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Everything posted by yogibear

  1. I agree with Anne and Haven. Focus is the key to stopping this type of behaviour and finding what it is thats ets the dog off. It can often be that the barking is geting them what they want that makes it so worth their while. I have seen many dogs start to associate corrections with poeple or other dogs so you need to be careful when and how they are delivered. If he demanding your attantion too then this is something else that needs to be addressed I would also suggest you call in a professional to help sort it out
  2. Hi sam Poor bugger that stuff is shocking to get rid of isnt it. connor sends lots of loving healing licks to sooth those sore spots. Hope he's back to normal soon yb
  3. i tought only certain breeds can compete in schutzhund yb
  4. Hi guys ahh thast what i like to see eeryone gting together to wrk hard and learn those lessons lol i hope thast your plan none of this socialising stuff heheheh. I might see if Kathy wants to bring Wendy down for a spin Wendy needs to spend some time with other dogs yb
  5. You guys crack me up Connor felt very underdressed last night will have to go shpping for a cool outfit to impress all the girls and te boys hes not fussy. ad yeah his boyfriends coming connor loves Beck Your all doing realy well and ye it is a long sesssion for the pups just take time out to relax remeber the sessions are to learn what to do then you can go home and practise it. good food maes sucha differece doesnt it id suggest trying a few different things to find the wow thing for your dog connor likes the lamb chunkers but they dont last well donutsare his second fav lol yb
  6. hi guys Last night was another great night with a couple of newbies which added to the fun. anne and simone go to the head of the class for practising lol. Nah you all have improved so much and the dogs were a lot more settled last night. My hubby fell in love with chelsea thought she was such a sweete was ready to take her home lol. Your al doing such a great job and its starting to show through your dogs yb
  7. Hands up those who trained mre than three times this week lol yb
  8. Hmm chelsea may not make it Banjo may not make it does Skye like spots lol yb
  9. hmm no gold stars if you wag school lol. and i expect a note hehe Thast fine if you cant make it i will put aside a copy of the notes for you we are mainly doing manners and socilisation ths weeks which Banjo has down pretty good Im glad to see some of you are practising me and connor are learnign a new trick just for you guys yb
  10. Thanks Anne its so nice to get such positive feedback i was really nervous about last night . Jake is wonderful he is so full of life and very smart i think you will go a long way with him Toby is soo cute and smart hes a real credit to your family Banjo is such a gentlean you can see how hard work and dedication to your dog pays off Skye has such good attention with time that will be a real assest for you being demanding when channelled makes for a good student Chelsea a dog with a love for life so enthusiastic for everything once this is channele she'll be unstoppable wendy has such an air of importance about her she shows off so well judges will find it hard to not look at her Hm goldie Chesea is young but did i hear Jake say beautiful might have to keep an eye on those two Jen
  11. Next week will be the week to make his move Connor will be staying at home coz i will need two hands free lol. BLue suit ohh she'll like that maybe hang some bells of it she likes those lol Dont they always want whatthey cant have the dogtht ignores them can often become the most important thing to pay with lol. there is a lesson to be learnt in that if we gus over our dogs then the dont need to try hard to get our attention
  12. You guys are an instructors dream your all keen trainers have great senses of humour and all think outside the square. thanks for letting me show you some of the things i do wit my dogs im having a ball yb
  13. Aww is WEndy playing hard to get beware Toby Wendy is all connors he met her first. Let you in on a secret Wendy likes boys in blue Gee summer school is worse than high school all this flirting
  14. No dating at school lol there will be no sneaking off behind the shed to smooch Master Banjo and Miss Skye it is rude to want all the chocolates to ones self we must share young lady remeber we have young ones who are watching and learning and it is important to teach them good ettiquette . lol yb
  15. hi LL connor has just turned nine months old How old are your children again if they want to take on some of the training encourage it the stuf we did last night is great for kids as its easy to learn and fun. On week four when we are going through all the tricks you are more than welcome to bring them along if they want to watch and participate with Toby. It will be a fun week for kids to join in on and i thinks its important to encourage them to get involved with their dogs and tricks are the best way to do that yb
  16. Haha you mock me thy Hedds but we will be on our best manners and there is chocolaes and other sweet delicacies involved. One of the main places i train is at the local coffee shop thast when it not from the armchair lol and to do so it is important that we and our dogs have nice manners so we will be welcomed back each week
  17. Hi jen thankyou im glad you enjoyed it and Chelsea is sooo sweet shes just a typical pup everything in the world looks like fun. te thing with a dog like that is though she seems so distracted now as she matures she wil become more and more ocused on you and will have this lovely im sohappy bounce about everything she does I thought everyone was amazing talk about great trainers you all bring something different to the group im looking forward to getting to know you all better over the coming weeks Sam hope you got your trees sorted out i have some notes for you oh and eah person in the group has a trck to go off and thnk about work out how to train and on week foru we will all take turns in showing everyone what we found It doesnt metter if the dogs arent doing the tricks its the techniques and ideas that areinteresting so you gt Walking backwards to teach Heidi Have fun with it Next week will be all about manners and socialistion yb
  18. Its Melbourne who knows what the weather will do lol. I'll be there rain hail or shine yb
  19. LOL we used to sit on a skate board and have maggie dag us along great fun till you hit a bump lol yb
  20. hi Mik well i made it through your post and i sgree wholeheartedly with what you say. I have my concerns for the stoc too though fortunatel my little sheltie isnt going to throw too many sheep to the ground he can still stress them out and i am being very careful with this hence why im reading up on sheep behaviour lol I havent been to a working sheep dog trial but have had the oppurtunity to see dogs working cattle and sheep in real life situations its hard work and it takes an amazing dog to do it I have not even thought of ANKC as being anything like real life working dogs those dogs and handlers are a breed of their own Having said that i loved the workshop i went to the idea of working with my dog and the sheep in a different capacity to obedience and the like it was amazing It bought the country bred girl back to the surface lol I will probaby never be in a position to own land but am enjoying learning about herding and about sheep and other livestock its made me do a lot of thinking about teaching animals in general and how best to work with them
  21. Ok well it musnt have sent then lol anyway we've confirmed so will see you all WEdnesday
  22. Hi guys Good to see your keen yup this wednesday night am loooking forwadr to meeting you all. at the moment im trying to condense some notes for you guys Purple beck i arranged the idea a few months back to fill the void over chrssy and get in some valuable instructing tme. Ive been working with dogs for many years but havent instructed people in a while. Its free to come along and i am wlling to have one more as one dropped out dueto work commitments we will be meeting at kcc park wednesday nights for the next five weeks at 7pm up the back at the new buidling where westernport and the shepherd club meet You need to bring a chair and drinks for you and your dog his her favorite toy and treats Pm me your email and i will fill you in on the rest of the details LL1 i did send you an email confriming did you get it yb
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