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Everything posted by ingrid

  1. well done you will learn heaps. I started with my group first gundogs and really enjoyed it because you learn lots about all the breeds. I have since done hounds because like gundogs they are the ones I like most. I grew up with gundogs both show and field and I think learning about what dogs were bred for and what makes up their characteristics (esp if from other breeds) is absolutely fascinating. I spend hours researching the history and watching them at work to understand what the originators of the breeds were after. (There are some hilarious videos of working ibizan hounds but you will never forget what these dogs should look like after watching them.) This makes it much easier to decide which dogs best fit the standard when you are judging. someone showed me an excellent video on a breed lecture about cockers and americans and the differences and that was fantastic. Its made me reconsider though whether I would be an all breeds judge rather than a specialist because I would prefer to be known as someone who really understood a couple of groups really well than tried to remember everything about 7 groups. I always try and ask breed specialists what they consider the most important thing in their breed because it helps to identify where breeds may no longer be as in line with the standards but are being bred for the generalist show dog look or following fads. Pass or fail you will learn heaps so it is a good exercise to go through. And right from the start you need to decide whether you will be an honest judge or a face judge. Personally I would prefer to be an honest judge and make an honest mistake in my choices through inexperience or some moment of sheer panic than lose my integrity.
  2. GASP - I totally agree - can not see any possible reason for this to happen - bitches whelping at shows, surely it would come under irresponsible pet ownership! To all those it has happened to I would say - either rethink your priorities or get a life. Like to see the owners giving birth at a show - sure it would be hygienic, comfortable and stress free! Perhaps they should test their theories themselves and find out. After all the dogs can hardly complain!
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