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  1. He's not quite as bad now trish and only screams occasionally. Still haven't managed to cage train him so have given up on that and he is most happy in the lounge at night with Kerry, he hates being in the bedroom with us . He is VERY fond of curling into the cats basket which is quite commical as its miles to small. He still goes in his cage and sleeps and hides all those naughty things like my thongs and anyone elses he get hold of. He was however terrified of the storms the other day, mainly because of the vibrations through the house as we are on pillars and also because of the lightening flashes. My hearing dog however couldn't give a damn and still lounges on her lounge outside whatching the storm pass by :rolleyes: . She is very protective of snoops and they love a good play, she always checks up on him and sniffs him when asleep, but she does draw the line at sharing HER bed . Jo
  2. We have had our deaf pup now for 5 weeks he is now 14 weeks old and a little darling :rolleyes: . We have taught him to sit, give his paw and to wait (a little), he knows to pee outside and only has the odd accident inside only at night time. He is very vocal because he cant hear and recall is just a nightmare . We went to the beach today with some friends picture this, 2 x bichon x maltese, 1 grey hound x, 1 kelpie, 1 deaf greyhound pup and a mini poodle, oh plus a hanger on who we didnt know. They had a ball it was funny to see, looked like a puppy school excursion he is at this moment in his cage with his legs in the air fast asleep cause he's pooped. It just takes a little longer and a bit more effort cause you cant just say NO you have to get up. We wag our finger at him to say no which he understands when the mood takes him. He knows when I point in a certain direction to get off or go there. Big cuddles when he does his business and still speak to him as if he isnt deaf. Keep it up. Jo
  3. Believe you me I know what you are going through (although mine hasnt peed on the bed). We have a 9 week old pup who has been pretty good so far. He seems to store his poop until night time and leaves us plenty of presents. Unfortunatly we dont have the benefit of saying NO loudly as he is totally deaf and that makes things so hard. I take him out regularly armed with sausage tit bits and when he does a pee or poop which I see because I dont see them all, he gets a tit bit and a pat and a clap of the hands. It really is hard work. He has learnt to sit by hand signals and is very good at this most of the time. But he also screams very loudly cause he cant hear himself when left alone. Yesterday we had to go out and I ummed and ahhed about getting a relly to dog sit but decided not to and left him and our other dog in the yard. When we came back 4 hours later I walked round the back and no puppy, I though oh my god the dog has eaten him or he's got out and do you know where we found him.........in the bloody house. We still dont know how he got in. Meant to say that he had the whole house to destroy and all he got to was our bin in the en suite and my ladies bits, most embarassing when the kids found a chewed thing with a string attached and asked what is that. Stick with it, it will come. Jo
  4. Hi, I have a lurcher and soon to have def greyhound. Kerrie is 5 and half and loves a good run which is hard to find. Can you tell me if you train a dog to do coursing does this mean they are more likely to chase small fluffy dogs and cats. I know she would love it. Jo
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