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Everything posted by Monah

  1. Braccos in Finland................ My perfect dream!
  2. Lovely photo Elina. Dogs are allowed pretty much everywhere in UK too, although there are plenty of animal problems (rescues etc) Our dogs used to go to the pub all the time, and anywhere else. France allows dogs everywhere too. Many countries do have dog problems though, there are thousands of street dogs in many places, ie' Italy, Greece etc. very sad.. Australia is sort of in the middle, I've never understood the dog culture here even though I've been here most of my life. I often feel a lot of it stems from the 'outside dog' culture. If dogs are not even allowed inside, why would anyone allow them anywhere else? and of course the rental thing is huge, very hard to find a pet friendly rental. So many are dumped etc. because of this. And dont even start me on aged care when poor elderly people have to give up their best friend. I've known many elderly people stay in their homes when they really cannot cope at all, because they do nnot want to give up their pet, they would rather die. I have many OS friends who breed, show, hunt etc., all their dogs are indoors, one is a Bracco breeder in Finland and I will post a pic if I can find it, of her Braccos and a couple of others(there are more in her house) snoozing
  3. I volunteer for these reasons too. I do not compete, show etc. I do use the club for flyball, obed and agility. I do not compete as I do not want to travel all over the country and we only have a few trials etc. here. We do have 'time limits', shifts and also taught what to do. I usually do around 6 or 7 hours a day, but you can do only about 3 hours. I always let new people know it is fun, you meet a lot of people and dogs etc. and learn a lot. I often get stuck in the canteen, so dont see much..as no one else wants to do it..but this is where the club makes a bit of money, so someone has to.
  4. Great posts CAS !! and from someone with experience. ;) Jake was superb. I really hope you have more wonderful experiences with this breed. He had a job to do and did it very well. This is what it is all about. xxxxxRIP dear boy. xxx I've never 'heard' anything re Mareemas? we have two lovely ones down the road I see every day.
  5. very emotional. I had the unfortunate experience a few years ago of having 3 old dogs. two 'ring ins' and one of mine. I had the ringins for years, one for 15 years and one for 8 years (7 when I got her) When I go out or walk the dogs I see many dogs I know are old, and worry I may not see them tomorrow... If I dont see them, I'm almost too afraid to 'ask' where they are.. I was lucky to be able to spend the last 3 weeks of one of my oldies life with him every minute, he had a tumour. also with another who had cancer.. I've benn lucky too that the youngestt dog I've ever 'lost' was a wolfie, 11 years, old for a wolfie. all my dogs have made it easily to their teens. I do have a 17 year old cat and every moment in the last few years has been very special.. personally, I cannott see him g;oing for a few years yet.!
  6. easy, keep the dog inside at nights. if the barking stops , then maybe it was yours. If not, you can nicely inform the neighbours, or even let them know before hand that your dog will be inside from now on so that if they do hear a dog barking, they may realise it is not yours.
  7. IMO you cannot even compare a Russian to a CO Russians (and giants) are great at dog sports, used as police dogs etc. and do very well in human/dog activities. Nothing like the independent CO. I had Giant Schnauzers, good guarders, similar is some ways to the russian temp etc. (russians have giants in their heritage.) Giants can be dominant too and need good handling. Mine were great with sheep, babies/toddlers, cats.... but would scare the )(*&^%^& out of anyone who did not know them or strangers at the door etc. COs are considered to be THE most 'guard' breed there is. 100kg of angry suspicious dog is not something I'd like to be responsible for.. The fact that Africa is researching etc. is really wonderful!
  8. UK have letter boxes in their doors, sort of a slot. Still no idea why it cannot be in another room, or how this affects the whole street? Odd story...
  9. there are several rare breeds in Australia (may not be rare OS) already that could use a dose of new genes, ones that also make terrific pets. Some of these breeds only have a couple of dogs in the country.
  10. Is that what they're called? I 'learnt' of another app. this week!! I still dont know how to isolate quotes.. I also learnt that I'm not the only one who does not like check chains etc. (it was the dark ages here until about 2 years ago, I used to get told off a lot...re training..) i thought I was ALONE..... and found I was not.xxx
  11. Oh wow. We had a male in the 80s, he was wonderful... Love the Irish water spaniels...fabulous...xxx OK, up on the Bracco.... Helen, exceptional photos of an exceptional and beautiful breed. Stunning..a pleasure to gaze upon!!!thankyou. xxxx RV, its great to know what your needs are, sometimes a dog will make it's own mind up if it is going to 'get on' with another dog and it may not be much to do with breed (leaving out some breeds who are more prone to DA) How are you getting on with ideas? narrowed it down to any yet? English Pointers,,, YAY!! I LOVE amypies manchester, may be a bit small for you, but I think you did say you had met and all got on fine (hope I'm not mixing this up with another poster.. ) The 3 we see here a lot are very focussed on agility, do very very well, fast, light, get on with everyone and everybody, very well socialised though. Stunning looking and easy care, healthy..Lovely all round... (obviously not a gundog though... sorry, I've gone off on another tangent..again!)xxx
  12. Same here PF, I've now been here for a few years. I was always a bit of a breed 'tart' and research has been a big part of my life anyway in other areas, inc. work, so that was not a change for me. The biggest change for me was gaining knowledge about dogs issues as I had never had a dog with issues or even met one... The reason I joined was I had often perused the breeders on DOL and when I got a challenging.. dog I found I needed help, I was way out of my league... I have made friends on here, gained knowledge about things that I would not have even thought of, found LOTS (too many) great things to buy... been able to assist others through many avenues Also been guided by fabulous people like k9pro and Jane Harper.. Discovered the difference betwwen trainers and behaviourists Read many differing opinions on a large variety of subjects thus opening my eyes to many things I dont encounter personally Found a huge amount of knowledge on all dog sports I also love the cat forum... I do not often visit rescue, rainbow bridge or the news as I am not able to get some things out of my mind, especially in the middle of the night Have found some fantastic wonderful people who I can be a crazy dog /cat woman with who don't think I'm crazy!!! I learn new things on here every day Thanks so much Troy.xxx
  13. spill!!! I've had cuddles with Diva, she's a doll!! :D
  14. the viz has coats and jumpers as she really feels the cold, both girls have lifejackets as even though they are very strong swimmers, if they ever fell off a boat, it's a different story. You can also spot them easily and they wont go under. Apart from that, the usual embarrassing santa hats, party hats etc. :D that's about it.. I love collars though..
  15. Do any offer a 'timepayment' system? Ours all do here. It's low socio economic in this area, so they needed to do something. How awful Dory.. :D
  16. But according to my sources ( FHRP) someone else is!! :D ;) goes off to interrogate FHRP on facebook..... ;) ;) ;)
  17. Mine are really good re critters, maybe as they live witth 4 cats?? not sure. Looks like a mass emigration to NZ.. :D When are we going?
  18. :D Aren't they wonderful??? I spend hours on that site, and facebook re spin friends. I see a few vizss in there too. Those photos etc. are EXACTLY what mine is like. One of the things I really like about the breed is that (as far as my experience goes) they are what they are, you dont hear of any dog or human aggression, nervousness etc. they are very stable dogs. I'm pretty sure there has never been a recorded bite from a spin. there can always be exceptions to the rule, but having had contact with very many spin people and breeders form all over the world, and here is aust., I have not heard of one yet. THere was one on HEartbeat (tv show) later episodes after dear old Alfred died. she was a honey!! and so good, even as a very young pup.... the downside was that they became a bit 'popular' and unsuitable people got them, so they have an amazing rescue/rehome service in UK where all the spins needing homes live in homes and socialise with heaps of people and dogs, upwards of 30 or 40. the photos are so lovely... yes I just love that temperament! A very adaptable and laid back dog will suit my needs in the future. I have the photo of the spin jumping over the fence with the bird in its mouth as the background on my computer at the moment ;) My one little worry is the hair around the mouth - I worry about it being yucky from eating and drinking. How do you manage that Monah? I've only had fine haired dogs previously. Sorry RV if that is not exaclty relevant for you ;) I have a t towel i wipe her face with when she eats or drinks. They don't really get that yukky, the fur is very wiry. If not showing, you can cut it, but I like a beard etc :D the slobber isn't too bad at all. Not much of it. I love Braccos too, but there are only a couple here, and I think they are not going to fo any further with them Looks like I'll have to find a 'partner'...pf.. to import with.. I'm crazy about them. I'm a pretty dirty girl anyway (literal, not as in ;) 'you know'.. ;) ) and a bit of slobber and ick is fine. I still think RV, you should have a look at wire vizss.. lovely, nowhere near as hyper as a smooth viz, sort of inbetween a spin and a viz. but very suited to all sports and easy to train. Spotted Devil has put up a video of their ESS, .... dont look, you will WANT one..(I do) ;) (in general)
  19. :D Couldn't stop laughing!! Love it. gorgeous placid wonderful Ziggy.. ;) and the little monster. ;) is so adorable.. lovely family! congratulations on a great video. I'm extremely impressed with the musical direction!! perfection plus... ;)
  20. Aren't they wonderful??? I spend hours on that site, and facebook re spin friends. I see a few vizss in there too. Those photos etc. are EXACTLY what mine is like. One of the things I really like about the breed is that (as far as my experience goes) they are what they are, you dont hear of any dog or human aggression, nervousness etc. they are very stable dogs. I'm pretty sure there has never been a recorded bite from a spin. there can always be exceptions to the rule, but having had contact with very many spin people and breeders form all over the world, and here is aust., I have not heard of one yet. THere was one on HEartbeat (tv show) later episodes after dear old Alfred died. she was a honey!! and so good, even as a very young pup.... the downside was that they became a bit 'popular' and unsuitable people got them, so they have an amazing rescue/rehome service in UK where all the spins needing homes live in homes and socialise with heaps of people and dogs, upwards of 30 or 40. the photos are so lovely...
  21. I've met heaps of wire vizs, they are really lovely, coats vary so you can get a less wirey coat or quite a shaggy one. They are much more laid back than my viz (and most other vizs I know, there may be an exception out there.. ) several portugese here are doing very well at agility and other sports, they come in wavy coat (nice and soft and easy) or curly (bit more work), gorgeous breed, nice size too for what you are after. very clever dogs... I agree that if you are terribly interested in an agility dog that a spin may be a bit of a plodder and too large, they do excel at many other things inc. tracking etc. apart from that they fit the criteria.... Mine doesn't compete, we just do some training. I dont have the time etc. for all the travel involved. Would be different if we were in the city. My viz catches onto commands after one or two goes (using treats, she is GREEDY). SHe astounds me with her intelligence.... mind you, I've never had a poodle,...
  22. I think she will cope better than you Dogs love to be in their own 'territory'. She is safe and happy and understood where she is. Lovely of you to put her first, and you second. xxxxxxx
  23. Vizlas are mad You see them at Riverside a lot on Sundays when they have their meets, they are hyper dogs! caring and sharing and non resource guarding Spins. demanding viz. PLAY with me.. Yes, they are a little mad...
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