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Everything posted by Monah

  1. just what I was going to say, Pavlov :D I think we can be conditioned too. an example is, My kids came everywhere with me, when they started school, it took me about 6 months, occassionally even then there were 'moment's, to not go running every time I heard a child call mummy when I was out!!! :D There are many other examples I can think of re humans, dogs and cats. :D
  2. Yes mine does. THey also PTS at our house and help us through it and stay a while. THe cards are lovely and they write very personal things about the pet who has passed as we have had the same vets for 16 years now. I keep all the cards etc. They have never charged me for PTS either.xxx
  3. No, it's never happened to me :rolleyes: But I am guilty of calling my own rescues and Xs mongrels :D THat's what crossbreeds were called when I was growing up and what we called our dogs that were these, that and Heinz I had an 'oodle' for 15 years, he was a foundling, never had anyone say anything, except me, if anyone asked what he was I'd say no idea, a mongrel of some sort. And I LOVED him, but that's what he was. I have never called anyone elses dog mongrel as it can offend.
  4. Lovely, just lovely Adorable breed! Stunning photos too. I love your doggy family :D xxxx
  5. She'd be perfect for you, loves LOVES horses, loves GSPs All the spins I know are really wonderful in temperament, just lovely dogs, If only I were allowed a few more................ ;)
  6. Have to agree with all of the above.
  7. I was going to offer a blue medium too!! I got my spinone one, but it's too small for her, so I'll have to get a large HOpe she settles again soon. Having had wolfies, giant schnauzers and other bloat prone breeds, I can completely understand how you feelxxxxxxx
  8. i received an email tonight of a really lovely male afghan, young, he is not tall enough to show already great with kids as he has some in the family, had training and was headed for delta as he has a great temperament, is an inside dog though. If anyone knows anyone who may like him (and he is GORGEOUS) PM me and I'll pass on the email. his name is Armani and he is cream.
  9. any pics :D My kids grew up with lakelands from ages (kids) 3 and 5 all the way to 20s!! They are fabulous dogs, Mine went everywhere, and once when I was at the hairdressers, the kids had one in their lap and the hairdressers thought he was their toy
  10. whoops, sorry! can't say I've experienced that (OS), not since a 5 day trip in 1986 anyway :D and that's because of................................. yep, the dogs the cats the fish the birds the turtles...................
  11. Lakelands hunted with them too!! Lakelands LOVE other dogs and i've been told that being bred for hunting with foxies(hounds) has impacted on this temperament. They are gorgeous aren't they??? :D
  12. Are you able to keep the dogs with you when moving so they don't need kennelling? We've also moved many times with many pets, cats, aquariums, 4 dogs etc. and kids and managed fine without ever kenneling. Hope the move goes well, love to your lovely greyxxxx.
  13. I have no recommendations. I have seen so many rescues, incl one I've had who have been fantastic kids dogs and great all round temperaments of varying breeds. My GF rescued a bitzer, ACDx?? last year and she is fantastic too. I realise the background is not known of most of these dogs, but many are already a known quantity and desperate for homes, there are several in our sunday mail every week who would make a fab family pet, lots are under 12 months and several older, very stable dogs too. IMO if the main priority is temp, kids etc. and they are not obsessed (like some of us :D ) with a certain breed, it is an ideal situation for a lovely rescue. An acd we rescued at 7 years of age went on to live to 16 and was the best dog ever, so an older dog can be given consideration re long life etc. too.
  14. Thanks rugerrun, is that the one where they go overland in cars, get bogged etc.? I think I remember it, but I watch them all again anyway, with ADs :D :D
  15. awful, poor little Max. I would have died!!! just terrible. Hope you are both OK. I have rels in Pt Elizabeth too. Tassie has good ideas. I don't know what to say that has not been said. I'm so sorry this happened.xxxxx
  16. I think this is such a vital subject. I've filled many newpapers with letters to editors on this and desexing and oodles farms etc. ;) I've also 'nursed' several owners through the 9month to 2 year period. The 'general' advice I give apart from training (and it's awful how many people do not really know what training is, ie. tell a dog something once, or yell at it and if it does not 'behave', it's faulty :D ;) ), I usually lend literature on puppies and talk them through what is normal behaviour and try and see that they understand that the dog is not adult even if it looks like it is, that the dog is not being naughty to get at the owner , that the dog needs very clear and consitant instructions etc. and most importantly that the dog is not 'stupid' and they are not alone, most dogs will chew, dig, bark, jump up, have some sort of fear of something (the car, other dogs, paper bag! :D etc.). I've found some people take it personally if a dog isn't perfect as though it's like that on purpose. very odd. There's a few out there, but if I were clever enough, I'd love to publish a picture/photo book that appeals to both adults and kids, showing the destruction and things that dogs do in the first 2 years, all different breeds etc., with a 'how to avoid this' section or something. My neice(OHs side) has a bc pup and the family can't believe that it is so desctructive because they take it out at least!!! 3 times a week for a walk :D It's less than a year old. I've been trying to help/advise over the phone, the more 'naughty' it is, the more they do not do anything with her I'm interstate but if there were a resource to show them that would be wonderful I have a viz, bc and spinone, esp with the viz, I'd advise people that they ARE extremely boisterous and excitable, soft, and take about 10 years to grow up From the very start, calming exercises, wait, teaching self control, etc. are most important.
  17. In the country. They spent many months in the sticks in Jordan, syria, egypt, (turkey and lebanon but didn't see it there), along the Iraqi border. One bad spot was at an old crusader castle (can't remember which one!) where there were 'camps' of people selling bits and pieces. Bartok :D Washing hands after pets??? Are we meant to do that?? next you'll tell me we are not supossed to share our plates
  18. Bahahaha how so very very true, we get more transmission of disease from our human counterparts mostly due to bad hygeine practices than anywhere else. this reminded me, (bit yukky sorry). many places my daughter went in the middle east, the people defecated anywhere, just dropped their pants (males) and did it. :D and didn't even cover it up. I thought, sure!! but they (kids) were so amazed that they took pics as at one time their vehicle had to stop, and a nice pile was left. No water, loo paper, washing hands etc, and this boy (about 14??) had bread in his hand at the time. So yes, hygiene is all relative isn't it? I guess kissing my dogs would turn their stomachs as much as this did to us.
  19. Monah


    You'd hope so Cas it's such a popular magazine and many people see something in print and take it all as the absolute truth without thinking there may be variables. That's why these things bother me. It's ok as a sort of intro, I hope the public do realise that. Anyway, a rare breed etc., so I guess Jo Blow cant' just pop out and get one on impulse.
  20. I know a bracco breeder imported her dog and waited for recognition, thank goodness Lovely dogs.
  21. all the greys I've met have been like that. Many sighthound breeds have that lovely nature and are 'grown up' and very sweet.
  22. our muslim friend adores the dogs and he's a very recent immigrant. as usual generalistations are just that, generalisations. I realise only hunting hounds are the 'norm' in that culture, but many muslims don't abide by all the religious rules. My daughter spent a lot of time all through the middle east and was very upset over the state of all the animals, especially donkeys ;) but many people who live there are christians and other religions too, so it's not just a muslim culture. In christianity animals a 'sub human' and dont have souls etc. ;) It's awful what happens to animals worldwide, just awful
  23. Monah


    gorgeous pics lilli!! xxx
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