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Everything posted by Henrietta

  1. I was my dogs monthly in winter, fortnightly in summer. When little mite had the habit of rolling in poo for a while there (not anymore) I would bath her straight away if she rolled in some. Another Aloveen fan here! Love it.
  2. Sorry Tess, RIP Thomas
  3. Awww go Midget Guts!!! Glad you and he had fun Vari!! Love the pics. I also love the pic of him and Ally in your signiture wrapped in tinsel!
  4. Go Vari and Harvey!! Best of luck to both of you, can't wait for the update!! Just go out and have fun!
  5. :D Well now I'm not so sure either, I think it is time to discuss this further with him or maybe get a second opinion... at the same time I asked him about this, we also discussed the hydatid tapeworm and he that unless they go out and catch lizard etc, then it is unlikely that they will get, but I still give them a three monthly hydatid tapeworm medication to be safe. I'll look into Sentinel and the Advantix though. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather my dogs be treated and safe, then dead.
  6. Definitely PW, that's why I am seriously looking into what we actually have in this region... although being rather hot and humid up here, I am thinking we have it all. Laffi, you are right, no ticks... I remember asking the vet about ticks and he said that if they didn't run in the bush/scrub, they weren't at any high risk. I check them daily when I groom them after play time. I might ring around and get a second opinion on that though. So it's Advantix for the paralysis ticks, Sentinel Spectrum for the heartworm, intestinal worms.
  7. Thanks Hesa. That info is good, I'll look into those different products. At the moment we are using Advantage, the monthly one - ticks, fleas and worms (except hydatid tapeworm (sp?)). I am just concerned, having read a lot about it recently, about over doing the whole worming/flea/tick thing.\ ETA - sorry it's not Advantage I use, it's Advocate.
  8. The link worked that time... umm, ever so slightly changes your perspective on puppy breath.
  9. Thanks BL, the link didn't work, but nevermind - it is probably just my pc throwing a tantrum, been doing it all week. I'll try again tomorrow.
  10. Hi all, Just curious if anyone knows where to get info regarding the regional differences in dog parasites, worms, ticks etc. What you are at risk from in various areas. I am planning to speak to my vet in the next month or so (checkup time) so I will definitely ask them, but I was curious if anyone out there had any info. I am trying to figure out what is best for my dogs, maybe certain worming products for certain parasites are unecessary for them and may do more harm then good. Thanks, Em.
  11. Yes, I am curious too now? What is the reason behind the puppy breath?
  12. Yes, I too have a couple in the cupboard for emergencies. They are quite partial to it, if I must serve canned food - that is the one!
  13. Henrietta


    Hey Cin, Thinking of you. Your beautiful boy is running free at the rainbow bridge. :rolleyes:
  14. I am very sorry ChoppaChop. ;) RIP Dolce, she will be running free. :rolleyes: Hugs to you... you did not fail, you gave her the love that she deserved. ;)
  15. I don't see any tensions or issues in my pack (of two) but I will admit that I do tend to do things for the older dog (who was also here first) before the younger dog. Now that I think about it, I'm sure it's a subconscious thing.
  16. Have just seen this thread. I am so sorry to hear about your boy, Bacchus. I don't really know what else to say. Hugs to you. Run free Bacci.
  17. RIP Misty and Sadie So sorry Varicool and Neorotic.
  18. Wow, if I was in dogs sports (hoping to get into agility at some stage), I would appreciate if someone told me my dog was overweight. Mind you, I think I would know, I am rather strict and maybe a little paranoid about weight. But if someone told me whether it be the instructer (and you hope they would) or a classmate, I would be completely mortified, but willing to take advice definitely. ETA - I love this new dog sports subforum
  19. I don't know how 'leader' can have negative connotations either, but I bet you are right Erny - it's our "modern human society feeling about 'equality' and our emotional rejection of anything other than that." (That's meant to be a quote). :rolleyes: Thanks Amhailte, seems like quite a list to get me started.
  20. Amhalite I agree, I feel that a lot of trainers/dog owners think it is a dirty word too. I thought maybe it was just me who thought it a bit on the confusing side. ;) I mean, I understand what leadership is, but it is a bit ambiguous and I suppose the methods we use and the signs that an individual dog will give us can vary markedly. Thanks Erny too, I guess you can't really know what your dog is thinking, but we have to use the knowledge that we have about canine behaviour to the best of our ability, to attempt to interpret it's feelings on how it feels within the relationship. I think it is all very interesting, I don't suppose anyone has any good reads - books, articles etc, on this topic that they could recommend me?
  21. I'm not going, BC but good luck to you and Cooper. You must be so excited yet so nervous! Good luck and have fun!
  22. How do you define leadership? How do you know that you are the leader in you and your dog's (or dogs') relationship? What are leadership attributes? What are some of the way that you ensure that your dog knows that you are the leader? Thought it would be an interesting topic to talk about, sometimes I think leadership in its' simplicity, can be actually confusing. Or maybe it is just me. Anyway, leadership is a topic that really interest me, but I feel like I myself can't define it, because I don't fully understand it myself. I think it is important to understand it.
  23. LOL Varicool, I only just saw this! He is just the cutest little mite!
  24. Plenty of time to get some weight off before the higher classes. Seriously though, you must let us know how he goes!! OMG I just realised what your were trying to say - that he is only 3.2kg and is supposed to be overweight. Indication of how small he is! Sorry I am slow - I thought you were worried about him going over the jumps!! :rolleyes:
  25. :rolleyes: Plenty of time to get some weight off before the higher classes. Seriously though, you must let us know how he goes!!
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