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Everything posted by Mak

  1. I'm in the inner-west, Leichhardt :D
  2. Hey guys, This food sounds great! My Charlie was first on Nutro, and now he's switched over to Nutrience - i'm not too happy with it. Orijien sounds like the perfect food. Where is the best place to get them in Sydney? I would prefer pick-up than the delivery. Feel free to contact me if you have any information :D Thanks in advance, Mak
  3. Wow, I didn't realize it was that bad! I hope you do realize it is the same picture - just the second one was edited It's not red or anything, just patches of missing fur. Might take him soon then
  4. Ok, will remove the Science Diet Canned food, we will see how he goes. No he doesn't really feel all that hot and doesn't look pink. He hasn't chewed since he got that trim, the groomer said he will be fine in colder weather, and now that summer is gone it's going to get better. He doesn't eat pig ears or schmackos but he sometimes eats Kangaroo tails, rawhides & dentabones. No, he doesn't pee on his coat. I'm happy that he's stopped chewing after the trim! Will be observing him. Thank you for your help, Mak
  5. Wow, thank you for the quick and helpful replies! Well, he's de-sexed. He actually just got back from the groomer so we will see how he goes, I've just taken some quick pictures, he has just woken up I have just put down the brightness and put up the contrast so you can see the spots better, It is not this bad it is not even red! I have edited this to outline the spots He gets bathed in "Aloveen oatmeal Shampoo" and we sometimes use the conditioner, "Aloveen Oatmeal Intensive Conditioner", and before we used "Fido's White and Bright Shampoo". We use "Pineo Cleen Floors" for the floors. For the bedding, we have tried many however he doesn't like sleeping in beds, he likes to sleep in the bathroom or laundry because the tiles cool him down and he loves to sleep near us. He certainly doesn't have seperation anxiety, and I wasn't too sure if he does do it away, I'm just saying If I DO put on the collar, he would probably do it when we are not home, currently I don't think he does (mainly sleeps :D). We feed him "Nutro Lamb Meal & Rice" and some canned food Science Diet Adult Chicken/Beef. We have considered taking him off the canned food but he loves it, should we? Once again, thank you for your help! Mak P.S The groomer always tells me how he has such a beautiful and unique coat!
  6. Hello everyone, My little 1 year old pure bred Bichon Frise, Charlie, chews the fur on his hind legs and back. I've asked my groomer what is is, she said he doesn't have fleas (I use advocate) but it's because of the heat. She recommended one of those collars that goes around the neck so the dog can't itch himself, however I think he does it when no one is home/at night. I guess its not really a solution to the problem, is there anyway to prevent this behavior? Or just to keep his coat sort when it's getting hot? Help me out DOL
  7. Mak

    Few Questions

    Thanks so much Russ!
  8. Hi, I'd just like to say I am feeding my puppy Nutro: Puppy - I know its not the light but its great! He is a very healthy pup and Its much better than the other companies I have tried, but I guess it varies from dog to dog. Anyway good luck on whichever choice you make! Mak
  9. Mak

    Few Questions

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone can recommend a crate for my Bichon, Charlie - who is about 6-8kg and will grow to 10kg MAX. There are all types out there, I would like one were he could call his little home and where he can sleep. If someone can tell me where I can buy them (In Sydney), or online. Also, leg lifting while urinating! My puppy has always stands which his legs lowered when he urinates, does leg lifting come later on? Hes 8 months and was desexed at 6 months. Will he ever leg lift? Also we have never seen the 'red lipstick', will he start getting them? (With the dog we were looking after before we got Charlie, he got them all the time! Not desexed though) He has also never humped (thank god!) will he start doing all these things later on or will It never happen since he is desexed? Thanks! Mak
  10. Hi! My little Bichon Frise, Charlie, who is now 8 months old would like to start flyball ( I think ). Anyway, I'm just wondering some information: Where is the nearest flyball organization near Petersham, Sydney Is training my dog to this hard? Does a dog need to know how to do flyball before he enters a team? How are groups sorted (eg, age, size, etc)? Cost? How much does it cost to participate in flyball? Well, thanks everyone! Mak
  11. Mak


    Hi, we just had our dog Charlie de-sexed. He is doing great Its 6 days after the operation, first few days he was sleeping a lot. But now he just lays down and pants. Is this normal? We always give him water and he drinks some, but still pants. Do you think he has a temperature? Or maybe its a bit too hot for him, with all the heaters on, when hes on the balcony he is fine. Is there anything we can do about it, or is this normal? Mak
  12. I want to change to Nutro or something.. I bought heaps of Science diet though which would probably last a few months after that bam I'm changing. Do you think a few months of Science Diet would have a bad effect in future?
  13. This will definetly come in handy! Hesapandabear!
  14. Well I got 80 something.. shows how much I know
  15. Hills Science diet puppy small bites ingredients: Ground Whole Grain Corn, Chicken By-product meal, soybean meal, Animal fat (preserved with mixed tocophrols and citric acid), Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken liver flavor, Dicalcium, Phosphate, Brewers Rice, Fish Oil, Flaxseed, Soybean oil, lodized Salt, vitamins polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), Vitamin E supplement, Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Panthothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 supplement, Pyridoxine Hyrdrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Adics, Vitaman D3 supplement, choline Chrloride, Potassium Chloride, vitamin E supplement, minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium lodate, Sodium Selenite), preservers with Mixed Tochopherols and Citric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract. Can someone work this out for me? Sorry but I want a accurate answer ;) There might be some spelling mistakes due to my horrible typing
  16. Laffie is BEAUTIFUL! :rolleyes:
  17. Mak

    No Signs

    Well, I have been watching Charlie like a hawk since he got here. I see that most dogs sniff around, go in circles when they are about to do their business. My Charlie just walks and does it as he goes as if nothing is happening! He just walks and lets it go. When he is going and I quickly try and pick him up and put him to the correct spot he stops and has finished After every meal and sleep I take him out but nothing, he dosn't go 15 mins after he might go 30 mins, a hour..even more after a meal/sleep! Dunno why this is happening and just taking some suggestions. Oh, and hes a 8 week old male Bichon Frise.
  18. Hi Maria & Laffi, Congratulations on getting your new puppy! Sorry I can't answer all your questions. I just bought a baby Bichon yesterday and I have already started training him and hes already getting the hang of it. I'm no puppy expert but I think the sooner you house train him, the better. I take my puppy to his toilet after his finished eating and after a nap. He poops around 4 times a day. However, I think puppy's cant control their bladder until they are ?16 weeks old? so when they do get excited/frightened they may do an accident. Sorry I couldn't be of much help, Mak.
  19. People have recommended me Science Diet. I'm going to use it on my pup. I think most vets would recommend Eukanuba or Science Diet, but I don't know what DOLers have to say about this. Sorry I couldn't of been of more help, Mak.
  20. Oh! Not good Does Sentinel Spectrum protect against this? If not, what do you use to protect your dog from this nasty tick?
  21. It does Heartworm, all Intestinal Worms and fleas. It doesn't have ticks in there? Just wondering, what are ticks and whats the difference between ticks and fleas?
  22. Hey I'm getting a puppy and I just don't know which product to choose. I need some suggestions please, also..what age do they take these tablets (eg heartworm is every 6 months, fleas/ticks are every X month) Thanks, Mak.
  23. Mak

    Need Some Advice!

    Thanks! Still need some more advice
  24. Hi. As some of you know, I'm getting a Bichon Frise next month. He will be a male called Charlie . I was just wondering, how and where would be the best place to socialize the pup at a early age until he gets his vaccinations. (Say, 6 - 16 weeks). I'm confused because some people say this is crucial time for socialization..while others say don't take him out until hes had all his vaccinations! I just don't know who to listen too. I was planning to meet with some DOL'ers but I don't really know any 'Parvo-free' areas. Does anyone know of a safe place for my puppy? Also, some good obedience clubs around the Lecihhardt Area, any suggestions? What age should I take him here? Thanks for all your help, Mak.
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