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Everything posted by Monah
I hope you rewarded him for that!! What a clever boy, I'll take him anytime!!!
no i am in Qld, know anybody here? Aha, they wouldn't be the people with Diva the bracco Italiano by any chance (I'm sure they must be!!)?? There is a great specialist in QLD, Richard(can't remember surname) North Coast Vet Specialists , Tanawha. PM me if you need ph no. etc. he is fantastic. I also would say bunny hopping is a no no, but have never had a mastiff. Good luckxxx
Thankyou everyone. Lovely words from you all. It's just devastating. She's down the back with my 2 boys. mcq, glad to hear you are able to work things out with your girl. I wish you all the best
Too late now Midol, reputation is in ribbons!!!!!!!! Sparky, Frenchie here please!!! Your two were so good, are you sure you're not exaggerating?? ;) Tigerlily, it was great being your neighbour, lovely children and doggies. Must say, I really really fell for Mojo, a real goofball boy!! Gorgeous. Your daughter is the first child to stroke Monah without a LOT of supervision from me. although I was (cough cough) crapping myself, I was very pleased Monah behaved!! Your daughter is just lovely I too can't wait for steves next session in QLD. How about Hervey Bay Steve?? No, I would'nt do that to the rest of you !! The spinone is a real sweetie. I'd love to learn to properly use drive training for both dogs. Stupid question, my two do not like anything hard or rubbery (toys) so what would be an alternative to an orbee ball?? Anything at all?? Like a small soft toy?? Is it just as long as you have the toy at all times etc?? I'm guessing all other toys are removed and not used? sorry, I missed the sunday session after lunch. When the dog whinges and carries on for the toy do you ignore, get them to do something to have the toy or use a correction?? Not that Monah would ever whinge Also, OT. I had to have my 15 year old cattle dog PTS last night. Vet came to the house and daughter assisted him, Pindi had liver cancer and yesterday could not eat, drink, get up etc. She went downhill in a huge way from Sunday to Monday, very fast. Awful. we are devastated, she grew up with the kids etc. and was a very very very special girl. Waiting to see the change of dynamics here. RIP Pindi :D Bloody dogs
just frantically checked Roc. Just when I was recovering over the size of those horse flies. Not use to bugs you can saddle and ride yet!! Sparks only pic I got of your boy. Wow, lovely photo. yes, the horse flies were, well, horse size!!!! Give me a nice big rat or snake any day Monah crashed all the way home, slept like a baby! Thanks again Steve. I probably looked a bit vague, but I am currently just taking it all in! I'm very disappointed we had to miss the training in drive. love those photos Huski took. Will look forward to you visiting again Steve! Midol, you're such a nice boy!! In fact you are all a really lovely bunch of people. I'm so glad I went. Spotty, yes I did hear Mia, I thought it was Monah!! they do the same shrill whine Loved Bakari too, all the dogs were great. Huski, you are just as pretty as your photos!There, that's enough praise and reward!!!!
Oh dear, poor poor baby! Must be in a lot of pain. We have had an ongoing ear problem, even with treatment. So, number one is fresh roo meat and rice , nothing else at all, as if there is an allergy invovled, this is best. Number two, There must!!! be a swab taken to see just what the bug is if it has not responded to other treatment, must must must!! Once the bug is recognised, suitable antibiotics and cleaning and ear drops. Ears must be flushed under sedation. Our dog has huge canals, so the usual 8 drops or half mil of stuf is useless. We are currently using 1mil in each ear twice a day by using a syringe to make sure the amount does go in. Those silly containers that you cannot see through or measure with do not give any idea if the dog is receiving the correct dose. Our 'ears' are finally doing very well!. Your dog may also have middle ear damage due to infections. This can be checked. Please please get a swab and proper doses happening. We went on for some time with a silly little dose that did nothing. We are very lucky, our vet gave us 8 bottles of ear drops for the price of one :rolleyes: as they are so worried about it, and are also nice people Good luck, I really do hope it can be fixed, such a painful problem If using syringes, always clean them and use a different one for each ear to prevent cross infection Be very careful what you use to clean the ears, constant cleaning can cause painful ulcers
Hi guys. It was great to meet you all. I had a terrific weekend and would have loved to stay for the TID stuff. I think I will also sign up for the distance course. I did find 3 ticks on Monah, I guess you have all checked. Thanks to Camptailwaggers! A very professional, super clean, friendly place with fantastic facilities :rolleyes: I will definately go again. Monah loved it. Thanks very very much to Nicole who did a wonderful job with the organising. All the dogs behaved so well, except Monah when she was whinging Rottylover, great to see you and your dog. Good luck. Thanks to Steve who truly is inspirational, motivational and hilarious too! Wonderful, I could have listened to him for hours (I DID! ). It was lovely seeing Jane Harper again, wonderful person, also very very knowledgable and helpful. All in all, a wonderful weekend, except when I was throwing up on the windy drive up there
"i Am Not Doing This To Please Anyone!"
Monah replied to Tonymc's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Huski, my OH could keep your mum company I think my son may be coming too, just for a break from uni, even though he has exams coming up, we'll see. I arrive Friday night and am doing sat, sat night and sunday morning. We have to leave around lunch time. If anyone finds it possible to take some notes on prey drive etc., which I do really need to go to but can't , maybe a Doler could email me some notes/info. any little bit will do. I'm just so incompetent at this training lark. Poor Monah Thanks Dagboy, you're an angel!!
I agree, ask your breeder. I've been 'bothering' my breeders , constantly, for years
Good post Huski. I can only give an opinion on what I've read, so excuse me if I'm way off. I've had several gun dogs and presently have 2. Yes, the majority of them are very full on, mouthy pups. Usually, with consitancyor training every single time the dog mouths, this can be stopped within a week or so. i still have a very excitable dog who will mouth gently but we shove a toy in her mouth or growl. I really can't imagine just what you expected with a 5 month old lab. some are very good, but this is because of the hours and hours of training spent on them. On one hand you mention doing a lot of research, then that you did not realise how different gun dogs are to spitz breeds, or even that labs are gun dogs :D They almost couldn't be more different. It's also a little bit niave to think another samoyed will automatically be like the one you have now. It would be very difficult for any pup to contain it's excitement with 2 toddlers running around noisily and having fun. maybe it is just too early for another dog in the house. You already have the perfect dog and 5 cats. My dogs actually love the company of our 4 cats, sleep and eat with them and even bring them toys. Maybe your dog is quite happy having the cats, 2 children and 2 adults as company. Not every dog needs or wants another dog around. I've never got a pet for another pet We had very large dogs when my kids were toddlers who were also pups at the time, so I do understand, it really does take effort to train the KIDS and the dogs and it's bloody hard and tiring, but if you are up to it, very worth it Please don't ever leave a dog alone with toddlers or expect a young child to have any control over a dog, this is completely up to the adults. It greatly helps though if the kids can understand not to be overexcited or silly around the dog.
i'll look after Montu He'll be f i n e trust me, I won't touch him at all Does kissing count as patting?? I think not! Thanks Dag boy, we have not updated so will need help, I can see that now!! I haven't looked at the website, where is it exactly? I thought it was the Gold Coast, but you said over the border? I'm completely QLD illiterate Saying near so and so etc. is useless with me. I think I'll go on google maps. I can see hours of enjoyment on the roads coming up
Thanks Dagboy. I must say though, we've had Mr Tomtom for several years now, and I would never be without him!! Marvellous, actually has saved our marriage too :rolleyes: Neither of us has a clue about Brisbane, having moved from Adelaide straight to Hervey Bay, so Tommy is a godsend for us. Our friends used theirs for 10 weeks driving around UK and Europe and also have only good things to say. My daughter however used a map for 2 years travellling UK and Europe and middle east and has gone from being geographically illiterate to map wonder woman!!! Fantastic stuff. I'm very glad she did it that way. I unfortunately am too old to learn new tricks and cannot tell my right from my left If tomtom lets us down, he'll be out the window!!! :rolleyes:
and do we bring our dogs straight away? On that first morning should we bring anything else, biro, paper, water, treats, BIG STICK( :rolleyes: ) I don't know if I'm nervous or excited
OMG! a weekend to remember Lets just hope we and our dogs leave in one piece
Just butting in here, sorry. Anita, I'm unsure why you mention sighthounds so often? The best, most easily trained, perfect on lead dogs I've ever had were my wolfhounds. Also, as far as 'sinbinning' goes, I can guarantee they would have been extremely distressed if ever in that situation, I don't see why cockers would be more so???( OT) can't discuss training collars and methods as I'm very ignorant about it all.
Just checked out Roc and Ralphs blog!!OMG too funny, fantastic photos! he's wonderful, big sooky boy. Love Calvin. Rocco looks very well adjusted
You wish! Well, I am LOUDER on here than in real life (IMO!!) Rocco1, is your beast doggy agro or human aggro?? I sort of fancy a slobbery kiss or two (please don't tell K9!!)
You're not my son are you :p K9 Force, I talk about nothing ELSE but my dogs (cats also get a look in, kids ,nup! ) you'll be bored to death!!!!!!!! Midol, how dare you have a NORMAL dog
You can make me some socks I'm good at socks!! Rocco1, I'm guessing there will be space, I hope so, as we are learning about aggression. I'd hate Monah to give us all a lesson I'll be at the bottom of the class As it is I have to stand away from everyone at agility etc. I just love that 'left out' feeling I have NO idea where to go at all, last gold coast visit was 1994 to the 'worlds' with the kids. I'm too country so GC is a bit much for me. Mr. Tomtom will find it ;)
Who was worried about having the smallest dog??? I'm worried about being the OLDEST person I might bring my knitting
Mia is just...curious... Wait till she wears out?? Wears out?? We are in for a loooooooong weekend :p I wanted to see if I can get some tips on how to make Mia less friendly? when she meets other dogs. She doesn't take the hint when another dog doesn't want to be tapped on the head with her paw eta: is there also a creek for dogs to swim in? or did I dream that? I'm coming to see how to get Monah to be MORE friendly!!! She will EAT anyone who puts a paw on her head I never let it get to that as I don't want her telling another dog off, God knows where that would end!!! I think it's because she was an only pup with no litter mates, she has no tolerance with NEW dogs, and is in fact more frightened than aggressive and will happily play off lead with quieter dogs. GAWWWDDDD, I hope it's not TOOOOOO embarrassing for me, please forgive me now ;)
she'd be too excited with all the other dogs. I think we are going to have this problem Ummm us too! We could just let Mia, Bakari & Daisy go nuts running around and they will sleep the whole time Thanks Spotty! I'll pm you! ;) Please tell me I'm not the only one bringing a dog who DOESN'T like other dogs Oh, the shame of it all!!!!!! She particularly does not like puppy type madness and in your face stuff Although, she's nuts herself! I've never been to a workshop, do we have our little angels next to us leashed, crated,?? my OH will be around somewhere, can I ring him to take Moo away if she's fed up?? Water bowl or rug to lay on??(for the dog, not me )xxx
K9: absolutely & exactly! She has done a wonderful job! Ditto!!!!
:p So, so we make that 'what happens at camp, stays at camp??" :p My God, sounds like we may all be in for some MOMENTS. Monah is a bit dog aggressive, a bully sometimes and fearful, could be SLIGHTLY embarrassing for me!! My spin is lovely and my ACD too, Monah is the problem child, she was a singleton pup (but has an excellent pedigree and breeding), just doesn't like dogs in her face (unknown ones), she's adorable though, and keep it just between us, a little spoilt In the vault guys!!!!!!!! Midol, new puppy pics??? Looking foward to meeting Lily ;)