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Everything posted by Kustali

  1. Congrats to everyone with their new babies Well here is my girls x-ray today at 60 days...does anyone want to guess how many they can see?
  2. Shelle i would titer first and then vaccinate if you need to. No point doing the vacc then the titer other wise you may be giving the vacc when you may not have needed to :D
  3. Wow SoL my guess is 7....5 girls 2 boys Here is my big fatty poomba, due in just less than 2 weeks...
  4. Wow, i think it cost me $120 or so to do all 3 and my girls levels were fine. Did my boy for just parvo but they must do the distemper with it anyway and his levels were low so revaccinated just in case. My vet said distemper is not very common and hepatitis is even more rare to get. So i suppose it's up to you if you want to test for all three or not. Can you shop around? will make it more cost effective....especially if you titer and then have to revaccinate anyway :cool:
  5. That sounds great, i'd just stick to that, you know she's done well on it so far so why change a good thing!
  6. Too much chicken is not a good thing! Some dogs do have allergies to chicken. I would not feel safe giving chicken as the base of the pups diet, rather a mix of all meats to keep it balanced The diet your giving sounds fine for her Labkisses I feed my girl a similar raw mix. While she is pregnant and while she's going to be feeding pups i have been adding some biscuits as an extra. I have not made any drastic changes only increased the amount slightly.
  7. springdog, they DO have to be 12 weeks before coming into the country Importing from NZ
  8. I'm pretty sure they have to be 12 weeks....but don't hold me to that!
  9. Hi, when was her Vaccination? What was the temperature? There has been alot of side affects like this happening in some cases after the puppies first vaccs. Hope the pup will be ok.
  10. No not little babies really, daddy was 750 grams when he was born.... The vet said on the scan there were only a few.....but looking at her 8 keeps coming to mind
  11. Here she is....do you think she's pregnant? Hahahaha! We have already confirmed and omgosh is she getting big....3 more weeks to go...
  12. Keep persisting with her, if she is not going to de-sex the bitch then maybe all you can do at this point is advise her on the proper care of the puppies when they arrive. Hopefully you can covince her to desex the bitch before her next season. Not all people are morons, they are just not educated on dog breeding and what is involved with breeds/care/cost. Some however no matter what you tell them will do whatever they want anyway. At the very least you know you have tried your best
  13. I do agree with you there gigit but even though you might love a certain breed you have to think too if you do bring in a rare breed wether you will be able to sell those puppies when you have a litter. A rare breed that not many take an interest in would be a hard thing to get into. I have Mastiffs and although not really considered 'rare' there aren't many breeders, but there are always homes for the puppies, more homes than there are babies. Going off track there......i don't really know why some breeds aren't as popular, maybe they are more hard work than others, (as a breed, to house, to show and also to produce from) maybe they are just not as well known as others? Are you interested in the Spanish Mastiff? I don't know anything about them...but they look interesting
  14. Mastiff puppies due March 26th!! This will be our first litter....very excited.....but also nervous aswell!!
  15. Hi, see here AQIS Have a read through the requirements for each country. Category 2 (U.K. and others) they come in at 12 weeks and spend 30 day in Quarantine. Category 4 (U.S. and others) can come in at approx 9 months and then spend 30 days in quarantine. Oh and generally about 10k depending on what the dog/puppy costs and what breed they are, goes on size of crate.
  16. Hi, a gentle walk and a splash around in the water for now will be all he needs. You don't want to over exersize because that will do more harm than good! I didn't start 'swimming' my Mastiff boy for actual exersize and strengthening til he was about a year old. What sort of Mastiff breed did you get?? A good diet is also a must for any large breed, you don't want to 'grow' them too quick because that can also be harmful. You want nice steady growth and don't let them get over weight...lean is good but don't starve them either!
  17. Glad you're taking the time to do your research...great to see
  18. I haven't read all the replies, but great choice of breed/s! We have a Mastiff sub forum and like another said there is a Dane forum too There are a few breeders in Mastiffs doing things really close, for me i am on the fence, yes you keep the type you want but i have also noticed some problems too. I wont be going so close for this reason! We have the problem of a limited gene pool with the Mastiffs in Australia and type varies. Importing is quite a fete, which some are doing and that is great. For me i've imported two dogs with some of the same lines behind...then i'll need something new, i'll be looking for something maybe with similar lines or i may just go with the type i like to keep things diverse, we'll see. If you're not interested in breeding i wouldn't be to concerned, as long as the parents are the type you like, are healthy, and the breeder is a reputable one then all should be fine. If you were breeding you would want to look into things a bit further. If you need any advice on the Mastiffs pm me Hannah.
  19. What a brave dog! But i would have cut the head off of it and then let her play with it because the are still deadly.
  20. My advice is if you can't find a quality dog with in your price range, then save up for a dog that you know is going to be a great one because it will be worth it in the end
  21. It is really expensive to import! and i'd only do it if you wanted to breed....you can't show the dog here if it's cropped, only at the specialties i think??
  22. Kustali


    Hi Danielle, Mastiffs are the best!! I personally don't know much about the Tibetan Mastiff, so i can't help you there. Here is a link to the Mastiff All Breeds Ass looks like they are updating it so hopefully there should be more pics and info on there and some contacts who you may be able to seek info from Had a look on the Dogz listings and i qite like the look of SHANTISOUL...they have some nice dogs! Didn't realise they were so good looking...hmmmmm They are quite different to the 'Mastiff' breeds i imagine, bit like the Pyrenean...fluffy and not quite what you would expect a Mastiff to look like at all.
  23. It would be good for vets to learn what breeds of dogs there are and what indavidual diseases they are prone to. Like the original post says....X dog was bred to X dog, eye problems have arisen in the pups, now if the vet were educated about what breeds are prone to what they would probably know where and what to look for? and what course of action to take. We are in the country, our vets here are not reproduction specialists, so it makes things really hard! But they just don't get the experience that the vets in the city have, so i can't blame them for the position that they're in. We have purebred dogs, mutts come from purebred dogs, vets need to be educated on the breeds.
  24. I think your guess was right, BM x Dane...looks like he's having a ball, glad he has found a good home
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