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Everything posted by SoL

  1. Hi there I would say that this person is trying desperately to fit in with the faces. I wouldn't say it's a trend so much as down to the individual person - is she a very insecure person? The show world is bitchy to say the least and you need to grow a thick hide and paint it in teflon so no comments stick to you and affect you. Sounds like she could do with a break and just enjoy her dogs for a bit.
  2. Well, I got my package yesterday and .... I LOVE IT!!! I sprayed it everywhere - it's quite strong isn't it! Well, the lounges still smell of talc, even over the lovely aroma (NOT) of puppy poo this morning, the garbage bin is a lot easier on the nose, the freezer's rotten chook smell has GONE , I've bought a pressure sprayer and I'm going to spray down the runs after lunch - everything and everybody will be smelling luvverly! PLUS they gave me a few samples, which I'm also very happy with. Ray also said to mention that the price of the 15L and 20L Pen + is quite a bit cheaper through them directly than through Odour Go. Really, really, good stuff
  3. Chester sounds like he's killing Bruce all the time - meanwhile his tail is going 10 to the dozen!
  4. I must admit I've not heard of it being a problem in Staffords, I've only ever seen isolated reports in other breeds. Is it a big problem to consider with AmStaffs?
  5. Now THAT's dedication! Mum comes from Bristol and lived withn view of the Servern Bridge but we always liked to go over the Clifton Bridge - pretty Gorge
  6. ;) I'm glad we're all getting results
  7. Very quickly - got a call from Ray, the owner of Seabuoy, teh manufacturing company. Apparently, Odour Go is a distributor, not the manufacturer, and puts a big mark-up on the products (his words, not mine!). Ray said that anybody wishing to order can either go through Melissa or call the factory direct on (02) 4388 9060 or Ray direct on 0412 812 012 and quote the code SM when ordering to get better prices
  8. Staffords are dogs, not humany-k9s Oh, and they CAN have manners trained into them, they might just choose not to use them (PS brindles can be extra special )
  9. Order made Penetrator Plus should be here in 2 days so will let you know what it's like Now. Melissa (the Odour-Go rep) said that to make sure orders AND enquiries are received, please call her direct on 0414 098 228. I've talked up this and also the thread that I started on big stinks quite a bit to her, saying that it could translate well into sales for them if the product is as good as is told.
  10. Congrats but I am sooooo jealous right now!!! OH won't cave in until it's my birthday!!!!! Only a couple more weeks of point and shoot to wait hehehe Have fun with your new toy
  11. If they can reply to orders, why can't they reply to queries? Surely a quick answer would translate into sales??? I'm still waiting as well to see which product would be best to buy. Is it possible to post the phone number? Maybe PM me the number?
  12. Demodex is most common in juveniles and older dogs - anywhere where teh immune system is repressed, so as a supporting treatment to whatever you use, research natural immune boosters. Usually if you can catch it early on it won't take that long to treat but the treatments given by vets can be extremely harsh on teh system. If antibiotics are given, supplement diet with natural yogurt with cultures. Also oily fish to help out the skin. Just don't wait for treatment, as you know, if it gets a grip it take ages to get rid of. Good luck :nahnah:
  13. So can I ask how much in quantity are you supposed to give, say, a 15kg dog per day? Is there a percentage you work by or do you just go by eyes?
  14. OK *deep breath* this is my first ever post in this thread. I'm hoping I've got the idea of the ruling right but really I was just mucking around with the manual settings on the point and shoot so I know the piccy isn't very good. Still, gotta start somewhere I spose :D
  15. Unfortunately what the vet thinks will hold no water. :D
  16. We run ours together as a pack for as long as we can. We have had an occasion where two bitches hated each other, in which event they were permanently separated from each, not the rest of the pack so they always had someone to run with. It was all about working out the dynamics of the pack - who liked who and who didn't. Rotation was also used to ensure they never ran together and they all had separate runs. Bitches on heat are placed in the fully enclosed runs and the dogs are watched like hawks to make sure there's no tussels for dominance over her. As soon as that happens, it's back to rotation. Always better to be safe than sorry.
  17. Please don't bother to add fuel to his fire! I note Jackij has since buggered off. This thread has been um unbelievable to say the least!
  18. Can you ask the breeders to look after the pup until you are ready to fly out? I agree, I wouldn't be taking the risk of allowing the pup to toilet anywhere unless I was 110% sure it was safe, even vaccinated dogs can bring parvo back if they've walked through an area toileted on by an infected dog. At 8 weeks your pup has had one needle and it's immune system will be fighting between the vaccination antibodies and the maternal antibodies so is at an all time extreme of vulnerability. Do not take the risk. If worse comes to worst, get your in-laws to section off a part of the laundry if possible or anywhere on tiles, get a crate, lots of bleach, vet bed for toileting and lots of time to play indoor games with puppy.
  19. OK, I'm very new to all of this and haven't got my good camera YET but (taking my inspiration from my drawing and painting) I LOVE depicting shadows and silhouettes and often draw "in negative" (that is, drawing the shape of teh shadows surrounding rather than the object). Could you do that with cameras? Maybe shooting against the sun or light source (I don't really know what I'm talking about here so feel free to correct so I can learn more) would that make a silhouette? I'm hoping to be able to contribute soon
  20. when I buy my camera ... lens will come!
  21. Thank you Steve Austin! I wonder which it is - Stafford or Bull Terrier? If they're asking a ranger, they wouldn't have a clue! Bloody stupid owners
  22. I've had two doozies so far! One wanting a bitch. show or pet? Pet. Desex? No. Do you intend to breed? Yes. FAIL! The second one was adamant I had blue puppies. I went through the 'I do not breed blues, do not breed for colour etc' thing. Then he asked when I intended to get more blue puppies?!!!! FAIL! It is easily the most stressful part of having a litter.
  23. I'm sorry to hear this. Rotten luck for such a young girl. Can I ask what the surgical procedure entails and what the long term ramifications are?
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