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Everything posted by Monah
I'm guessing as I have not seen her, but it sounds normal to me. My dogs and cats do a sort of 'jaw shudder', their mouth sort of vibrating? hard to explain isn't it? Lots of animals also do similar when they can smell others on heat etc. or when they smell whre other animals have been. love Berners!!! xxx
Oh dear, that's all I need. Another list to tick! I've been denying accusations of being a twitcher for years, but no one is fooled at all. Yes, we stopped at a town on our recent holiday specifically to try to see Red Goshawks. Saw them, too! I have a frog field guide, a mammal field guide, a reptile field guide, and a tadpole field guide along with the bird field guides (I have 3 of them). Someone once got me semi-interested in fish, but I managed to pull out before I had to buy a fish field guide. ;) We have a Shiba that lives locally, but haven't had a chance to speak to the owner yet. We nearly bought one, but got a Vallhund instead. We were concerned we wouldn't be able to cope with the busyness. So we end up with Erik, who I expect needs even more mental stimulation and physical acitivity than the average Shiba! I got excited when I was in the States recently and saw a Komondor. In the middle of LA, mind you. This is me too. Unfortunately I'm also into fish! All fish.... it's quite tragic really. If I see something I'm not sure about I cant wait to get home and suss it out... ;) ;) I've been a 'dog twitcher' since I was aa young child, a very long time... so there's not been a time when I have met a breed I did not know. shibas are very stunning looking dogs. Beautiful! :D I'd love to see a Komondor!! I had the pleasure of an Estrela Mountain dog years ago in France, at a Cathar castle!! He was amazing, off lead, obedient and stunning animal.
I've had Patterdales, Goldies, Wolfhounds, Giant Schnauzers, Lakelands, Irsih water spaniels. cattle dogs, BCs, maltese, some crosses and now a vizsla and a spinone. There are many other breeds I would love to own, but I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to have them all :D I love all breeds, my soul mate dogs are wolfhounds because I've had such wonderful dogs and they are very suited to my temp I cannot see my life in the futore without a viz and spinone. Spins are the dog worlds best kept secret ;) they are completely and utterly adorable amazing dogs. Vizs are so in your face, so attached and so into every part of your life that I'd be lonely without one :p or more!They truly are the MOST velcro/attached dog breed in the world! :D I've always wanted a standard poodle, Bracco Italiano and another wolfie. I adore terriers and would love several breeds. I'd love to have a Boston, Griffon, Affenspinscer, Portugese water dog, min poodle. greyhound or whippet. I adore but have never wanted to own any of the spitz or bully breeds, but know many Dogues and OMG! I love them to bits. I dont care what coat or what size a dog is. I'm a breed slut
;) :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The best news. Wonderful. He is so lovely, and tough!! What a trooper. All those tubes and bits Dear angel. Hope you are able to sleep a bit now Kaffy. What a week!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
More love to Chase, I"ve had experience of this in both my children and one dog. Chase is such a tough, happy little boy. I"m sure he will pull through. This is an extremely tough time for you all, you are doing great and doing everything possible to help him. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
can you imagine how fit you'd be lugging around Spin at the speed of a Viz Or dead!!!! Links look great xxx
Fingers and toes crossed for Chase,xxxxxxxxxxx
Any idea how much weight the basket can take? I'd love a trike, I'm no good on a bike and the viz loves to run alongside, but the spin can't, so a basket for her would be great, about lab size? she weighs around 36kg.
Insurance Won't Pay Claim For Skin Condition
Monah replied to bianca.a's topic in General Dog Discussion
I don't have pet insurance but I have researched it extensively and every one I've looked at says NO claims on pre exiisting conditions. If the dog has had a skin condition BEFORE you got the insurance, they wont pay out. It's very unfortunate, but normally this is the case. My dog had a hot spot treated just this week and it cost me $60, with meds. This was for consult 20 mins., steroids for 5 days (but have a lot more than that), a MASSIVE head bucket so she cant reach her tail and follow up check up. I already have neocort cream at home for ongoing treatment. Mine also sees a dermatologist as she gets allergies, so I dont like using the steroids, but she needed them this time. -
Oh no poor Chase. Did he inhale the treat Kaffy? Such an easy thing to happen. I would have done the same, got the op. and I'm sure so would all of us on here. what a crazy crazy few days, buying a house and then this. You are incredible, Chase is one very lucky boy to have such a wonderful 'mum'. some things just are not negotiable, he is an angel. xxxxxxxxxx
wonderful news, just wonderful. Such a relief, poor baby. What a champion Chase is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What an incredible boy, he's hanging in there. A really terrible time for you Kaffy, and your family. Hope for better new this afternoon, sending more and more best wishes and lovexxxxxxx
Oh dear, hang in there boy. We all love you.xxxxxThanks so much for updating Kaff, it is such an awful time for you.
Gee, no news yet? I hope things are OK, I think she was finding out around 6. xxxxx
Oh no. I am desperately hoping Chase pulls through. He is stunning, just beautiful. What a terrible shock. I know nothing about bee stings etc. sorry. I've been known to speed in an emergency, I know of course that we are not supossed to...... I am praying for him and hoping like crazy he is OK. You are amazing getting him to help like you did, amazing. Please God don't take little Chase.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
If he's snapped at dog in the past as you mentioned, this may have been building up for some time and he may have learnt that by snapping he can keep the other dogs away. I have a dog who is not everyone's best friend and is a little fearful so I never put her in that position. xxxxx I too would be very worried another dog will take it further so would not risk it at all.
I'm not a trainer and there are many excellent ones on here who will ahve great advice. The only thing I'd do if it were me is not take the dog to the park at all as it appears the snapping behaviour is becoming a habit. the more he does it, the more he'll do it, it you see what I mean. I do feel your frustration and pain, hope you are OK.xxxxx
How awful. Hope both you and Max are OK. My viz would have had a panic attack!! I would have done exactly as you have. Terrible when you can't even take the dog for a walk :D xxxxxxxx xxxx Give Max a big hug and kiss from Australiaxxxxx
He's adorable!! Someone often shows them here in QLD and has them in a pen around the caravan, OMG! if you go anywhere near it they (around 8 to 10 dogs) go rampant with barking Good watchdogs! and really gorgeous. Another lady who shows a Borzoi has a lovely little Affenpinscher, and I really WANT one sometime, he is a crack up! great personality, he and the Borz look so good together! He is only about 12 months old now, so I hope to keep seeing him around the place :p gor those worried about grooming, you can also get smooth Griiffons.
Yep, spin ;) Spins have fantastic, incredible temps. really excellent. I dont know of any that dont. Braccos also are the same, but I only know 2 personally, so cannot say for the whole group, although all the ones I 'know' OS are also fantastic dogs. easy to train, love to please, love all humans and other animals, love exercise, being gun dogs, but much quieter thatn other gundog breeds such as vizslas, some spaniels etc. More slow and steady than flat out Mollie, yes, wheatens are cute!! I had lakelands and when they were pups people thought they were the kids toys :D really!! they would sit in the pram with the kids in shops etc. and no one realised they were real too cute.
I'm a doggy slut myself. so many breeds, so little time... I honestly can't believe that Italian Spinoni are not more popular, they are very well reepresented in UK and Europe, also Bracco Italiano...
Very sad. xxx This is exactly how my wolfies were too Bad habits etc. did not compute So easy!!! Lovely lovely Maybe I'm not hard to please :D I consider a dog perfect (well even my BAD girl is perfect to me) when they have a perfect temperament. Mine have never won training or doggy sports and I only showed wolfhounds (who did extremely well ). Even so, I never had any who are difficult to groom, aggressive, digging, barking, nervy, unfriendly, who escape, attack, etc. dogs. I don't consider that up to me either, all had rock solid temps. SO does my spin, although she can be naughty... but I still think she's perfect as she' soooooo laid back ;)
Last time I looked there a few years ago I found it depressing, clinical & reeking of disinfectant to the point where I couldn't breathe, dogs nose is more keen than mine. Depends what you want. I would do the drive & check here for small dogs, looks fabulous & small number of small dogs only http://www.bedbiscuit.com.au/index.html Oh that's a bugger :D I have not used them for 19 years mind you. When we move back I will need somewhere PERFECT for my two, looks like I'll need to have a very good look around.
I've only had one dog in 50 years who has got an issue :D she's a little fearful, snappy at other dogs in her face etc. but great at doggy sports, perfect at home and travel too. All the dogs we've had from rescues, terriers, cattle dogs, giant schnauzers, goldies, spinone, water spaniels, border collie, patterdales, wolfhounds, ESPECIALLY wolfhounds have had NO bad things at all about them. Not one thing I could pick. ALL great with ALL animals, kids, babies, noises (except one lakeland was scared of thunder so I guess that's an issue), all great on lead and off, no food stealing (unlike the problem child I have now), no food or resource aggressions, no barking... The problem child was why I joined Dol, after 45 years of 'perfection' it was quite a shock, and the really silly thing is, I never ever knew my lot were great, I took it all for granted!! :D Also, so far, all have been well over their breed 'time of death' too. One has a health issue now, but not life threatening. so for me it should be, have you ever NOT got it right 100%, but I can't take any credit as really I was very lucky to have excellent temperament dogs who were expected to get on etc. and did.