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Everything posted by Monah

  1. OMG!! I dont normally watch anything like this. Incredible stuff.
  2. Owning an APBT in Qld is illegal. Breeding them in Qld is illegal. OP and her OH have two young bull breed mix males - no way would I be recommending she keep this dog entire for a raft of reasons including pack management. As for breeding them - no way in the OP's state of residence. My guess is that she's curious about what's behind her dog. He looks crossbred to me but the authority on what his breeding is would be the person who bred him. I'd not be recommending a person with a dog like this be posting pics on him on a public forum and advertising the fact he's in Qld. Its potentially endangering the dog. Yep, that's probably a "lecture" but a dog's life is at stake. I'd love to lecture people who breed such dogs and sell them to unsuspecting buyers in BSL states - its heartbreak waiting to happen. : If you want a dog of this type and you live in Qld, an ANKC registered Amstaff is the only safe way to go. Good lecture ;) I've lived in QLD for 16 years and have never come across anyone who does not know about the pitbull laws. My cousin in law had a gorgeous reg. pedigree amstaff in Cairns which died of cancer before christmas, he did agility and tracking, lovely boy :D Pitbulls (or suspected) :D are destroyed here, no questions asked. someone recently spent many thousands of dollars and had their dog kept just over the border in NSW in kennels for about 6 years! to prove it was not a pitbull!! Now the dog is back with his family :D but OMG! I think I'd make sure I was where they are legal, far too risky all round
  3. HE is so cute!! My girl is extremely laid back She growls when she hears something, very deep growl, then waits for the viz to investigate Certainly never growled over food, even bones. Maybe Enzo had a moment. ;) Roisin also growls when excited, playing, interested in something. THey do have a different and wiide range of communication noises, many that I've never heard other dogs make. They are certainly very very soft dogs. Gayle, they are so little known that breeders really need to have a list of buyers before a litter. I do know that one time a breeder had a list and most dropped out when the bitch was pregnant a real shame. They are very expensive and hard to get hold of dogs here too Adoublej. Roisin's breeder 'looked' after Bernardo when he was in quarrantine in Vic. Enzo is so lovely, they do love their sleep. When I got Roisin it was a shock (after the viz!!) She was completely toilet trained at 9 weeks and slept through every night for about 9 hours! THe viz was trained early too, but up to 'play' every couple of hours, day or night......it was worse than a new baby, full on day and night I was exhausted. I've heard the boys are 'easier', lazier..... My two have those ducky toys, love them. the spin takes her sucky teddy, or if II'm not on the ball, her BED! all over the house, even out to do wees... she is incredibly strong and carries things everywhere all the time. She is also an excellent 'hunter' and has such a soft mouth that she has never killed anything and will drop things in my hand for me to let go, slobbery pigeons etc.! She will leave if I tell her, so does have some self control ;) which is good as she is not allowed to touch toads or lizards etc.... enjoy him heaps, he will be huge before you know it.! I know who I'm visitin when I'm lucky enough to get to NZ one day!!
  4. Just beautiful!! Happy Birthday Rommi, lovely family you've got!! :D
  5. drove to sunny coast yesterday and the potholes are repaired. wonders will never cease Raining here today though Good luck to all. Happy New Year. xxxx :D
  6. Labs are gundogs and a good Lab should be genetically sound to fireworks. Labs, Golden Retrievers etc scared of fireworks are the result of dogs in their ancestories that shouldn't have been bred essentially. My two gundogs love loud stuff storms, fireworks, anything!! My worse dogs for 'fear' with noise were terriers (Lakelands). poor things would shake, dribble, pace, in sheer terror. Nothing would help. :D
  7. I always go to the vet asap. Animals deteriorate faster than humans re any health issue, better safe than sorry. I hope everything is fine, if it is, at least you know so that would be great. A good outcome is not a wasted visit, it's wonderful. If any treatment is needed, you are on it straight away and things will improve more quickly. They may even need anti inflams or pain meds like Previcox. I'd be FURIOUS with the kennel,, not just because of any injury, but OMG! dogs do not know when to stop, how ridiculous to allow that amount of play, how is the other dog they played with? xxx :D
  8. I worship the ground our vets walk on they are amazing, they will treat anything, whales even! They look after my lot wonderfully and we house/pet sit when they are away sometimes. I've been with them for 16years and dread ever changing... :D
  9. I'm pretty sure the evacuation orders were not negotiable. I think it's barbaric. I would not leave my animals. They are talking about no one being in the town for over a week, maybe several weeks. If they (govt) dont give a crap about people's pets, they should be thinking of the distresss and grief of the HUMANS who have been forced into this situation. Rescue helicopters on a short flight cannot be compared to normal travel, I'm sure townsfolk would not mind, or at least there could be a process in place, cages, anything, to make sure that pets could go with owners. staying behind could mean death as the waters were going to rise even higher, also there would be no food or drinking water, or shelter... What a decision to have to make, and no one should have to do that, The animals should have gone too, without any quuestion or hint of owners having to make a choice. :D
  10. I'm incredibly jealous!! I want a new baby too...
  11. My vets charge for one consult. I can take several animals in and it's one consult. They take their time and chat etc. too and always ask me to bring more in when they send out reminders etc.
  12. Hey Deshonko, my order came in so you lost my business!! 7 lovely giant bassets. look and drool!!
  13. Been having a good look!! gorgeous. really gorgeous grandkids too!!! absolutely lovely. xxx
  14. Waiting lists are LONG. Paula here has been on one for years. Do your homework carefully as there are health issues in some lines. You might want to PM FHRP about Spins and retrieving Rubystar. She had a lovely Spinone some years back. I gather one issue is that the standard Spinone working gait is a trot and this means they lack some of the dash that the faster working Labs and others tend to display in trials. This has the potential to see them scored lower I think. Just love Spinone.. fabulous dogs. I wish someone here would get a Bracco. I'm bloody working on it PF Need a new OH!!!(Or................. no OH!! ) It wasn't me... back seat driver.... too cute for my own good. Groucho xxxxxxx
  15. I love Celtic names. Good choice xxxxxxx
  16. OMG!! you must be very busy We got our first tonk in 1968, I am mad about them I am desperate for an oriental too and have 2 devons, a burmilla and a feral (all 10kg of him!!) had many siamese and burmese too, I LOVE all the 'ESES spins love everyone and everything, your boy will have a fantastic and fun life with all your lot, lucky lucky duck!! xxxx Roisin is car and boat MAD she'd rather do that than eat, and that's saying something!!!! ;) I waited for many years too, well worth it!
  17. I think yyou'd have to google results, but I do know they really are popular for hunting, don't know about trialling sorry. the slobber is not bad, but there is some as the mouth is so soft. a drink of water will often end up with a flooded floor! Roisins uncle is still winning championships in the shows and I in excellent all round health at about 12, another passed last year, I think he was 15. of course health testing is done all round for everything too. I know labs do reallywell at retrieving trials these dogs also have imense stamina, can go ALL DAY, my girl kept awake for a 6 daya drive from darwin (return too) and window gazed so she would not miss anything! the viz slept the whole way spins can also do agility, flyball etc. as most breeds can. they ;) are more laid back than most gundogs, more of a plodder than an out there athlete. I adore the calmness and sweetness of them.
  18. Be careful what you wish for, asking me spin info is opening the floodgates ;) now try and shut me up!!! they do shed, but not anything like other dogs I've had incl. goldies, cattle dogs, BCs, wolfhounds etc. but compared to the viz, yes. They are 'pluckable' and this helps reduce shedding. ;) They are HPR dogs, hunting pointing retrieving, excellent trackers, great retrievers, LOVE the water, webbed feet, love to swim, very very strong dogs, females around 35 to 40kg, males often much larger and can be 10kg heavier than some females. larger than labs, maybe about the size of average GSD? have a fantastic temp, without any doubt a wonderful animal. very full on as pups, quieter than many, but!! they do have a digging, chewing, destructo streak and have the strength to carry off pieces of nice chewy furniture and dig to China if they have the opportunity I lost around 60 bromeliads even with supervision, she'd grab and run thankfully that stage is long gone, but I have never eveer been 'cross' with her at all, I could not even imagine it. My angel. supervision is vital. they cannot handle any nastiness either. they are lovers of all and sundry. tell them off and they would be devastated. we only ever use positive stuff here, at all ttimes, no matter what. Our girls was toilet trained at 8 weeks! bladder of a champion :D very clever, can be stubborn, dont let that make you think they do not know what you want! my girl has a very large vocabulary and we have to be careful what we say all the tiime, words to NEVER say are swim, walk, car, dinner, tea, flea (toy) sucky teddy (toy), lead, all the cats names (she adores them and will look for them if I say someone), my kids names... birdy, ducky, possum (loves all these too). they have very soft mouths and Roisin can pick up a bird and place it in my hand so it flies off. I sometimes have to wipe off the slime, oh I have not mentioned the umm SLOBBER yet have i Of course personality will vary between dogs of the same breed, but all the many I have met have been fabulous and all the spin friends I have OS have found the same. I honestly think they are the most unrec dog in this country, they are very popular OS and well known as one of the all round best hunters for those so inclined, very popular, strong and steady and patient and quiet. youtube has many gorgeous videos of them in action and you WILL fall for them if you watch, so do so at your own peril! I'd love many of them, they live and do well in large groups, no aggression. amazing.
  19. mischief with a capital M He has grown, adorable. Can't wait to see what he gets up to. what an adventure. xxx
  20. I've already ordered my christmas puppies, but I think I prefer the feral spitz's!! Do they come in other colours? Blue merle would be nice, but only if I can get them with a white brushy tail. One male and 2 females, I'd like to have pups on the ground by winter. Thanks, your kennel is doing a great service. :D BTW. I do think your teacup flatcoats are stiill a little too large, teacup is TEACUP, not mug.....
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