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Everything posted by Rana

  1. I am interested in getting another Cairn Terrier / Cairn Terrier X furkid for my dog Roxy. I think she needs a friend. Pls contact me if you know of any Cairns needing a home...
  2. I am posting a question for a friend of mine who has a 12 month old golden retriever. He's been in and outside at night since a puppy, but was mainly an inside dog at night for a while. Now they are putting him out at night and he is constantly barking. They think he is barking at a possum or something that is setting him off. Personally I think he is just wanting to come inside and is trying to get a reaction. But he is their dog and they should know best I suppose. The question they have is.. They want to use a citronella collar. But the owner is allergic to citronella so they cannot use it. They have stated quite clearly they will not use a "shock" collar. Is there something else they can put in the collar as an alternative to citronella? :D
  3. Can I ask what is the correct amount of food to feed an Aust Terrier X Schipperke? I got him from a foster home who were feeding him 4 chicken necks a night and then dropped it to 2 necks a night. There was also dry food made available at all times but he hardly touches that. Is this really enough? I have been feeding him 4 necks a night with the dry food available at all times but he doesn't eat the dry food still and I'm not sure whether he needs something more substantial for dinner...? Maybe necks are only given as a treat???
  4. He is already trained to sit, get on his mat and working on the toilet training.... Gotta work on the come back one!
  5. I have a male Aust Terrier X who I adopted a couple of weeks ago along with a female foster dog. He was forever trying to "hump" her as she was in season. Now the female has gone and he is on his own. He is doing a lot of peeing in the house still. He was desexed last week and I introduced him to a friends female dog last night and all he wanted to do was hump her too! Not only is he doing it to these female dogs but my 3 year old son also!!!! How long do you think it will take for him to lose his sexual desire??? Will he lose it at all?
  6. I am having the same problem with my little doggy I just adopted. He isn't a puppy though, he is around 2 years old. It's as if he has never been taught to go outside! Which is strange because he sits on command and comes when called... I have caught him a couple of times wandering off into another room all of a sudden and put him outside but he doesn't do one and just wants to go back inside. I am forever finding little wees all over the house though and it's really starting to bug me - I am using soooo much paper towelling to clean them up!!! Last night I decided I would do the whole lead thing and take him out and start from scratch like training a puppy. He did do one which was good so I'll be doing that as often as I can now. Every hour I will put him on the lead and take him out and also after meals and sleeps. Any other ideas for toilet training an older male dog? BTW he was only desexed on Thursday.
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