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Everything posted by tarope
Poll On Yahoo - Should Rottweilers Be Outlawed In Australia
tarope replied to TrinaJ's topic in In The News
Voted No, Ban Rotties over my dead body!!!!!. I would say most of the Retards that voted yes, wouldn't know what a Rottie looked like and only believe what they read in the bloody Media. How could anyone think of banning a breed that is so gentle,loving,loyal and Intelligent wonderful family pet the Rottweiler is. What Pollies should remember is that the many people who love and own this wonderful registered breed also vote, something pollies seem to forget. -
Now we have Rotties attacking pitbulls,these journos have great imaginations
So very sad.
So an old lady 77 fights off two GSD's and only gets bitten on the ankle and scratched, must have been very small GSD's maybe the mini verity. ;)
Since when does Germany refer to the GSD as an Alsatian, since never. Sounds like more Media BS.
No you are not correct as it is a printing mistake, please replace the word "Dog" with "Sheep" where ever applicable. :D
It's a wonder the R$PCA hasn't thought of this.
Unfortunately, it IS the breed. They have been bred to fight over many, many years. It is imprinted into their genetics in the same way Retrievers were bred to fetch their masters' ducks, etc when hunting. No one, and I don't care how much of an expert they claim to be, but no one can control these dogs and stop them from attacking when they want to. Matthew B So you think because a breed was bred for a specific purpose they can't make wonderful family pets, if that was the case I shouldn't have a Rottie as I don't have cattle or a cart. I don't have sheep so I shouldn't own a GSD,you see how stupid your comments are. Selective breeding over a number of generations can alter character traits in any breed, eg the divergence between show line and working line GSDs. The dog that killed the child was reportedly not a purebred but a cross breed of the type often used pig hunters etc. Such dogs at least need to have a desire to stand up to and defend themselves against, if not attack, an aggressive quarry. I daresay out of a litter of such dogs 3 or 4 might go to hunting homes while the cast offs end up in the general community. If hunting with dogs was banned then there would be no need for such dogs but I don't think a government would have the political will to stand up to the hunting lobby. The owner of the dog has been branded as irresponsible for allowing his dog to escape, apparently for the first time. Well, the DOL Lost & Found forum is replete with cases of dogs that have escaped from their owners premises - yet these DOLers seem to get sympathy rather than condemnation. I heard the other day of a case where 4 sibes escaped from a backyard because a delivery man opened the gate. Was the sibe's owner irresponsible for not padlocking her gate? I have a 1.8 m back fence, yet I have had a cattle dog actually jump from the rear laneway into my yard (and get roughed up by my 2 gsds). Maybe I am irresponsible for not topping my fence with broken glass and razor wire to deter trespassers, like the railways do with their train yards. In the case of the Melbourne attack, I think the police and coroner should be allowed to complete their investigations before kneejerk condemnations are made, including by politicians. It never ceases to amaze me the Ignorance of some people here on DOL these days, are you related to Matthew B as you both have the same backwoods mentality. So you think the dog was defending itself against a small defenseless child as you have stated above, are you kidding. As for your comments about the DOL Lost and Found forum, how many of the dogs lost by Dolers have attacked and killed a small child or injured anyone for that matter there's a big difference only you can't see it.
What you said. :D
Unfortunately, it IS the breed. They have been bred to fight over many, many years. It is imprinted into their genetics in the same way Retrievers were bred to fetch their masters' ducks, etc when hunting. No one, and I don't care how much of an expert they claim to be, but no one can control these dogs and stop them from attacking when they want to. Matthew B So you think because a breed was bred for a specific purpose they can't make wonderful family pets, if that was the case I shouldn't have a Rottie as I don't have cattle or a cart. I don't have sheep so I shouldn't own a GSD,you see how stupid your comments are.
The Media at it's best
What a Tragedy, a small innocent child's life lost all because of an Irresponsible owner Now all the morons come out of their holes again and demand the APBT be banned, even through the dog was a cross breed. These morons can't tell one breed from another and simply react to the Media who can't either. Irresponsible owners will always be the problem, not the breed and banning any breed is not the answer. People are killed in cars, do we Ban cars no we put the Irresponsible driver behind bars where the belong.
What attracts retards to this wonderful breed. To teach a dog of any breed to react like this is just madness to say the least,and of cause it's just a matter of time before the dog bites someone and the poor breed gets the blame again.
No, we have enough laws as it is. We already have compulsory microchipping and registration, Irresponsible owners don't do either so you think they are going to buy a license for their unregistered dogs. It's always the owners who do the right thing that suffer.
I'm very sorry to hear this, hope the cancer was caught in time and your boy lives for many years to come.
Must be a slow news day.
I say get rid of the Greens, a useless pack of Muppets.
Might be an idea if you checked your facts first before making this Ignorant statement. Whats so ignorant about bringing to peoples attention the futile banning of the importation of the GSD based on incorrect fear based assumptions? Ok so the ban actually ENDED in the 70's. And the main fear was that crossed with a Dingo it would create a sheep killing super dog. But it still stands as an example of something I would not like to see in this country again when it comes to jumping to conclusions about dog breeds and agression. Might be an idea if you read the thread again..... You did say because it was considered an 'aggressive breed' didn't you? In 1929 an unjust import ban was placed of this wonderful breed because some moron farmers had this crazy idea that GSD's would breed with dingos and produce a super sheep killer. What these morons didn't know was the GSD was a sheep herding breed. Under this ban came victimization as they were considered vermin and in some states could be shot on sight. GSD owners needed a permit to travel from one town to another, rego was much more and of cause the fear associated with Ignorance which is still alive today. Bloodlines also suffered and finely in 1972 this ban was lifted I didn't vote as I don't see the purpose of this thread at all.
If you don't want people making comments about your dog's aggressive behaviour, it would be better not to post descriptions about its aggressive behaviour on a public forum. You are out of line with your comments about dog aggression being desirable. It isn't desirable, it's anti-social and turns people against dogs. It is horrible to think there is a whole club of people breeding for anti-social traits in large powerful dogs. And the most ignorant thing is you trying to convince everyone else here that unprovoked dog aggression is somehow desirable. If you convince too many people in our community that it's normal for a GSD to be dog aggressive, they will want the breed banned. If that happens, we can only blame the people breeding for this trait. It's people like you that get breeds banned because you make an assumption based on Ignorance and this post of yours proves my point as it is pure fantasy. Let me ask you this,if someone rushed up to you with the intent of hurting you would you just stand there and let them beat the crap out of you of would you defend yourself. As I said before you twisted my words, he was protecting me and there are many other breeds that will do the same. This is not anti social traits,unprovoked dog aggression as you say it's being protective some thing you clearly don't understand.
How can people do this poor pups
He wasn't protecting you from anything. There was no threat to you at all. If your dog was feeling that threatened by a loose dog, it must be a very nervous dog and that is a fault in any breed. Dogs with good nerves don't need to 'nearly eat' other dogs that approach it. Taking your dog unmuzzled into an environment where you know there may be loose animals is pretty irresponsible. Expecting everyone else to just accept your dog's dangerous aggression is even worse. I have seen plenty of well-bred shepherds that are calm and politely interested (or disinterested) around strange new dogs. Don't expect me to believe that those dogs are the faulty ones and yours is the desirable type. I would really like to say what I think of you and this post of yours, but I won't because it would get me banned. :D Aggressive personal attacks will get you banned. Just like your dog was from the vet's waiting room. Good on you for not posting and showing us that you have the self-restraint that your dog doesn't have. You might want to muzzle your dog too. your good at twisting people's posts and since you've never met my dogs I suggest you keep your Ignorant comments to yourself. :D
The best way to handle Don Jerk is simply to ignore him, after all he's just a gardener with a big chip on his shoulder. :D
Might be an idea if you checked your facts first before making this Ignorant statement.
What a pity that some breeders aren't paying attention to the most important part of the standard. I want to own a GSD one day in the future but sounds like it's a bit of a gamble attempting to get one that isn't DA or HA. Such a beautiful breed that is being ruined inside and out by the sounds of what everyone is saying.... "The German Shepherd Dog must be of well balanced temperament, steady of nerves, self assured, totally at ease (except when provoked) and good natured as well as attentive and easy to train. He must possess instinctive drive, resilience and self confidence in order to be suitable as a companion, watch dog, protection, service and herding dog." DISQUALIFYING FAULTS a) Weak character, aggression without provocation or nervousness Please take no notice of what some people are saying about this loyal,loving,Intelligent family pet. The GSD clubs test for health and temperament it is called Breed Survey and this started many years ago as fear bitting and HD were a big problem but not now. I have been to several and this is one of the reasons I chose this wonderful breed. :D
He wasn't protecting you from anything. There was no threat to you at all. If your dog was feeling that threatened by a loose dog, it must be a very nervous dog and that is a fault in any breed. Dogs with good nerves don't need to 'nearly eat' other dogs that approach it. Taking your dog unmuzzled into an environment where you know there may be loose animals is pretty irresponsible. Expecting everyone else to just accept your dog's dangerous aggression is even worse. I have seen plenty of well-bred shepherds that are calm and politely interested (or disinterested) around strange new dogs. Don't expect me to believe that those dogs are the faulty ones and yours is the desirable type. I would really like to say what I think of you and this post of yours, but I won't because it would get me banned. :D