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Everything posted by Monah
But not as easily as holding a leash in your hand, which imo is safe for you, your dog, or anyone walking by. I have a walky dog attachment and reccomend anyone to try one of these - very strong and I've never been pulled off using it. I'm guessing from your photo the walky is for a viz? That's what mine would be for too. She loves the bike.
I don't know many vizs but mine is definately anxious/fear aggressive due to genetics. I don't put any blame on the breeder who is lovely. i think maybe a dog from her ancestry must have had probs and know a couple did (found out after asking about mine) but we have done a lot of work with her and she is getting there. When we first got her she would hide under a chair, bite if anyone went near and was pretty awful, so much so that we were told by a couple of professional to return her asap. but i was in love. She was only 12 weeks old and treated excellently with lots of other doggies. Have since heard of other viz with little probs, but I love them and they really are affectionate and loving. She's my girl. I know most are not like this. A funny thing is my daughter is in uk and has seen many vizs and one stood it's ground and barked aggressively at a 5 year old rel. in Richmond park. Just like ours!!!! My daughter was amazed, it was so much like our girl (but a male) in behaviour. Just last weekend. So we are not the only ones. A bit of comfort there!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I think she is a beta /alpha and my spin is a beta/omega (she would never bite and is not nervous but the viz would and is,)I find genetics in behaviour very interesting. With humans too. Nurture verses nature.
Oh good. I'm getting one asap. had to have a small op on my elbow and heaps of stitches! My doc (friend) took great delight in inflicting pain on me (didn't really feel a thing). Didn't notice how bad it was till the following day. Bugger! can't bend right arm for 2 weeks. I don't think so!!!!!!
Hi. fantastic setup. Is that dogwalk on pvc pipe!t(AD)pole, more pics and ideas would be great. ie. What materials you have used.xxxLovely doggie.
Hi. Yes me too. UNTIL :p I got got the viz. She was a shock for me as allowing her liberites, like I've always done with all my other dogs, turned her into a spoilt, overbearing, horrid little (big) girl! Now She has very strict rules and she's wonderful! Never had leadership issues with goldies, wolfhounds, terriers, giant schnauzers, cattle dogs or the spin! I don't think it's her breed, just her personality. Taught me a lot! I have heard/read that central a sheps are best for experienced dog people (not me) as they can be fairly overbearing (but so beautiful!) and protective, their job, and they are still extensively used for guarding in their native lands and do a great job. I'm sure there are many excellent trainers in Vic. who can help you with your pup. Would love to see pics and hear how you are going. Gorgeous dogs.!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Has anyone got the dog walky bike thingy on the lovemypet site? I take the viz with a lead and had a bad tumble last night. Ripped right elbow, knee and hip. She looked at me like I was stark raving mad!! and I had a few ks to get home. Pain. OH bandaged me up. Lovely. Anyway, I am now going to invest in something for the bikes and this one seems more accessible for me. Not very experienced at net buying etc. In fact NO exp.xxx
My oldie is on metacam and I've also used it for a dog with a brain tumour, and other dogs when they are in pain from something. Always had terrifc success with it and no side effects. Hope your doggie is ok.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
will definately be looking into this!! We run our viz on the bike for 10ks. I am a new rider (never had a bike before and am wobbly!!) so holding the lead with a flat out viz can be daunting for me!! Biking is so good and she loves it madly, and is easy to live with afterwards!!!
All my dogs eat stuff too, even the 13 year old. If it's not toxic I just let them get on with it but I am able to take anything out of all their mouths with no probs. I also use one of those rubber spikey things on my viz who has very short hair and it gets all the loose hairs out very well. Sorry, can't really help with the eating stuff. I have taught all mine leave!! but this only works BEFORE they are able to get things in their mouths. I'm usually far too slow!!!!!!
Ha!! So do mine. But they usually end up with tug of war, stuffing goes everywhere, then it's a race to see who can grab said stuffing the fastest and I have to prise open mouths to retrieve the soggy mess, stuff it back in the toy and put it away for repairs. Have been slack, currently have 9 stuffed toys awaiting repairs. oh well, tomorrow is Sunday. Guess what I'll be doing!!!!! Think we'll all go to bed now. Raining hard. Great, but now I have to make them do wees in the rain. I could be quite a while and we'll all be muddy and wet. Oh well, floors tomorrow too, again. Dogs=joy!! and suppossedly they are good for stress. Hmm.
We've always had the mad half hour as well. We've called it that for over 40 years. All our cats and dogs have done it. Presently have 4 cats and 3 dogs charging around every night just when we feel like a quiet sit down. Even with 5 k bike runs etc. they still do it!! And they are hardly ever alone, so don't go thinking it's because you are out all day. I bet they would still do it anyway. I'm quite surprised we have any walls, furniture etc. left after years of this, but we've survived! Ours dodge each other, furniture, cats and us. Quite funny but I don't let them know that :D
Prika is magnificent and looks every engrossed in her job. How wonderful. A truly lovely sight to see.
Hi, probably not very helpful as I know nothing about cockers except that my next door neighbour has 2, a brother and sister who I look after fairly regularly. The female (they are 9 months old) has no droop to her eyes but the male is very droopy and does have eyestaining. He is orange/white she is black. They come from championship parents and the male may have gone on to be one too but they are pets and desexed. They have had no health probs at all. My spin has a bit of eye droop and stain too but this is a breed requirement as their eyes do this so when hunting anything lodged can escape easily (ie sticks, grass etc.). Obviously you have already had the eyes checked but if you get the opportunity to see older male dogs (we have a lot here) the majority of them have droopy eyes. Good luck.
I have a 13 year old cattle dog who has a blanky she sucks! Very cute seeing this tough old girl sucking on her blanky then falling to sleep with it. If it's not hurting anything and makes the pup happy, OK. If it bothers you you may have to tell her argh! each time.
Dear kitcat. I'm really mean but I've never left any of my dogs with toys etc. if they are not supervised. Too much of a panic merchant! They are put in their crates with a dog bickie when I go out and have to make do with that. They are very excited when I get the toys out when I get home though. I have to make sure they are really worn out before I go out which can be tiring (for me!!) but have come home and they are still asleep! Great watch dogs !!(well 2 are watch puppies). Each to their own. I'm sure there are 1000s of dogs who are not toy supervised and live to a ripe old age without any probs. Everyone has different ideas about dogs and children.
Hi kitkat. probably already been told by others but usually, 6,12, and 16 weeks. Usually C5, sometimes C7 depending on where you live. C7 is for more tropical regions although the virus it protects against is very very rare and only can be caught around cane fields.(RARE). Where is your pre school? Mine are always at the vets and all puppies vacc. floors disinfected etc. so it's very safe. Nothing has ever gone wrong here (over past 15 years). But if yours is outside on an oval or something I'd be a bit concerned. Parvo can live on in the earth for a long time (over 12 months) which is why you are never to put your dog down anywhere suspect. Once the pup has it's 12 week vacc you then need to wait 10 days for it to kick in before taking the pup out. Please be careful. Parvo has an almost 100% death rate.
Our puppies do this too but seem to grow out of it at around 12 months or so, depends on the breed. Adelaide may be a bit cold this time of year (Love adel. grew up there) but maybe a play outside for half hour would help. If not, an inside play (depends on your rules). Ours tear around before bed, then collapse for the night. I sit outside with them while they play unless the weather is bad, then it's indoors. Human kids seem to have a mad half hour in the evenings too, as do my cats.!!!!! A MAD house. :rolleyes:
Murray is incredibly incredibly gorgeous!!! Our'baby' is 28kgs (she's large for a girl, far too big to show) and still loves to be carried around the house! Never wriggles. I would never be without a viz now. Mine is desexed too, of course. Will try and post a pic sometime (with son's help!!) LOVE Murray.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
You lucky lucky duck. A gorgous viz. Ours is now 14 months old. She's fantastic. BUT did have me up for around 6 months at 4 am (qld. daylight thanks to no daylight saving). Now she sleeps in until 6am. She needed the loo and a bit of exercise early then would go back to sleep. We just (make that I) had to lump it. She has always been crated inside and loves her crate. They are very active dogs, zippy, and I think this behaviour is very normal for them. They are very very cuddly and ours is a lap dog (a large one) so maybe yours is also just wanting to be with you. You may just have to let time fix this. A young dog will definately need the toilet at this stage early in the morning. We have another pup now so am doing the 5am starts all over again so I know how you must feel. Puppy joys! :rolleyes: Just read you are in canberra and the dog doesn't need the loo. Our viz feels the cold even here in qld now it's winter. I don't think a night outside where you are is a good idea. As I said and the breeder may have told you, they are people dogs and he would love to be with you, they really do suffer when alone and the breed is well known for this, also again, he would be rearing to go go go in the mornings now he is 6 months old. Very very active, and he will get even more so as he gets older.Can we have pics? Love the viz.
I think Brunos idea is great too. This worked well for one of our dogs but another practically tore down doors when isolated so tried very stern, loud ARGHSSSS every time she mouthed/bit our hands and this worked for her. Have also tried the water spray, again, worked for some dogs not others. The main thing is to stop it asap and find the method that best suits your puppy. Good luck. :rolleyes:
Usually have their last shot at 12 weeks but still need to be kept safe (no public arees) for another 10 days for the vacc to take effect. We always do puppy pre school at our vets. Most vets do them and many of the kennel clubs too. I'm more comfortable at the vets because I know they sterilise the floors and it's safe from parvo etc. Only take him out after the last shot plus 10 days. Parvo lives in the earth etc. and it isn't worth the risk. It's a good idea to take him to safe places before this though for socialisation if you are positive friends relatives etc. have their dogs vacc. too because they may be carriers.
Staffy Puppy Chasing ( Trying To Kill! Cat) Problems
Monah replied to RobbieRules's topic in Puppy Chat
I think this is a great idea. With an old cat he/she will probably just curl up and have a good sleep. We have 4 cats, 3 dogs and thank goodness have never had any probs. our cats have never been outside but with our really old diabetic rex I always give him time out alone in my bed (he can't jump etc anymore) to rest and recoup after kittens and puppies. He appreciates this. Even our friends's bc who visits a lot (to stay) and HATES cats, has never gone for any of them. We are very firm that the cats are boss, but it must be very difficult with a boisterous pup. I would not allow the wrestling and train the pup that this is a definate no no just like you would if he were doing this with a child. Otherwise it may escalate and I'd hate to think what would happen to poor kitty. Really wish you the best, it sounds like you have a very difficult situation to overcome all up. Cheersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rolleyes: -
Wow. What have you got. Lots of details please, ie sex, breed age etc. We have a new puppy to but she is 11 weeks old now. Anyway, I had a problem with the viz doing this when we got her last year. She was pretty bad and overexcitable but we learnt (finally!!) to say very loud ARGHHHHs then ignore for a minute while she digested the info but did not praise because then she just got all excited and started again. It's probably different for each personality. Also sprayed her with water if all else failed. Took her a couple of weeks to stop properly but have never looked back. Good luck, pics please!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rolleyes:
Don't you believe it! I always have to think twice when asked to do left / right turns or about turns :D I've been known to lead entire classes astray by turning in the wrong direction (mind you, serves em right for following my lead ) Oh, thank God! I think we belong in the same class!!!