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Everything posted by yogibear

  1. hi Nat Whats on at kcc on sunday was planning to go there yb
  2. The herding area at Kcc is a great size for giving dogs safe exercise without worying about them getting into something dangerous As for beaches if you dont mind mozzies cannons creek is good has a hig lciff face on one side and there are only a couple of spots where there are stairs yb
  3. Poodlefan wrote However, I'll make my original point again. Long lines, abrupt stops and whippets are an extremely dangerous combination. Yes they are a whippet can travel up to 67 kms an hour that is soo much faster than other dogs a friend of mine just lost her dog to a broken neck because he was running at high speed and stopped abru[tly because of another dog going across him he flipped landed on his neeck and it snapped It was a very sad accident but still it shows the pressure on their neck when they hit something at high speed
  4. Hi all Ok as some one who owns a whippet and trials dont let him hit the end of the lead whippets arent stupid but once they build up speed or get excited they forget them selves and i have seen a very nasty injury by someone doing that very thing average dogs run half as fast as a whippet remeber that Now he is young exuberant and having a ball of a time id go to where you get the reliable recall and build it up from there as someone wlse said also use different voice and body language for you in the park stuff where you may need to call him when he is at high speed but it wont matter if he circles you your not at a trial. Mine comes so hard his butt lifts in the air as he puts on the brakes also use good food running is very rewarding to a whippet and make sure he isnt getting tense in class a stressed whippet will want to race to relive the pressure. hope this helps yb
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