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Kylie where do you buy your Royal Canin Junior Labrador? I have never seen it, Milo has Eukanuba but doesnt seem to like it, we tried the hills as well and she wasnt so impressed with that either. Now she wont eat kibble unless I mix something through it like mince or sardines, I think its my fault I have turned her fussy! I also agree with the marrow, we gave Milo a big bone on Monday and she has had the runs since! Do you give the chicken drum sticks raw? How many each time? (Milo is an 28wk black lab too!)
Milo is 4.5 months (lab) and has gone off her food too, i spoke to the vet and he said that puppies usually go through eating phases where they eat like crazy at first but then they slow down (because their body has developed to its limit for the moment) then they will start eating like crazy again. I was worried too because at the start she would eat all the kibble in a couple of minutes and beg for more but now will sniff at it and sometimes nibble, sometimes ignore. I just leave it and find byt the time she is due for her next meal her bowl is usually empty.
How common is Parvo? I only ask because I had not heard of it till I discovered this forum! Milo is my first pup though so didnt know alot about dogs, only from playing with friends pets.
Thanks everyone, she is my first pup so i wasnt sure whether it was normal and she was just being a pup or whether it was behavior that I needed to spend time on training her to stop. She is a quick learner, is sitting on request and fetching balls for me already so Im sure she will learn to stop biting quickley if I am stricter with her. I will start being a bit firmer I know I am a softy and trying not to be! She does not bite my OH nearly as much as me and I think its because he has alot gruffer firmer and louder voice when she does it to him. She knows he is the tough one and I am the pushover...
Does anyone have any idea roughly when puppy biting stops? Milo is a 15wk black lab puppy and her she has been biting for a few weeks now and I was told that puppy school helps but so far if anything its getting worse! She is now almost doing jaw locks around my wrist! One puppy school (im at 2) told me to do the alpha roll and the other school told me to do the ignore and I have tried both and nothing works! If I do the ignoring it means Milo will not get patted at all and I think that makes her crazier! Every play time now is just her biting me! I have tried to replace my hand with toys but she is not interested. The only time I get to pat her without being bitten is when she is sleeping! Sometimes if she out the back playing I will call her and she will sprint at me and dive through the air at me with her mouth open ready to attack! She is not baring her teeth in an angry way i really think its her version of playing but its not mine!!! Does anyone have any 'happy ending' stories, was your pup a mad biter and then miraculously stopped one day? I have Milos 3rd vac in a couple of weeks so will ask the vet for some advice then but hoping to hear some feed back before then. Thank you!
Yes both pre-schools need proof of vaccination before they will let you in. I have been trying to train at home but not winning the battle so far! As soon as i start learning from a professional as of Monday night she will be getting regular training at home. So far I have taught her to sit, she comes to her name and if she is inside she yelps at the door when she needs to go outside! Im hoping puppy schools will stop the play biting, its getting worse and I have tried every trick possible that I have read/heard and nothing is working! I have heard socialising with other pups helps this, im crossing my fingers! (the fingers that are at the moment covered in little cuts from razor sharp puppy teeth!)
Hello, I have booked Milo (12wk lab) into a 4 week Vet run puppy pre-school starting Monday night where she will learn to sit drop come and stay. I found another Vet run puppy pre-school close to home that meet on a Tuesday night but its not a course as such you just turn up when you want and the puppies just play together, sounds like more of a play group than a puppy pre-school. I am thinking of taking Milo to the Tues night one as well just to give her more interaction with other pups but wondering if this could hinder what she learns on the Monday night? Any thoughts?
Our 12wk lab puppy is a real biter too! I have tried the yelping like another pup, growling like a mother dog, giving her toys to chew (instead of my hand) and praising etc but nothing is working! I have been told that taking our pup to pupppy schools and socialising her with other pups should put a stop to it . They soon learn if they bite other puppies they will get bitten back, apparantly also helps them with their dominance issues or something! We are starting Monday night so will report back whether her nipping subsides. (saying a silent prayer it does!)
Thanks for the advice! i will definitely get rid of the tins and get some better quality dry food! One more question re the fresh meat, Im just unsure of quantities, I will follow the dry food directions on amounts but should I give her some fresh meat every day? eg. If I give her chicken necks how many should I give her? She has a vet check up next week so i can ask him lots of these type of questions but would love some advice of what to give her in the mean time. THANKS!
Thanks for all your advice! Milo had chicken and rice for dinner tonight and loved it, hopefully it does the job! Can I get the better quality dog food from the Pet Shop or should I go to the Vets? (or is there somewhere else I don't know about!) Sorry. might be a silly question but I am a first time mum!
Hello, I have gained lots of valuable info from this site since Milo my labrador puppy came to live with us 6 weeks ago but I just have a question... Sunday night she had diarrhoea, and since then, the last few days her poo has been a bit soft, not bad diarrhoa just definitely softer than usual, she has done a couple of normal ones as well but maybe every second is quite loose. She is not acting sick so I think she just needs something to settle her tummy, I currently feed her Pedigree Puppy tins together with dry food (not sure what brand but its a puppy one, the most expensive one at the supermarket) I keep reading that Chicken and Rice is good for upset tummies but I have no idea how to make it (is the chicken cooked, raw etc?) so hoping someone has some more info for me, maybe a recipe as such! And what quantity do you think I should give a 12wk (10kg) lab? THANKS!