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Everything posted by ILFC

  1. Thanks for your help? Like the oatmeal shampoo will definitely try that and Quit Itch--is that available from the vet or a pet shop? I don't really know if he is prone to fleas- but when he was a baby puppy he did this. The frontline and malaseb stopped it. the vets gave him cortisone (as a baby) and we did the elimination diet but it didn't make a difference. Don't have Wandering Jew but what about an olive tree and this flower called Society Garlic- not actually garlic (but smells like it)?
  2. ILFC


    I have has exactly the same problem and our dogs was diagnosed by a behavioural specialist vet with separation anxiety. (Not saying your dog has that) was also linked to not wanting to upset horrible neighbours which has extended the problem. My trainer said to do almost controlled barking (like controlled crying) and he only comes in when he is quiet and laying down outside the back doors. We have a simillar bark yard to yours. In the house we have to ignore the attention seeking e.g. wanting pats etc. and his reward is coming inside. He is verbally rewarded for settling down on his bed. We also have to leave enrichment actvities outside (like for animals at the zoo). She also said feed him in kongs so he has to work for his food. I feel your pain- some neighbours suck and it makes you feel very stressed- our neighbours actually came in our backyard to "sort" him out! Luckily the son felt like he could only play with him- gate is now locked!
  3. Hello everyone- I have extremely itchy dog- was wondering if anyone know anything I could try...otherwise off to the vets. He started itching about four days ago- biting and scratching all over his body. I washed him in Malaseb shampoo and he was due for flea treatment so I gave him a frontline pippette on the back of his neck. I have also washed his bedding in the usual stuff e.g. disinfectant and washing liquid. We put mulch in the garden about three weeks ago but this only started this week. He is inside when we are home- nothing has changed inside the house. There has been no diet change either. Any suggestions- he is going to the same parks etc. as always too
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