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Everything posted by petmad

  1. my dog has constant ear infections due to yeast. i was so happy with the results after we put her under general anesthertic and got her ears flushed, plucked etc. due tot the constant infectiosn her canals were narrow, so it made it hard for teh meds to get down into the bottom of the ear, so reinfection was constant. the mri might be excess. i can't remeber exactly but i think it cost me btween $300-$500. i probably got her teeth cleaned while she was under.
  2. i'm trialing some new foods on my dogs and was wondering if anyone had heard anything about earthborn holistics or tried it themselves? i'm trialing primitive natural (grain free) on one and ocean fusion on another. any experience would be much appreciated. i've added a link where you can see the ingerdients and guarenteed analysis if needed. http://www.earthbornholisticpetfood.com/ cheers
  3. i'm sure this has probably been discussed before but i couldn't find it. if it was a link wold be great if not tell me all u know. i'm trying to analyse the ingredients list between brands to work out the quality i know they list the ingredient by weight- so what ever is listed first occurs most in the food. also dehydrated meat is even better than meat as it excludes the water that would occur in the meat prior to processing. they also have a guarenteed analysis which list % protein and %fat % moisture etc, what do the diffent % in different food mean. and what % do u look for in each. and also what else can we find out from the list of ingredient please? thanks
  4. i have a dog which is a licker and she also handdandruff. i went to many vets with no soloution until my latest vet. my dog actaully has yeast infections, the yeast like warm moist spots to grow such as between toes and the ears. might be worth checking out. i had her on some meds (only for a short period), had her ears professionally cleaned and changed her diet, regualrly bath her malaseb and nows shes a brand new dog.
  5. wow theres so much in this thread, i couldn't read it all. so sorry if this ahs been asked before but what do people think about buying premade barf mixes such as doctor b's? how do they can compare with homemade barf and kibble? thank kim
  6. It is also for the most frequently purchased bag size. But if say you have purchased 9 15kg bags and one 4kg you will only get a 4kg free, so its best to have a seperate card for the smaller bags to maintain your big freebie! i'm of the understanding that if u buy 9x15kg and 1x4kg bags u have still purchased more 15kg bags so would get a 15kg free. so even if u buy 4 x4kg and 6 x 15kg u should recieve a 15kg free. if it were 6x 4kg then u would only get a 4kg free- so thats when u would have a extra card. thast what happens where i am. kim
  7. dandruff can also be a sign of yeast infection and if tht was the case malaseb wash is the way to go. but u can get the vet ton easily test for yeast. kim
  8. cataracts are a definite possiblity even though shes only young, my dog began developing them in both eyes at approx 2yrs. he jus started running ino things (large things like parked cars). in my dog this must be in his genes, although often cataracts in young dogs is asscoiated with diabetes (if so it could be traeted), this is an easy test doen by the vets with a pee sample but a good indication is if the dog drink excessivly.
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