
I understand where you're coming from and yes, this is a trap I fall into regularly - I don't do things by halves! I'm an all or nowt kinda gal. The main reason my attention was drawn to DSLRs was the better zoom factor than your point and shoot varieties - I want something that I can stand at one end of my garden, or the park, beach or wherever and take a photo from long distance (especially for taking piccies of the dogs - they can't get over the novelty of having a camera pointed at them and refuse to stand still if they know they're having their picture taken!). Plus I want better quality of pictures. At present I am using an old Cybershot, which is fine for bog standard point adn shoots, but I find I'm having to photoshop (or in my case, bucket) all of the pictures to make them look better. I'd also like to be able to take more action shots and also more accurate shots - my camera seems to have a time delay between when I press teh button and when it takes the picture so the subject invariably is blurred or has moved to a not so nice position! I realise a lot of it comes down to skill and practice but I really think I've gone through everything the Cybershot can manage. I've had a look at the models you have mentioned but the zoom factor doesn't seem to be there? Is that a wrong assumption?
That's what I'm worried about. If I'm still looking when you come to sell yours (and by the look of things I probably will be ), will you give me a heads up pls?
Grooming Staffordshires For Showing
SoL replied to Loves Dogs's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
A healthy diet and good exercise is teh best basis for any show dog. -
are they new or second hand? OK, judging by the prices they're second hand. As long as it's clean, no fungus and working properly and hasn't had so much use it's nearly worn out it's probably a good price. That's the Canon, I've no idea about the Nikon. The Canon is 2nd hand, the Nikon is new in box. ETA: Beg your pardon, Canon is also BNIB.
well, I've been trying to research the different brands online and I think I've narrowed it down to either Nikon or Canon - these seem to be the most reliable of them. I just don't know which model and what prices I can expect. I've had a look at ebay and I think this would be a good buy, what do you think?: Canon EOS450D, twin lens 18-55/55-250mm $456 (at the moment - on for true auction) Nikon D3000 body + 18-55mm lens kit $573 (incl postage)
Hi guys, hope you can help. Any recommendations for a camera? I am a complete novice so don't need anything with too many bells and whistles, however, I would like clear picture, good zoom capacity and an optin to expand should I ever get past the point and shoot phase. I've had a quick look and am completely confused! I like the look of the Canon DSLRs and my friend has a Panasonic Lumix which seems to produce nice photos (could just be her ability though ). Oh yeah, price range from $400-$800 so I know it's not huge, but that's why I'm picking your brains! Any ideas?
How excitement! Love your dogs, they look so proud and then boofy at teh same time! Looks like you'd have a lot of fun with them, they've got so much character in their faces Good luck with your litter, hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Here's some of the little squirmers - my camera seems to have a massive delay on me pressing button and it taking the damn piccie so most of them move by the time it's taken so forgive any blurriness pls: This one I think I'm going to call StaffofLife Eenie Meenie (Minnie for short) One of the white girls (un-named as yet) First brindle boy snuggles
Ohhhh, GORGEOUS!!! And we haz eyez We haz eyez here too - must post some piccies! Thanks for the kick snofyre
I've used Biolac in the past, just mixed in with their food and stuff when weaning. I've now been told that it is the least accepted by pups' digestive systems of all the formulas on the market. No idea why. I've heard good things about Wombaroo, but I've been using Di Vetelact.
OMG Mel, I'm so sorry! Rest easy Kane. Take care. Em xx