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Everything posted by Danois

  1. My recommendation is the Holey Moley. I stuff all kinds of things into it - at the moment its 4Legs.
  2. yes Boo chewed the lid. He picked it up, took it into his crate and turned it into a big chew toy.
  3. Danois


    So sorry Katie A new star shines bright tonight.
  4. Aussie Pet Supplies on Parramatta Road at Haberfield - its on the left side as you head into the city.
  5. *snipped quote* You might not want to put the question into context but unfortunately the law does not work in a bubble. How something is defined and how the law applies to it all depends on the particular circumstances/ issue and a 'legal eagle' can't give a proper answer without knowing the facts. Sounds like you're best going to see a lawyer and getting a definitive answer from them after they have considered the facts.
  6. Be thankful you don't have a dog that can put its chin between your boobs...
  7. You want to bury a dead cat with the owner - meaning the owner of the cat is dead?
  8. I spoke with Richard there on Thursday afternoon. He made sure he grabbed a bag of Eagle Pack Power when he went to EP that afternoon and it was dispatched by the end of the day (arrived last night). They've been fantastic to deal with re Eagle Pack. I did try to call earlier in the day and got no answer (but there is an answer machine eventually on the line) and when I rung back it was answered in a couple of rings.
  9. Under the Vic POCTA Act, thing is specifically defined to include an animal and a POCTA inspector can photograph any thing on the premises they enter. Animals are classified as chattels or goods in the eyes of the law.
  10. Spend a couple of years with a mentor who is a registered breeder, learn everything you can from them, assist with whelpings, attend shows and learn to critique (the good and the bad) and learn the breed standard inside and out as well as health testing etc relevant to the breed. Then and only then consider breeding if you have stock worth breeding from and obtain your own prefix.
  11. I agree entirely. Maybe having the dog PTS is the best thing for the dog.
  12. In the bathtub with a shower attachment. Only downside is I end up with water everywhere as his head is over the side and the sides of the tub only come up to his knees
  13. I'm with Adza - this is more for the owners than the dogs. Owners who like to take their dogs everywhere with them and America has more relaxed dog laws than here re where dogs can go. No different really than taking your dog to places like Cafe Bones - you get a special dog drink there and dog treats to have alongside your latte and banana bread.
  14. I'd recommend vet. I had a boy who had a swollen hock which felt squishy. Did not cause him to limp. It would come up and go down. Turns out he had an immune mediated disease (immune mediated poly arthritis).
  15. Sounds like you need to change your vet - I know I can trust my vet without a doubt. There is no way they vaccinate a dog to hope it gets a skin condition so they get more fees - especially as most end up at a specialist.
  16. I use it in the Holey Moley treat ball - a packet lasts me about a week like this. Would not feed it simply because I'd need too much but used to feed it regularly to my friend's poodle x.
  17. I think the list is a generic list for cat and dog colours
  18. The judgment stated it clearly - there was some procedural issues with the Bega Show Committee's declaration as the decision to declare aggressive was made before statements had been prepared (sounds like it had been verbally discussed). The (court) judge was of the view that the claimant was denied a fair hearing in front of the Show Committee Inquiry BUT that these were cured by the DogsNSW hearing which was the 'operative' decision (i.e. the one which the dog was banned for 6 months) and which heard all the evidence. (see para 93). That aside, the dog should not have been in the ring if it was so unwell it was requiring that much imodium.
  19. Nope - not me either. This is the one I got: http://www.etsy.com/listing/59459281/pre-o...camera-bag-dslr
  20. I really think you are getting wound up for no reason If the council was going to make you put dogs on lead then why would they grant a licence to use a park for trials/ classes etc
  21. That or it was me who got it Which one?
  22. Without knowing the legislation but surely the legislation re being on lead only applies to dogs in public places and not dogs on private property? ETA - I just looked at the Act and cannot see any mention re enforcing of leash laws etc- what section are you looking at?
  23. I've put in several claims for skin related matters and they've all been paid without question. Mind you I got insurance the day I got my dog so there had been no prior trips to the vet.
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