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Everything posted by Andy101

  1. Just an update, She took him to the vet and it turns out that he just had a muscle brusing when I asked her what had happened she said that it was possibley when he crashed into the wall at the bottom of the steps at her friends house. If I had been told this in the first place ......... Thanks any way for your advise
  2. I agree put him in a run when you aren't there. If he is actually killing the chooks it's bad news. I have chooks myself and was brought up on a sheep station if any dog ever killed any live stock it was put down. I have had to do it to a Cattle dog that I had. She attacked and killed 3 chooks one day. actualy digging under the coop fence to get to them. It may sound cruel but once they have the taste of warm blood its likley to go back for more and it may not be the chooks next time it may be a child.
  3. Personally I hope these are totaly banned. from what I've seen they are a Cruel and unnecessary training aid. People who use them for so called Drive training where the dog is chained to a tree with this collar then teased with a toy or food until their spirit is broken and they become fearfuly subserviant. There are a thousand other ways to train your dog without resorting to torture. I've never had to resort to any form of punnishment or force to train any dog that I've had in my life and all of my dogs are well behaved and respect me. My idea is if you wouldn't do it to yourself or someone you love, don't do it to the dog.
  4. Thanks for your advise everyone I'll pass it on
  5. A work mate of mine has a 9 year old westie who is from the sounds of things getting a bit arthuritic. During the day if another dog or a person walks past to close to the fence he still runs at the fence with no problems he'still chase the ball and loves his walks. when he does this there appears to be no problems with his gait at all. however he has problems getting up and down the small back step or out of his bed without limping or showing signs of pain. Can anyone suggest a drug free way to help him. His owner is getting very upset with his problems as she has had him from the age of 3 weeks and treats him the same way as any of her kids even feeds him what she eats.
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