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Everything posted by tarope
I wonder if the same sympathy would be shown if the dog was one of the breeds the Media have labeled Dangerous breed discrimination is alive and well. The dog regardless of breed has attacted four people including the owners and the council ranger is seen patting the dog on the head as it's lead away. I bet money the ranger would not have, if it was one of those Dangerous breeds. Of cause there's something wrong with this dog, but would you have this dog around kids ? Imagine what damage could have been done to a small child, is it worth the risk.
Dogs are not humans and thank god for that, as I prefer dogs to most humans. Dogs give unconditional love and loyalty and are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, what more could you want.
The show should have been called "How not to raise my puppy" and the saying "The blind leading the blind" comes to mind. I have always said vets know nothing about dogs or dog breeds and Hollywood Brown proves my point to the letter. One would think being a vet Hollywood Brown would know puppies have sensitive hearing and are scared of loud noises, so why the hell would this moron advocate the use of an air horn to scare the crap out of a poor young GSD pup for jumping up on the table when a simple "NO" would do. I was waiting for the rolled up newspaper to come out. The word "NO" was never used on any pup, something ours are taught from day one. We don't leave things around for the pup to chew and toilet train them which was clearly not the case on this show. Our pup sleeps in our bedroom at night, as this is part of the bonding process with plenty of newspaper on the floor of cause. All these things are common sense something Hollywood Brown seems to lack, what rhymes with Brown? Clown. I rest my case.
Pork Pies Or Lies The General Public Tell Us
tarope replied to freundhund's topic in General Dog Discussion
When you own a GSD or Rottie, you get sick and tired of people and the Media telling you why you shouldn't own one. People who have never owned these wonderful breeds come out with some really crazy and unbelievable lies like Rotties have something wrong with their brain and can suddenly snap and attack you. Rotties are hard to handle and control, can't be trusted with kids and are too Dominant to be a family pet. The R$PCA's Hugh Wirthless claims "If you have a young family, you should never own a Rottweiler". GSD's also can't be trusted and will turn on you and the kids. If the same lies are told offen and long enough, then people will start to believe them just like the Pollies do. :D -
Mine hate them and won't go outside for hours after, poor dogs.
R$PCA funding crisis, what's new we hear this every Christmas and all through the year. Get sick of this crying poor crap. ;)
What a great show especially where they took two 5wk old wolf cubs and tried to raised them with humans as you would a domestic dog. Only to find that no matter what they did, the wolves started to act like wolves and not domestic dogs and had to return them to the wolf pack as they were after all wild animals. So much for the saying "dogs are wolves in sheep's clothing". The wolf did not react to pointing or eye movement like domestic dogs did, so why do some people compare our dogs to wild wolves when clearly they are not the same and have nothing in common. I love it when vets say "In the wild dogs do this and that", just goes to show how little vets know about our dogs.
There's nothing wrong with you dog sleeping on your bed or your lounge. I have two GSD's and a Rottie and they are always on our two lounges and on our bed. We don't allow them on the bed at night,( that's what the lounges are for) as there would be no room for us. Ours are mostly inside where they want to be. Ours are very spoiled and are part of the family, as it should be.
Dog Behaviourists, who needs them. If you own a GSD or Rottie and are having problems then there are only two places to take them, the GSDL and the Rottweiler Club of NSW. The people in both clubs have many years experience training and owning with these wonderful breeds and will help you no matter what the problem, and most advice is free so who needs a Behaviourist that most likely has never owned a GSD or Rottie.
"So, at Burke’s Backyard, we have adjusted the attack figures by dividing them by the number of dogs of that breed bred in 2009 in NSW. This is a statistical method to try to get a more truthful picture". The above statement says it all, what do you expect from Don Jerk. Once a Boofhead always a Boofhead, but he is famous for being the only person (other names come to mind but not printable) that alienated every Dog Club in Australia against him and he's still at it. It really shits me when the Media, Don Jerk and Hugh Wirthless crawl out of their holes every now and then and jump on the dangerous breed bandwagon. The sad thing is, the general public seem to believe these morons.
Don't you people know that Don Jerk is a dog expert, I remember on his TV show Jerks Backyard years ago the gardener claimed in a road test the Dachshund was bred down from the Dobermann because the German foresters were scared their Dobermanns would be hurt by Badgers. To claim the above just goes to show what a bloody boofhead Don Jerk really is, and of cause the people who worked with him. As no one checked to see if this was even historically correct or not. :D :D Who will ever forget the gardeners 5 dangerous dog breeds. Those of you who don't know, the Dachshund was developed from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries onwards, Louis Dobermann only started thinking about this breed in the 1860's. So what Don Jerk claimed and many other things he's said is a load of crap, but we expect that from him.
Opinion Piece In Sydney Morning Herald - Puppy Farms
tarope replied to Curlybert's topic in In The News
This was one of the lowest acts the R$PCA have done, poor Clifford a Pitbull never had a chance. Poor Clifford was thrown from a car in Sydney in 2004, emaciated and injured he was taken to the R$PCA the society that claims to care for all creatures great and small. The R$PCA said please donate as much as you can to help poor Clifford and raised about $3500, then announced this poor dog had suddenly become aggressive or some BS to that effect and PTS poor Clifford and kept the money. Why was poor Clifford PTS ? Because the R$PCA does not rehome Pitbulls that's why. :D Shame, Shame, Shame R$PCA. Why did they not euthanize as soon as they recei ed him, if that is their policy??? :) :p Not that I'm saying I agree with the policy (which imo is ridiculous), but why make poor clifford suffer if he was to be PTS anyway? The R$PCA used this poor dog to get as many donations as possible, as this is all they care about and played on the public's sympathy then killed poor Clifford when they couldn't get any more money. ;) Remember this happened in 2004, but it wasn't till 2006 that the state Government changed the law making it illegal to sell or rehome Pitbulls. This means poor Clifford a pitbull who had done nothing wrong was murdered by the R$PCA for money, and of course their policy. The R$PCA does not think the Pitbull is suitable to have as a pet and claim that this breed would not be happy in this environment, as the document below states. I wonder how many other breeds the R$PCA think are not suitable as family pets. Next time someone wants to give a donation to this evil society, please tell them about poor Clifford. img004.pdf -
that's really interesting about the distinction between gurading a person or guarding a territory. I'm not quite sure I follow you? Sandra77 said that I should have referred to a mastiff as a guardian breed, I understand that now. But the act of "protecting their owners" is what "guarding" means? to me guarding means, watching over and protecting. What is your definition? ETA: I never actually refferred to the dog's behaviour as guarding; I just refferred to guarding breeds. If you google "Guard Dog" you will see what many people think GSD's, Rotties and Dobes are like and this not the image we wish our wonderful, loving family pets to be seen as because they are nothing like this. I'm not having a go at you, but it's important to know the difference. I would rather be protected by a dog out of love than a dog trained to protect.
Is Any Amount Of Chocolate A Problem?
tarope replied to fiveplusone's topic in General Dog Discussion
No I wouldn't worry as that is a small amount, but remember chocolate is toxic to dogs so I don't give mine any amount. -
. But shouldn't a guarding breed also have some idea as to what truly is a threat and what is not for instance it sounds like his biggest reactions are toward other children. they are hardly a threat. I have two dogs with guarding heritiage (Dane, and Mastiff x Dane) and neither of them carry on that way. if someone knocks on the door and I am in another room they will bark once to let me know. Othersise they don't bark at all. They hover at the door whle I answer it, but there is no more barking and there is no growling or snapping or anything like that. Furthermore, they are entirely friendly to anyone I bring into the house. I didn't think a guarding dog was meant to behave the way OP is describing unless the situation is actually a threatening one? I am curious to hear people's responses. Maybe I have the wrong idea about this? I have never owned a guarding breed and I hate it when people refer to some breeds as "guarding" when these breeds are just protecting their owners which is their natural instinct. If mine see a stranger walk past they don't know if it's an adult or child, they react which is normal. GSD's are very protective of their family and yard, it's up to me to tell them what is a threat and what is not. To me the OP doesn't understand her dog or the breed and thinks the natural instincts are a sign of aggression. The OP says the dog is fine with the family. I just looked up the Mastiff in my book "Dog Breeds in Australia" because I don't know any thing about this breed and it says "Calm and affectionate to it's owners,the Mastiff is highly protective of it's family and property. I think the OP should ring the breed club for advice, for the dog's sake anyway.
Hi Chazey, I have never owned a Mastiff, but let me tell you about my GSD's and Rottie. When people walk past mine bark very aggressively and even more so is they come onto the yard. My GSD boy nearly ripped the wire door off it's hinges trying to get a delivery guy who jumped over the front fence. Bark and growl at a stranger who comes into their yard with a family member until introduced, bark aggressively at sounds outside or people next door. Does this sound familiar, if it does then what is the problem as your dog is protecting your family and your property. I think you don't understand your breed or what this loyal dog is doing and you should be thankful your dog is like this as he will protect your kids with his life just like mine. You should take your dog to obedience training to learn how to handle and control him, as puppy school is IMO a waste of time.
If you saw my three playing, you'd think it was a big dog fight. Your dog sounds normal to me, it's just like us if someone is consistently in your face you would do the same. I was at the vets with my Rottie who is very gentle, some fool with no dog sence comes in and lets their dog (which was smaller) run over straight into my girl's face. My girl growled and snapped at this dog, buy did not bite and the owner gave me a dirty look. :D :D The same thing happened on another occasion with one of my GSD's, so it's not the dog that's the problem it's always the owner. Off lead parks can be a dangerous place, as it's not your dog you have to worry about and I would never take mine to one as it's not worth the risk.
What Breeds Wouldn't You Recommend For A First Time Onwer?
tarope replied to aussielover's topic in General Dog Discussion
Normally I would say the Rottweiler or GSD is not for the first time dog owner as some people buy them for the wrong reasons and have no idea how to raise them correctly. They don't give them any socialization or training and leave them in the yard day and night. These people then blame the dog for being uncontrollable and the poor dog gets put in the pound, then they go and get another one and the cycle starts all over again. When you think of it, everyone was once a first time dog owner. If they choose a Rottie or GSD and buy them from the clubs then go to obedience training run by both clubs ( the Rottweiler club of NSW and the GSDL have excellent training) then I can't see much of a problem. The clubs will teach them how to handle and raise these wonderful breeds correctly, especially the stubborn ones. -
Do Any German Shepherd Owners Have One Of These Beds?
tarope replied to heroeswit's topic in General Dog Discussion
No I don't have one, my GSD's sleep on the lounge where else. -
Puppy Farmers And Also Modification Of Rule 2.20.
tarope replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
For puppy farmers we should apply rule 303. -
Opinion Piece In Sydney Morning Herald - Puppy Farms
tarope replied to Curlybert's topic in In The News
This was one of the lowest acts the R$PCA have done, poor Clifford a Pitbull never had a chance. Poor Clifford was thrown from a car in Sydney in 2004, emaciated and injured he was taken to the R$PCA the society that claims to care for all creatures great and small. The R$PCA said please donate as much as you can to help poor Clifford and raised about $3500, then announced this poor dog had suddenly become aggressive or some BS to that effect and PTS poor Clifford and kept the money. Why was poor Clifford PTS ? Because the R$PCA does not rehome Pitbulls that's why. Shame, Shame, Shame R$PCA. -
The R$PCA are the same, all around the world and what a bloody joke they are.
Opinion Piece In Sydney Morning Herald - Puppy Farms
tarope replied to Curlybert's topic in In The News
Regardless of your beef with the RSPCA on other issues, surely they deserve some credit for trying to highlight the cruelty and abuse inherent in puppy farms across the country. If the R$PCA were serious about doing something, then they would instead of sitting on their bums and crying in the Media as the always do. Why give them credit they don't deserve and never will. What about all the healthy dogs the R$PCA kill every year, they don't give a stuff about them do they. The R$PCA spend alot of money on advertising themselves as this wonderful loving, caring society so tell that to the people and animals who have suffered at their hands. Remember Clifford the injured Pitt bull, who's only crime was being a pitt bull and falling into the hands of the R$PCA. :D ;) -
Argh...what Would You Do?--update :d
tarope replied to Brennan's Mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Great news, I was going to suggest taking your friend to the local pound or shelter and see all the unwanted dogs other BYB's have created maybe you still can just to be sure.