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Everything posted by taffy

  1. taffy


    He is pretty cute but I am a bit biased. Will is going to start doing junior handlers as well with the aim to show Finn once they are both settled. It should help with his anxiety in social situations
  2. taffy


    I took this one today, he is so happy when his boys get home
  3. taffy


    Well if you come this way, let me know. I'm sure Finn would like someone else telling him how gorgeous he is
  4. taffy


    Its a pity you are in NSW, he would love a playdate
  5. taffy


    As promised. He was not too happy about his hat
  6. taffy


    Thanks Cassie, it was horrible to lose him so suddenly. Finn has just had his first bath with us and did very well. Hated the bath but was okay with the dryer. I am going to be ordering a grooming table very soon to save my back. He is pretty good on the toilet training and seems to have accidents out of spite (I know how strange that sounds) If you take something off him that he wants or tell him no when he has stolen something he will have an "accident" I will be taking some more photos soon, he is just having a sleep now
  7. taffy


    I think so. He is a mummys boy at the moment We are going to attempt to take some Christmas photos over the weekend
  8. Ah, remnds me of ZsaZsa BitchVizsla.'tude was her second name.He should mellow.any photos please? :D Just made a new thread for him
  9. taffy


    One week ago tomorrow we picked up our new little guy from Melbourne, after losing Ed at 7 we decided to get the boys another dog while we waited for the right Newfoundland. We drove home with him to Adelaide and he didnt make a peep. It was not what I was expecting at all. He wakes us up at 6 am, barks to play and throws tantrums like a toddler and somehow he still has us all wrapped around his paw He has had his first trip to the vets today and is all happy and healthy (I wasnt expecting anything else but it is good to know) and with everything going to plan he will be entered into his first show on New Years eve
  10. :D Thankyou, I needed to hear that this morning. Our new Samoyed is full of attitude and throws mega tanties when he doesn't want to do something. He also gets grumpy at random strangers if they dont tell him how cute he is
  11. or, according to someone I know, they "dont have the time to suck up to breeders and go to dog shows" and all registered breeders are unethical. This was after they saw a breed they liked, called a breeder and got offered a pup the same day, didn't bother about health testing of the parents. Now said pup has expensive health issues. Next time they are just going to get a cross because according to them reg breeders are scams :banghead:
  12. Can you email it to me please Steve, I will send you a pm with the address
  13. Is anyone traveling Sydney to Adelaide that can bring a cat over? Renbury have a little man who runs out of time tomorrow and I am trying to organise transport.
  14. We are in this situation at the moment, Ed died a month ago and I am finding it really hard to handle life without a dog. DH and I have gone through so many breeds but cant find another that suits us so well. Its just the life expectancy and bloat that sucks My youngest (7) on the other hand is devastated without him (we all are) and is desperate for another dog, to the point of somehow finding the Dogzonline newfoundland puppy page and bringing it to me. He came out of surgery yesterday and the first thing he asked was if he could have another dog now. We just cannot come to a decision.
  15. Cant the person that has Cassie PM me please? the list has gone walkabout (thanks boys)
  16. Everyone should have a PM, let me know if you dont Thanks Lauren
  17. Miss Squish KelpieHoundMum Ker Tokkie Bully whiskedaway Justice Shades Mrs Rusty Bucket sparkycat harley - glad you can make it smile.gif Robbi LongWhiteCloud Cassie yellowgirl IDreamofDjinn I am hoping this has everyone on it. I am just about to send out pms with your names
  18. definately, I dont think it will work on Ed though
  19. try the deals direct one, we have it as Ed would climb through constantly and it has stopped him
  20. WOW what a change from when I first read this thread! He sound like he is doing brilliantly! I hope you have a great Christmas now
  21. I agree, I would be rushing to the vet. The sideways gait is very concerning
  22. taffy

    Rip Kareese

    RIP Kareese Carol, I am so sorry, I know how much you loved her even though she drove you mad. Her antics made me laugh though. She definitely knew where she wanted to be
  23. Omg Cassie I am so sorry I saw the title and thought nah cant be, it has to be another Oakley. I know how much you loved him, so did he and he was a gorgeous boy Thinking of you guys Lauren
  24. He looks like Edward did at that age, I thought he was too thin too but got my trainer (breeds saints) and the breeder to check him. he had just gone through a growth spurt as well Eta has he started to change coat? Ed looked so much skinnier when his coat was changing
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