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Everything posted by tarope
A behaviourist probably wouldn't tell you that that your GSD is 'gelous'. I wouldn't put up with dogs biting each other, it shows that they are taking control of the situation instead of you being in control. It is wrong to think there will never be a problem with any combo. Same sex fights may be rarer or usually not as serious, but they can still happen. I have seen dogs fight. I have had a lot more dog experience than just seven years with my own dogs. I have worked with dogs for years. It isn't working for you. Your GSD bitch attacks your rottie when it wants to. Advice to keep separate is quite a sound management technique, but to tell somebody with an aggressive dog that needs help and is asking for help that they don't need help is irresponsible. You have a wonderful way of twisting my words ;) GSD bitch attacts Rottie when she wants to :p only 7 years experience with dogs :D Is English your second language because that's not what I wrote I think you know diddly sqwat about GSD's or Rotties and it shows. :D
Don't let others influence you, get what you want.
Maybe the person who stole sefton knows what the R$PCA does with GSD's.
"Who let the old man out?" :rofl: :D I think the old man should be taken away by the council. :p :D Or the men with the white coats as he's got a serious problem.
If you can't have your two bitches together without one biting the other, you have a real problem there. It sounds like you are not in control at all. It is wrong to say that somebody won't have problems if they have a GSD dog and bitch combo. Sometimes fights can occur over things like food. You are suggesting that the OP doesn't get professional help, yet you haven't offered anything helpful. Dog behaviour maybe common sense to dogs, but not to most people. My GSD bitch is kept seperate when people come over because she is gelous of the attention my Rottie gets, it's that simple and doesn't happen at any other time and I don't need a behavourist to tell me that. :p Tell me Greytmate what experience have you with GSD's, because you say it's wrong to say somebody won't have problems if they have a GSD dog and bitch combo. This combo has worked very well for me over the last 7yrs and this advice came from the GSDL who knows a little more about this wonderful breed than you. Have you ever see two GSD dogs or bitches shaping up to fight, because if you had you would know why dog, bitch is the best. Sure my dog and bitch might have a small tiff once in a blue moon which is nothing compaired to what two Dogs or two Bitches can do. I thought I gave some advice in my post as what to do, as it's what I do and it works for me. :D
Hi Gilypoo, Two bitches equals problems, but with a little common sence everything works out. Feed them separately, watch them eat and remove their bowls. One will be the boss, but you are the boss of both always. I have a GSD dog a GSD bitch and a Rottie bitch, my GSD bitch is the boss but I'm the boss of them all. If my GSD bitch stands over my Rottie bitch which happends only now and then, I step in and push her away if she goes back I do it again saying no so she gets the message. I always feed them separately,especially bones and they have their own toys. If people come over my Rottie is inside and my GSD bitch is outside or vice versa because if they are both inside together and people pat my Rottie my GSD bitch will run over and bite my Rottie I try not to favour one over the other and usually pat and hug them together. If you have a GSD dog and bitch combo (desexed of course) you don't have these problems, I could hug my boy all day and both bitches couldn't care less. Both dog and bitch will sit together and eat their bones and have never had a fight, maybe because my boy is a big sook. I'm no expert but for many years we've always had three bitches together (before my GSD's) and one was always the boss and we only had problems if we let her be the boss instead of us. I don't think a behaviorist is needed as it's just common sence and that's free.
I've had my mud flaps chewed off Paint scratched from two GSD's playing chasing's around it and jumping on it to see where the other one is. ;) I'm glad they can't drive. ;)
Is there such a thing, I don't think so. How can a dog be protective without being aggressive, when a dog shows it's teeth the massage is clear. Only stupid people jump into a GSD or Rotties yard, I wouldn't know as no one has jumped over my fence yet. People don't come near you when walking a GSD or Rottie so I don't know how mine would react if some one had a go at me. I'm sure they would be just fine. Many years ago we had a Dachshund, what a very protective girl she was. So was our Collie Rough, they can't do as much damage as a GSD or Rottie but still are a deterrent and all make wonderful family pets.
What a bloody joke,a friendly dog is now one of a dangerous breed because some boofhead judge says so. The only good thing is Tango is here in NSW where the bastards can't get him. Tango was on the news and what a beautiful boy he is, how could the council want to kill him
How could the mother be so bloody stupid Poor little baby.
I should explain, some time ago in a thread about GSD's or Rotties from memory I had my say as I own both breeds when jones comes in and puts crap on me. So I said to this person, what breeds do you own or did you get your info from a book. And from the replies in this thread I'm still waiting. Sorry to Hi jack.
It's not a hard question to answer, how many ? Neither is my question of its relevance? I don't have a problem with telling people how many breeds I have owned, so why do you ? Anyone else on DOL would have no problem answering this simple question, the relevance is I don't think you've owned the breeds I have am I right ? I always thought you lacked intellect until your last post Tarope. I now realise you are incredibly intelligent and gifted. You will somehow be able to work out what breeds of dog I have owned by me giving you a numerical value. I am impressed. 12. Very funny jones, what a charming person how many dog books have you read this month ? I hope you read about GSD's and Rotties because I'll be testing you later. I didn't ask your IQ (12) but thanks anyway, just confirmed my suspicions. At least I comment on breeds I actually own. :D
It's not a hard question to answer, how many ? Neither is my question of its relevance? I don't have a problem with telling people how many breeds I have owned, so why do you ? Anyone else on DOL would have no problem answering this simple question, the relevance is I don't think you've owned the breeds I have am I right ?
It's not a hard question to answer, how many ?
How many breeds have you owned Jones ? Still waiting.
Hi Fran, Don't worry just give her plenty of TLC and time, and everything will work out just fine. Having her near you, giving her pats and cuddles and treats are all part of the bonding process. My GSD girl as a pup only wanted to bite the hell out of me,in a loving way so your lucky. ;) She did bond with us from day one and loves sitting on the lounge with me etc. My GSD boy who is a big sook loves huggs lays at my feet but won't sit on the lounge with me, never has and if I sit next to him he moves. Yet he follows me every where and when I come home he screams cries and licks me. Maybe it's a male thing, who knows.
Mine don't wear collars at home either, if they go out it's a check chain.
Pup Returning After 1st Night! Unbelievable.
tarope replied to moosmum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Pup is better off back with breeder than at the pound or R$PCA. -
I hope everything will be alright too.
LisaB85, Just read a story in urban animal magazine about a couple who took their 6mth old Pug pup to an off lead park, where the pug was attacked by another dog. The poor pug lost an eye and the vet bill was $2500. They never saw the other owner again and it's lucky the pug wasn't killed. Since the off lead park is public, I wonder if people have any come back if their dog is hurt or killed by another dog. I doubt council would do anything, is it not enter at your own risk. A few years back my adult GSD girl was bitten by a Staffy and another time by a Rottie at All Breeds Training, in both cases the owners were at fault not the dogs. The moron with the Rottie told me his dog was alright with other dogs :D When I came close with my dog on a short lead, this clearly was not the case. ;) this goose just stood there when his dog lunged and I had to pull my girl back but wasn't quick enough all dogs were on leads, what would have happened if this was an off lead park You were lucky this time your pup wasn't killed, next time your luck might run out and you could be seriously hurt trying to save your pup it's just not worth the risk.
That's a bit over the top don't you think? I rarely take my dog to off leash parks and he rarely ventures into the backyard. I do, though, take him for a 2-3km walk/jog every day. If I want to let him have a big run, I take him up to the local school and let him have a play on the oval. IMO, leash walking for exercise provides for a more stable mind. You can't really go wrong with a good long daily on lead walk - its good for you, its good for the dog and it enforces the pack mentality and leadership. But you know that Dobe puppies shouldn't be leash walked - the same rules apply to them as to Danes while they are growing. slightly OT sorry - I wasn't aware about the "Dobe puppies shouldn't be leash walked"? I did a quick google search, but couldn't find anything... - our dobe puppy is only leash walked at the moment as he has no recall to speak of yet, can you please give me more info? Why shouldn't they be leash walked? Is it bad physically? Or mentally? Got me a bit worried now!! I think it means pups are still growing and should not be over exercised, a short walk around the yard of 5mins is enough. At 4mths you can go to obedience training, but still take it easy. Dobes,GSD's and Rottie pups should not walk on slippery floors for the first 12mths to protect their hips.
Well, it was an off-lead area... But not the main one in the park where all the dogs are. Aside from me, I saw only one couple having a picnic, the woman with the pack, and then as I was leaving, a couple with an oodle cross thingy. And I was there for over an hour. Very familiar with BSL. Didn't say I now support it, said I would likely describe my position as on the fence, because nothing else is being done to control who can and can't own powerful breeds, and so I believe the current situation is dangerous. As I've already said, I think the ideal situation would be for dog ownership to be more regulated. But that seems to have been put into the too hard box, so you tell me what should happen. I chose a dobe because I wanted an intelligent, large breed, not much fur, not bred traditionally for hunting or herding purposes. Deterrent security wise. Very affectionate and loving. Capable of accompanying me on my jogs and bike rides. Very good looking. I have spent about 3 years preparing for one, visited several breeders, read heaps of books, internet pages etc. Chose the one I have based on his parents - very intelligent, bred to dobe standard in terms of temperament as well as looks. I am fortunate in that I can commit a lot of time to developing the puppy, guaranteed for at least the first 2 years of his life, and I know I will always be able to keep him financially. That's why I waited so long before going out and getting one. You're more than welcome to meet him lol and see for yourself what a terrible job I'm doing of raising him... The reason I asked why a Dobe, is because some people think Dobes are vicious guard dogs as seen on TV when they are just big sooks. Do you realize you now own a large powerful breed and can't sit on the fence as you say with BSL. Do you realize the Dobermann came from the Rottweiler and other breeds and when your Dobe grows up people in the street who have never owned a Dobe will tell you how dangerous and vicious they are. People will say nothing is being done to control the ownership of this dangerous breed, the R$PCA and the Media jump in and the next thing you know the breed is banned even though your dog and thousands of others have done nothing wrong. -- This is BSL it blames the breed instead of the irresponsible owner. I owned a Dobe for 10yrs and I know what some people are like, some lines of Dobes and Rotties are susceptible to Parvo even when vaccinated so please be careful and tell your vet Parvo is not just in Blacktown it's world wide.
I feel sorry for your pup, but not you and I think your just as much to blame as the other person. Why would you take an 11wk old pup to a park and allow it to walk off lead it's an accident waiting to happen and have you not heard of Parvo. All dogs must be on a lead in public, so please don't blame other dogs or breeds for their irresponsible owners. You clearly have no idea of what BSL is all about, maybe you should do a little research then you might not be so quick to support it. Just one more thing why did you choose a Dobermann ?
I once owned a beautiful brown Dobe, a very gentle girl. I was sitting at the vets and people were patting her, I said you're patting a Dobermann and they all pulled their hands away they were scared of the name not the dog. I was walking into the pet barn with my Rottie, who wouldn't hurt a fly. A woman with a small child was coming towards us saw my Rottie, grabbed the child and ran for her life. ;) Both my GSD's went to GSDL training from 4mths, when my GSD girl was 12mths old I took her to all breeds training so she would get use to other dogs (she was still going to GSDL training) the woman instructor came over to her to check her and my GSD who was still a pup jumped up on her. Well this woman screamed and jumped back and nearly had a heart attact :D I said "she won't hurt you she's still a pup". This same woman later was telling people if you allow your dog on the bed or lounge, one day it will attact you. ;) :D When you own a Rottie or GSD you notice some vets are scared of your dog, especially Rotties and tell you their unpredictable ( my Rottie is, as I never know which lounge she will sleep on.) hard to handle and my favorite dominant and can snap at any time and turn on you. And of cause theres the R$PCA and the Media, so it's no wonder people are scared of certain breeds.