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Hi. I don't think I'd put her outside, but this is one of those issues where people have vastly different views. In my opinion the pup is far too young. She could get distressed and dig out or any other number of awful things happen while you are asleep, and will probably cry a lot during the night keeping neighbours awake too. Ultimately it's up to you, as it is your puppy. If she's only 9 weeks old you may not have had her for long, so how much sleep have you lost? With one of my dogs, she slept fine but was up at 4.30am every morning for 16 months. When I had to go to work she slept!! Lucky@!#$%^ dog. I was exhausted, The next pup loves her sleep. All puppies (and babies) take a while to have a routine and sleep properly. I don't think crating encourages 'attention' getting. Mine are crated, mainly for their own safety, and they LOVE their crates (beds) and often go in them when they are tired. I'd love them in the bed but one can be bossy with the other so they just sleep side by side in separate crates. Personally, I don't thnk you've given it any where near long enough. If after 5 or 6 months this was still happening I'd worry. Just let her out for toilet and put her staight back in the crate without talking etc. Don't let her drink before bed. What time is her 'last' wes? Mine go at 10pm. then bed and get up at 6am. Even if I'm buggered I always stay up until 10pm for final 'wees'.Very soon she won't need to go at night at all, esp. being a larger breed. She's just a baby, doing what babies do.As persephone said, soon she will be alone all day, if she's out all night too that means no attention. She will also need a good two hours proper exercise each day. Dogs are demanding and hard work, as you've already found out. God, between kids, dogs and businesses, we haven't slept longer than 5 or 6 hours per night since 1980!!!!! Good luck with it all, Maybe you can have nanny naps on a Sunday. I find this helps me a lot.
Vacc last 3 years. The main reason for yearly ones is so that people remember to do it, as many would forget after 3 years. I do all my pets yearly, just makes me feel safer, I saw many horrible deaths when I was a child due to cat flu, distemper etc. when vacc either weren't available or no education around. Also seen the effects of parvo, hideous. I don't know anything about the scientific data, just gives me more peace of mind and after 48 years of animal ownership, never had a problem with any vacc.xxx
The tablets would not haved worked if doggie threw up. One of my dogs throws up with drontal so I have to get her those chewy meaty type ones. Drontal comes from the vets. Quite a few dogs throw up worm tablets, whether they are from the vets or supermarket. I think the advantage should be ok if they are not bathed until a few days after putting it on and if only bathed once a week. Ours go to the beach every day and are fine.xxx
My Dog Might Have A Brain Tumour...
Monah replied to stormie's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Stormie. I'm really glad it doesn't appear to be a tumour. Our lakeland died of a brain tumour. What we found was that there were a few pointers, we thought it was just old age. The symptoms with him were, he could only eat sideways out of one side of his mouth, he walked crooked, couldn't bark, couldn't jump up, was generally all over the place, lost a lot of weight but ate more than ever (apparently the tumour takes all the calories), and finally, one side of his head completely 'caved in' due to muscle wasting, like a skull. I kept him going for 2 more weeks on painkillers because I couldn't let him go, but eventually had him pts in our lounge on my lap. Poor boy. He was my happy chappy, adorable. He had a few vet visits as each symptom occurred, and as soon as I saw a vet who had seen it before he knew straight away. The other vets did a great job, but because I described behaviour that could probably mean anything at his age, and they didn't see how he behaved during a quick vet visit, none of us thought of a tumour. I'd definately know if it ever happens again though. Good luck and best wishes with your lovely doggie. I thought it was doggie alzheimers. -
Food Aggression With Other Pups
Monah replied to centitout's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I can't help, never having had puppies (as in a litter). just want to congratulate you on your lovely pups and the fantastic job you have done keeping them alive etc. I think you are a wonderful breeder (through the breeder pages) terribly ethical, caring and really terrific with all of your dogs. It's a tremendous effort with so many and I know you've had a rough time through some of it, but you never gave up. I admire all your hard work and of course, your beautiful dogs!! I adore bloodhounds and knew a breeder of them years ago in Gawler SA. REally lovely friendly dogs. She had saliva hanging from her HIGH ceilings and many nappies (towelling) thrown over her shoulders at all times! It was hysterical. I would have had one but my husband had 'problems' with the drool. Still love them to bits. Lucky you!!! -
New Dominant Dog Troubles.......
Monah replied to ShellyBeggs's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Poor Sarge. I'm sorry I cannot help at all but am just interested in any replies because I feel once my 14 year old cd goes that my nervy viz may behave this way too. Hope it all turns out OK for you. It's so distressing this pack order stuff. xxxxx My viz aldready has a problem but the CD holds her in check. -
My viszla was a nightmare for the first year. Just persevere, gently, and I'm sure things will be fine. At least your pup isn't lunging at the others like mine was She was a horror and very fearful. Now she is 90% fine but a bit nervy around particular dogs. I just have to read the situation carefully. Good luck. I really do think with outings etc. all will be good.xxx My girl was an only pup so I think that had a lot to do with her lack of 'puppy' reading skills. We took things slowly and encouraged her but didn't force anything, let her take her own time.
2yr Old Ex -racing Greyhound Girl
Monah replied to bluecollie's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oooohhh. She is PRETTY!!!! -
He's really gorgeous. I had a male (desexed) black Giant Schnauzer called Rastus. He was amazing, a wonderful dog, but definately very full of beans!!! A great dog for the kids, they all grew up together and the kids got flattened pretty often whilst learning to walk!! They survived though. GSs are very intelligent and great to train! You lucky duck!
What Age Do Pups Start In Agility?
Monah replied to ashan's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I want to join your club!! At ours we start on beginers agility for 2 weeks in beginers obed. (any age, mine is 5 months! and I don't want her jumping etc. so I'm a woose), my older dog was put straight onto competition equipement, no easing into it, she freaked on the high stuff, ok on all other stuff, so now I don't go and she'd love it. So now I'm more of a woose!! apparently. Nearest other club is an hour and a half away.Bugger, I'd never even make it after work) Any ideas anyone???What foundation work can you do with a dog? Sorry to hijack!! -
Shellybeggs, excellent post!
Does Anyone Else Have "focus" Issues With Their Dog?
Monah replied to ruthless's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Ok. I have focus issues too. mainly with drops and dropstays. My girl knows exactly what to do BUT if I feed first (7pmclass) she plays up a bit, if I don't feed (take treats) she is so focused on the treats that she does every trick in the book that I haven't asked for to get the treat. So if she knows I have cheese etc. she will drop quickly then not stay and follow me for a treat. So I take her back and start again and sometimes the whole class is waiting for mine to drop and stay. Other times she wont even drop at all (if no treats), so I feel no treats = no drop. Treats = drop but no stay. She stays fine in a sit. Is it because she doesnt see me as the leader? We do nilif and the triangle and also 'look' exercises. All ok. She just will not drop on command and I get very frustrated by the end of class. She's 17 months old. ARGHHHHH!!!!! Also, we (moo and I ) are new at this, so realise I have a LOT to learn. I do clown around but she's pretty excitable anyway so not too much clowning.xxx -
Hi, I realised it was to me. I too hope the little pup gets some help now. We got our dog at 12 weeks and she really had huge issues, was even terrified of us when we picked her up. It may not just have been an 'only' pup issue but I'll never really know. She has had testing and training by behaviourists which has been fairly successful, but she cannot be 'trusted' which is a shame. She can be terrific fun and good company and then suddenly becomes aggressive toward other dogs or people ie. bails people up esp. children and barks aggressively. She has great recall but is now never off lead except in safe (for others!) situations.Thanks pinnacle.xxx
My bitch is an only pup. She is 17 months old and we've had many many temperament probs with her and have been doing the triangle and NILIF stuff which has been working well, but I would still never trust her in certain situations. It's a shame because she is a lovely dog but she's missed out on many valuable lessons which I don't think we'll ever completely overcome. I would never have another 'only' pup again. She's also a real bully with other dogs, even when playing. Not through lack of training. Everyone remember this next time the 'owner' is blamed for their dogs behaviour. I know most times the owner will be at fault, but also, there are many times when the owner is doing everything humanely possible and the problem still crops up.
Are you sure he isn't a Spinone masquarading as a lab??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sounds like our place. I just leave her crated if I'm out, and that is held together with many zip ties and socks! because she can push her way out if she so desires. Oh, I do love babies!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That is a GREAT idea!!!!! I can put it up, and unscrew it when i leave! Going to get one this week! thank you!!!! Good luck terrorbull!!!!!!!!!
:I've started trying the rescue remedy to see how we go. If I don't see a good change in a couple of weeks I'll then try more specific things, but it seems to have some of the stuff in it I've been advised to use. What are the aust bush flower ones? monsterpup, I think the natro was going to do the mixing (prob cost me a bomb!!) but now you've given me advice, I feel confidant that I can do it how you said. THANKYOU. I'll be very interested to see how we go. A whole new area has opened up for me. So interesting. I can see how you can be so interested in this. Please keep working toward your dream (selfish reasons here!!!)No one has explained this to me, you have done this very well!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:p Love the pink head rest!!! From my experiences MOST dogs are fine in this position (couch!) but have learnt with my viz, no couch or she undergoes a jekyll and hyde personality change, "I'm THE boss"!!!!!, so unfortunately, no laps for us! The spin on the other hand is very great dane/ wolfhound like. She's very solid, no personality change in any situation, so for her, she could be a couch potato, but we can't allow it because the other one isnot allowed. It has made a HUGE difference in the vizs attitude, she's much 'nicer'. So, in a roundabout way, I don't think you can generalise with this stuff, all dogs are different (even in the same breed) and you need to do what ever is best for YOUR situation. I'm like Kristie, I;ve now found out what's best (her mitch) for us.
House Training Still Not Working After 9 Months...pls Help!
Monah replied to buzzle's topic in Puppy Chat
I don't know if I can help. I've been very lucky having had around 30 dogs over my lifetime and never ever had a toilet prob. (except with a dementia dog, we used nappies). I agree with bc. I have always gone outside with mine, on the grass, said weeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (in a screechy voice, sound like a banshee, poor neighbours!) until they go, even if it takes an hour, praise praise praise. (same with poo)They end up going on command after a while, very handy. This has worked for me with ALL breeds.You need to make sure they go so they don't do it when they come back inside. If mined haven't pood for a while ( I know from the garden!) I wait until they go because i KNOW they need to. If you go in they will want to go in too, even if they still need to go!!! Also, I have always had mine confined to one room (kitchen/family whatever) where we are so I can see if they are making 'I need to go ' signals and whip them out immediately (rain, hail, or shine!!) then do as above. If you go to another room, the pup goes too. Once they get into a habit of going anywhere it's very difficult to break. This can drive you crazy, lots of up, down, in out, but is worth it. Suddenly they are trained. I don't know how you can get her to go on the grass if you have none.She wouldn't understand. At friends maybe you could just keep her on lead and with you so you know when she needs to go? It's all very difficult when you work all day. I think you are doing well. Maybe you could put one of her used pet pads on the grass for starters?Wish I could help more, good luck. (at least she isn't a wolfhound! poo size!) :p -
Hi, FHR + P, Yes, I remember. It's for my viz who can be 'not very nice' with the spin sometimes. The spin is the loveliest pup I've ever had (although super destructive!! not on purpose, she's just so clumsy!), and the viz has always had 'issues'. She is being trained (every second! is getting very tiring) and has shown improvement. We have to be VERY firm with her. She screamed and whined last night for 40 mins (at 3 of us, for attention, even pretended she needed to go out so I'd get up! and I had taken her for a 5k bike ride and a 2 hour visit to my mum's. She's very demanding).Anyway, she finally exhausted herself and gave up. We just had the tv on super loud so we could hear it!! We all ignored her as, if you so much as look at her, her behaviour is prolonged. Monsterpup, There is a fairly long list, but from the descriptions I thought my dog may need Aspen, for generally fearful and anxious pets who are apprehensive when meeting strangers, Cherry plum, for stressed pets that sometimes snap or bite but are then upset by what they have done. Chicory, for pets that like to rule the roost. Holly, Pets that show anger, hatred and envy or jealousy. Useful for pets that may dislike or may attack new pets intoduced into the home. Phew. Sorry it's so long. So, I can buy these and mix them myself? I didn't realise, very new to this stuff. I noticed one rescue remedy is to comfort and reassure and another is for helping to relax and sleep. if I buy one of these types, which one do I buy? Sorry to be so ignorant. I have never even read about this stuff. I'm afraid I'm a very unhealthy, chocaholic, alcoholic (red wine), and anything healthy is a foreign concept to me!! Must change, I;m almost 50 and would like a few more years yet!!! Who'd look after the schitzo viz?????? Thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for alll the info. I'm very 'green' at this. The list was from a professional dog behaviourist. I will get some this week. My local health shop has a naturopath who prepares them, and I thought maybe just a mix of 3 first. Is that too many. How often do you give it. I was told 4 drops under the tongue. Is this once a day? And if it takes a while, what do people call a while? A week, a month? Or does it depend on the dog? I'm looking forward to trying it out and seeing if it does have an effect. What should I look for? I'm after calm, less anxious and less fear aggression. Thanks again everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've been advised that bach flower remedies can be helpful in managing behaviour problems in dogs and have a list of different ones to use for each different problem. I've never used any natural type things on myself or dogs and was wondering if anyone had experience with this type of thing and how it went. Thanks guys.
Yes, all mine will do this if they can. We have 4 cats, 3 trays, in the laundry. What we did was put a steel bar hook, available at any hardware place, on the door jamb, with the loop on the door. This means the door only opens about 3 inches, just enough for kitty to get through but not doggies. Ours is high upon the door so no cats or dogs can unlatch it and it works great. the door never needs to be completely closed and it has prevented snacking completely, Feral dogs!!!
Ha. This looks like my place when I had wolfhounds!!! Your deerhounds are sooo lovely. I even had the cats on the chair backs too. But the wolfies never became dominant (for want of a better word) and if I let the viz do this she does. Unfortunately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Way To Teach Dogs To Stay Off The Couch?
Monah replied to morphjk's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi. I was just wondering what you mean by your dad going away for 3 weeks, so a good time to get dogs off couch? Is it him that allows them up there? Also, why is it up to you to keep them off and not your wife also. Responsiblity for animals behaviour lies with the whole family. Everyone saying and doing the same thing. Otherwise the dogs will be very confused. Like the others, I agree with doggie mats etc. My dogs have always been on the couch but one got a bit aggressive about it so I had to retrain (myself too!!!) to keep them off. I achieved this surprisingly quickly with a stern OFF, made sure they knew what I meant, and then ON your rug. Then praise. Repeat, repeat repeat. Our dog rugs (3) are the washable sheepskin looking ones, I think quite nice, although in winter we end up with blankies and rugs everywhere (4 cats too). Now they automatically go to their rugs.Is your wife more worried about the new couch or her allergies? Very difficult having 2 labs when you are allergic. Also difficult having a 'nice' home. Ours is very animal orientated, it's just very hard work cleaning and hoovering daily, sometimes twice a day. The price you pay. I wish you lots of luck and am sure you will be ok.xxx